Thanks Janet *hugs*, Barry *man hugs*. Marial *hugs as well* - thats all over with the wifey im afraid to say! New start for me, new job, new band, new girlfriend! We lost the baby. Its been a bad year but things are looking up and Im happy again now, thats why Ive been quiet on here! I needed to find myself! Woman are bad news (most of them anyway!)
And the band sound ace, just bought myself a new Les Paul and its damned sexy!
Welcome back Sean. We're very glad to see you here again.
I know it must be heartbreaking to lose the baby, but to say the least you and your wife must remain strong and hold on to each other. To think of it in a positive way, perhaps for some reason having a baby right now wasn't meant to be. There will always be another chance, where you guys will have better luck raising a happy and healthy child.
Best wishes.
Ty all, nice to see some old faces on here! Last time I had a look through I didnt recognise anybody so I didnt bother posting!! Hope youre all well! And thanks :o)