If you are an old friend of his, why did you come to this site to find out where he lives? (No offense, but, really - did you think you'd get a straight answer?)
I'm gonna try to be helpful and say that I think you'd have better success in getting a message to Roger via Jacky Smith at the OIQFC.
Good luck!
Penetration_Guru wrote: You don't want dumb answers to your dumb question?
A tad hypocritical, I contend.
Is your nose growing?.. why would you come here and ask were he is living? Again no respect. Since you apparently think you know him. Roger lives with Me!!!
I have said this before. So no need to ask again.
Roger, as well as Brian and John all live in a lovely town called, Moneyville. Metaphoric, but true, and you should respect their privacy.
Would you want the entire world to know on an internet board where you live, so people can hound you to no end and not let you live a normal life?
*shakes head* This is why people like George Harrison RIP, had to live like a prisoner in a gated, guarded, security teched home. Lousy to be a prisoner in your own home.
And some nut jub still broke in and stabbed him that last year of his life. If Harrison's wife hadn't quickly thought of conking the intruder/nut job with the night lamp and knocking him out, the wacko would have killed George.
Or look at what did happen to John Lennon, since his home was public knowledge?
Just leave Roger and Brian, John some peace and normalcy in their private life and be grateful to how much they give you in their public, creative life, and leave it at that.
What do you take us for?
I doubt very much that anyone of us would ever want to, or will ever be invited to any of his house(s).
Yes, we do actually respect his privacy.We have no intentions of stalking him (I havent anyway). We are just repeating what Roger has actually stated in the media at some point or other.
If you do actually read what we have written, we have narrowed it down to COUNTRY not specific address details.
Here's a silly question: Why do you need to know where he lives? I cannot understand why people are fascinated with celebrity addresses...this isn't Southern California and we are not taking a tour.
Go to Los Angeles and take a tour of celebrity homes I recommend it highly, or if your in the UK take a tour of the castles...I did that last Novemeber and had a real wonderful trip...even thought I lived in the Uk my entire life...I was well chuffed with that tour.
Nobody bothers Bob Geldof cause if they did, he'd start snapping his fingers every three seconds and tell them how many children died today of starvation. What a downer. Then he'd strap them to a chair and make them listen to a Boomtown Rats album while he gave them a ridiculous haircut like many of his.
On a more serious note related to addresses, I downloaded Google Earth a couple of days ago (it's the entire planet via satellite pics) and went zipping over to Kensington, looking at all the addresses the boys lived at in the early days. What a trip, to see the streets they used to walk, the Kensington Tavern where Freddie met Brian and Roger, and then later Mary Austin. Garden Lodge is plainly visible too a ways down the road. It's a great aid to envisioning the early days, and what it might have been like to be a fly on the wall at our version of Graceland. Having never been to London, it's as good as it gets, I think. Check it out.