your gonna get a lot of different opinions on who's solo stuff is the best. My favorite is freddie, Check out his solo box. If your looking for a more of a queen sound maybe go for brians. I personally find his solo stuff boring. Check out the bloody brilliant freddie in "barcelona" it's one of the truly creative and original albums i'v ever heard. Mr. Bad is considered freddie version of Hot space (not his best) but has it's moments. Also freddie "the great pretender" is great.
i think Brian's stuff is great.
i recomend the Brian May Band live at Brixton Academy it has great live versions of his owm songs plus some great live Queen faves including Hammer and tie your mother down. Plus headlng never done live Before.
check it out.
Do you like Roger's songs/voice? Do you enjoy Brian's? If you're unsure, you can listen to clips on (and other places I'm sure).
I heard Brian sing We Will Rock You. I have to say, though it's 'his' song, the entire tone/mood is altered with him singing instead of Freddie. The minute Freddie starts to sing, I'm hooked. I don't feel that with the others, so, personally, I wouldn't buy solo works from either of them. I've only bought Freddie's. Personal taste rules here.
I would prefer Roger's solo albums. Roger has a more edgier sound, with songs about space, political fallout, and the mysteries that surround us. And his rough voice definitely adds more grittiness and power to his music.
Strange Frontier is my favorite album of his. Happiness? is also a good one too. I remember hearing Killing Time (from Strange Frontier) somewhere and I thought it was kickass, so I kept my eyes and ears open for more Rog stuff. He's pretty cool!