Why don't we put up a poll:
1: Bryans Permed Poodle get the f... out of here!
2: Please throw more shit !
I guess if he gets 150 votes he is out!
deleted user 22.08.2005 11:41
what the fuck is wrong with you guys
just ignore his posts and act as if there not there, and quit making these god forsaken posts about him or the tour
<font color=space>sweden_man wrote: what the fuck is wrong with you guys
just ignore his posts and act as if there not there, and quit making these god forsaken posts about him or the tour
Let me give you this comparison:
We're in a minefield, and annoyed by it. You're telling us that if we ignore the fact that there are mines, we'll do just fine.
Yes, but you willingly and knowingly entered the minefield to add more mines.