What is the thing involving Queen that irritates you the most? For me:
1. That thre is such a lack of true appreciation in the U.S. for them compared to everywhere else.
2. That these idiots keep bashing the PR tour.
3. That people think Freddie was the band. I have 100% respect for Freddie but with all that the others have donw(particularly Brian and Roger) I don't swallow that at all.
4. (this should be 1) That Greg Brooks and Queen are taking a million years to release the box stuff.
5. That Queen was so poor early on at picking their singles. How do you choose Keep Yourself Alive over Liar, The Night Comes Down or Doing Alright? How do you choose anything over March of the Black Queen?
6. That Another One Bites The Dust is their biggest American hit.
7. That it has taken them this long to finally tour again.
8. That they have releases of Live Killers, Live Magic, Wembley and Milton Keyenes when they have several better shows they could pop out(Earl's Court, Houston, Rainbow, Budapest)
9. That people who aren't huge fans like me can't have a minute conversation about them without bringing in their association about how Freddie was gay.
10. That critics don't praise them, but this is so fucking stupid that I am more baffled than annoyed. Just think, Rolling Stones a year or so ago released their 100 best all time albums list and Queen didn't have an entry. If I were them, I would feel smarter saying that we forgot about them rather than saying they didn't make it.
Bonus annoyance: That as an aspiring piano/guitar player I have bought an all music tab for the Beatles whole career but can find almost nothing but hit compilations for Queen sheet music. They should have a definitive anthology like the Beatles.
AmeriQueen wrote: 9. That people who aren't huge fans like me can't have a minute conversation about them without bringing in their association about how Freddie was gay.
Unfortunately this is very true and common. And not only when talking about Freddie. I've been reading the LiVE discussion boards lately, and the homophobia there is unbelievable. They cannot even write the word GAY on there (they use g*y etc.). That kinda attitude makes me sick!
I had to listen to jerks for over 3 years in my old school, saying I was gay cos I listened to Queen. And I'm sure many others have had that too.
Makes me angry... and sad about those people's stupidness who say such things and cannot focus on what's actually relevant.
about Queen picking the wrong songs to release as singles well its the record company who releases wot they think will sell the best so i wouldnt have thought Queen had much say in it and especially not when they were just starting out. they were probably glad to finally have anything out to buy no matter wot it was!!
What annoys the hell out of me are threads that ask "is Freddie REALLY gay???" and then others respond "Well he was straight for a while but then turned gay" and "He was bisexual (another annoyance: people who spell it "bi-sexual") because he had a few girlfriends."
And then I step in correcting them all and explaining how it is impossible and unethical to 'change' and my contributions to said threads go ignored.
Why are some people so interested in knowing if so and so is gay/bi/straight?I guess they think depending on the celebrities sexuality,they might actually get a chance to sleep with him/her?Yeah,right.The simple truth is Freddie was an incredible talent and the reason I became a fan was because of his voice and his songs and NOT because of his moustache and leather trousers.
During and even after highschool, and somewhat today, folks in my hometown throw the gay word around if you listen to something other than pop-country. I used to think this was a south Louisiana thing, but it's all over this country. To this day, I can ride around the town I live...be listening to Queen, or Pink Floyd, or any Eric Clapton song other than lay down sally...and I will get funny looks. I don't care what others think, but it is a shame that folks here in the states settle for crap, pre-produced "music" instead of giving something...anything...diffrent a chance. Sad, sad, sad!!!
What I really hate is when people don't like Queen just because Freddie was gay. I can't express in words how much I hate when people do this, as if him being gay had an effect on their music and thus it is unlistenable. If you're that inscure about yourself that you can't listen to a certain groups music because one member was gay then you should be beaten to a pulp and be ostrazised from the world community.
Gahh, I hate ignorant childish people.
This is a very minor pet peeve, but I have always hated Freddie's outfits on The Works tour. I love the setlist of the shows, but sometimes while listening to a Works Tour bootleg, I just picture Freddie in that dreadful leotard thing. While on the subject of the Works Tour, the electronic drums Roger used on some songs on that tour are cringe-worthy....
I hate people who call themselves real rockers, and I'll ask them a question about Queen or Black Sabbath, or even Led Zeppelin and they'll flake out, like, "Who are they?". And then they'll pimp some band thats ok and be like yeah they're so original, ex. The Strokes (not that anyone has bragged about the strokes to me) good band, but the lead singer sounds like Lou Reed, he's even said it, and the band has covered some VU. And I'll say something like, y'know he sounds like lou reed right? and the person bragging the strokes will just say; "Who the fuck is Lou Reed?".
'Nother pet peeve, when people think all queen songs are gay anthems, IMO i think they arent but i guess they could be interpreted that way if you REALLY want to.
That Queen now has a reputation of being a mainstream pop singles band (because of the selections on the compilation albums), instead of the hard rock band image they used to have in the States.