Got this magazine a while ago and im beging to read it. Fantabulous so far! Just want to know, me being a newbie to the Queendom and all, what you all think of it. Is it all true? (the stuff Brian didn't say himself, anyway) any opinions on it?
Yeah, I was ignoring posts on the magazine and then, there it was at 7-11. I got mine. Cool to see a tab for Ogre Battle. Queen tends to sometimes forget their early, early stuff(which is my favorite).
There are stories in the magazine, especially about the Queen parties, which I've never read anywhere else. They're awesome stories, and I don't have any reason to doubt them. If the midget with cocaine is true, then the transsexuals giving oral sex in the bathrooms are probably true too!
I think they did a great job with this issue.The story concerning the party in N.O.has been out there for some time.I actually had an issue of Circus magazine that chronicled the party albeit there was no mention of Coke,but the unisex bathroom massages were mentioned amongst other details mentioned in the GL article.Interestingly I recall having an issue of Grooves magazine back in the mid seventies it featured Queen and Aerosmith.In this issue there were pictures of a party being held for Brian's birthday.One picture had Freddie giving a big hug to one of the wive's of the band Kiss.Another picture was of John Belushi.I can only imagine what that party must have been like.
Sir GH<br><h6>ah yeah</h6> wrote: There are stories in the magazine, especially about the Queen parties, which I've never read anywhere else. They're awesome stories, and I don't have any reason to doubt them. If the midget with cocaine is true, then the transsexuals giving oral sex in the bathrooms are probably true too!
It is true and the entire article was republished with permission from and that was in the March 2005 ''Uncut Magazine'' Queen Cover Story as so is the interview with Brian.
What a great mag! I haven't even begun to read it, but I flipped through and looked at tons of great pics.
I also picked up Guitar World with Keith Richards on the cover, which includes a CD-R including Reaching Out/TYMD video from the upcoming DVD. I already had it on the Hollywood ROTC bonus DVD, but what the heck. This one's 38 MB and perfect for sharing with friends :)
Having finished the first article, the reprinted one, all I can think is how sad it is that it was chosen as the lead-off article. With the new live album out here, prominently displayed in all the finest record shops.. young fans may see this magazine with Queen on the cover and be excited by the prospect of learning more about this legendary band.
And then they open it up and are told straight off that Freddie was nothing more than a witty drug-abusing sex addict who liked to party. Nothing about his songwriting or vocal talents.. yes, hits are mentioned, but only Bo Rhap is credited to him.. as a thinly disguised example of his struggle with sexuality.
Why not an article which points out some of the finer guitar moments in Queen's history.. to kick off "Guitar Legends"?. The smut is what sells magazines? Nonsense. Queen pictured on the cover and thumbing through to see loads of cool pictures is what sells magazines. This type of thing is totally unnecessary and you know what it's really saying?
Followed immediately by an article singing the praises of Paul Rodgers (which I admittedly haven't read yet, but it doesn't take a genius to figure what it's going to say), in my opinion this sends a clear message.. Freddie fucked up and died, but here's the new Queen for you all to buy..
I'm sorry I supported such nonsense by purchasing the thing now. The pictures however are quite lovely.
Come to think of it... after reading Jeffrey's post, I have to agree with what he's saying. As a hardcore Queen fan who has such a deep knowledge of the band, I read articles and enjoy when I read something I haven't heard before.
However, speaking from the perspective of a casual fan, or someone who isn't a fan: FM does come off as a gay sex-craving drug addict, with little being said about his talents. But even before Paul Rodgers became associated with Queen, that's how the majority of the US views Freddie, anyway. Well, maybe not the drug part, but certainly the gay sex-addict part. Almost everyone on this side of the pond who has heard of Freddie Mercury will initially think of the word "gay" before his musical talents.
One thing i kinda didnt like about this whole thing was the majority (if not all of it) of the magazine articles where re-prints of other magazines.... nothing original stood out to me. Still, cool to have a whole magazine dedicated to Queen for a month or so.