first robert smith and the cure hate to be called goth, besides they are one of the best bands in the world and have more depth than any other band. They are different and i have yet to hear a song of theirs that isnt good. Robert smith is a fucking genius and the word "Goth" is just fucking dumb and goth doesnt even mean dark and dreary its acctually filled with pleasant things so for all the "Goth" kids of the world you are dumbasses!
Robert Smith hates Queen and pretty much every single artist who has achieved more success than he and his band has.
Fat Bob's biggest achievement in his career was becoming a robot and beating the shit out Barbara Sterisand in South Park.
Mr.Jingles wrote: Robert Smith hates Queen and pretty much every single artist who has achieved more success than he and his band has.
Fat Bob's biggest achievement in his career was becoming a robot and beating the shit out Barbara Sterisand in South Park.