OK, everybody knows that there are straight people, gay/lesbian people, and bisexuals. Here's what I want to discuss. Do you think that there is such a thing as nonsexual? As in not being physically attracted to anybody no matter the sex.
I think there is. Here is my reasoning. Most people are attracted to one or the other or both, but some people just can't get past friendship with anyone and they prefer to be by themselves than to have some one sexually.
I ask this because I am thinking that I am one of them. And that the reason why I don't have a boyfriend or anyone in general is because I'm not attracted to anyone. The same thing with girls. I'm not attracted to them. It might be a good thing because I know I don't necessarily want to get married. It will bug me if I don't have kids though.
What do you guys think? Is there such a thing as nonsexual?
deleted user 20.07.2005 00:16
Well, I think it is possible for people to not have the desire to have sex. Whether it be out lack of interest or because they just feel uncomfortable in doing....or even because there isn't attraction involved.
I also have heard of instances in which couples have gotten married and had sex, but it was only for the sole purpose of having children. I really do not know if there is such a thing as a nonsexual, though.
I wouldn't feel too upset by the fact that you haven't felt attracted to anyone yet. If it will happen, it will happen. And if it doesn't, that should also be fine as long as you are happy.
If there is such a thing as a 'non-sexual' (and I do not doubt it) then I think I must be the exact opposite! heh...
But, if thats the way you are, nothing wrong with that......(sounds like that Seinfeld bit...'not thats there anything wrong with that!')
I once had a friend who claimed to be asexual... she was so damn proud of it too. She eventually broke away from that...rather recently too.
I used to be that way, and now I fear I am quite the opposite.
I suppose it is possible, but i feel it is more of a case of understanding yourself and meeting the right people.
Well... Everybody has his ups and downs... I had a period too that it was hard for me to love someone. Or to feel attractive to someone.
Maybe you have a period like that now. Or maybe it's good to experiment a bit. Just try to let someone into your life. Maybe you gonna like it.
On the other hand... sex is listed in the hierarchy of human needs.. along with sleep, water, and food.
I think someone could be having a down time in their life, where they may prefer masturbation to sex with another.
But for someone to not have a sex life, nor masturbation.. or the desire for either, I have never heard of that.
I have a great sex life, plus a great masturbation life, I wouldn't give up either, and feel that I need both.
Interesting rmtfiction...
I have heard of these people "asexuals" here is some interesting information from Sigmund Freud on various information regarding human sexuality and the personality: link
It may be interesting to look into books on fear of intimacy as opposed to "asexuality"
Amazon.com may have a few titles.
Good Luck on your search!
well, im glad u asked for help and dont feel uncomfortable admitting it...that's the first step, i think. i dont know much about this, but my guess is is that it could just be a stage that youll soon get over...but if it continues for a long time, and it is really bothering you to the point where you're constantly depressed over it and you dont feel that you can possibly help yourself, seek professional help....i know, personally i wouldnt want to take an of my deep problems to other people, but it's worth a try...
hope this helps, and good luck, hon! ^.^