a few weeks ago a posted a thread about how I got In trouble for swering at the class because they were mocking queen, link
I forgot to tell you my outcome... well,
my mam came into school and had a word with the head teacher and i got my Queen Album back!! and i got a written Sory note from the school : )
and all the chavs have backed off me and dont really say anything to me ( well they never said anything to me anyway) so im happy!
Thank you
Good job!
I know, the school wanted to take my MIH cd because of the song Mother Love and they said its lyrics are innapropriate. So I told them to f*ck off and they sent me to the reading lab where I listened to Queen more!
Those facist bastards of the school will never win!
deleted user 04.12.2005 12:41
Have you heard now their banning Christmas from schools? It's ridculous. One school has banned Christmas cards because they are a waste of paper and it's wrong for children to bring them in.
I just moved to a town a little to onto church..but they have this thing where they don't call any of the holidays by there proper name eg:Christmas break...and on top of all that some of the students freak me out,they have a 2hr prayer group around the flag pole in the front of the school (shuders) Im not a santanist or anything but its creepy the way they try to recrute people!
Hey Tyfoon I had missed the other thread. What they said was absurd, and confiscating the album was even worse! I can't believe it. Great you got it back and that your Mom stood up for you!