This is stupid really, but anyway.
Has anyone noticed, in the album Live Killers just before they play the song Love of my Life, Freddie says to the audience "The things you have to do for money...", then he had this laugh, like "Ha haaa..." which I think is hilarious ! Has anyone noticed it ?
I also laughed my ass out when I saw the Miracle Interviews on GVH 2 - when John is interviewed and then he says to Brian and Roger "It's OK, come on !" to let them pass. Then Brian says about John to the interviewer "He's lying!" and here goes Roger, shaking his ass to the camera... that's SOOOO hilarious.
Anyone thought this was funny ?
Or discuss about anything else you've noticed from a Queen album or DVD or whatever, that made you laugh - I know that someone was talking recently about the Live at Wembley DVD, when John runs to the others and has this funny run...
What's you funny thing ?
The interview is on Greatest Video Hits 2, disc 2. Brian, Roger and John speak about their new album, The Miracle. UNfortunately, Freddie isn't interviewed.
I chuckled the first few times I heard the interruptions before Tutti Frutti on Wembley '86.
At that point, I didn't own the DVD, so I just saw an image in my head of Freddie getting beaned over the head by Brian or Roger with a tambourine (which you can clearly hear, followed by something that sounded like "Fuck you!"), and then Freddie griping at Brian to get the right key.
If only that's what happened on the DVD...
I crack up every time I hear the patented -The things you do for money- laugh
and it WOULD have been great if Roger DID bean Fred over the head with the tambourine.
At some other gig, I'm told that John was offstage in the wings (perhaps during Brian's guitar solo) and was tossing peanuts, one by one at Brian. That stunt actually sounds like something I would do, so I'm guessing John was trying to see how many he could get to land in--and get stuck in--Brian's hair.
I also read somewhere that Thin Lizzy guitarist Scott Gorham (I think it was SG) mentioned a gig where TL was also on the bill with Queen, people in the audience were throwing stuff on stage. He said Brian got the worst of it, including eggs and all manner of vegetables, but like a pro he stuck with it, slipping and sliding in the eggs, etc. Gorham characterized it something like -a guy was out there with the entire contents of a salad bar, hurling them Brian's way.
While I certainly don't condone throwing stuff at anyone, although the legendary condom toss at Roger at Manchester in May was classic, Gorham's account of the incident was funny.
I thought it was that at some concert the audience was throwing peanuts at John when a John-written song was played..........cus the audience found that John loved peanuts.....or was that a separate incident?
John threw them at Brian. You can see it on a documentary. I think it was 'Killer Queen' from a couple of years back. Someone mentions that John did that and you see something hit Brian and you can see him go 'I'm doing a solo' or something like that.
Suigi wrote: I chuckled the first few times I heard the interruptions before Tutti Frutti on Wembley '86.
At that point, I didn't own the DVD, so I just saw an image in my head of Freddie getting beaned over the head by Brian or Roger with a tambourine (which you can clearly hear, followed by something that sounded like "Fuck you!"), and then Freddie griping at Brian to get the right key.
If only that's what happened on the DVD...
It's when Freddie has to go and grab a cup of water . . . he says among other things -- I need my water, I don't effing care!-- and Roger chimes in with a very funny and slaggy --Ah-- and Brian gives F this kind of, well . . . hurry up! gesture, then Freddie rushes over to the edge of the stage but now the others are all taking their time to get ready. I laugh every time I see that. F throws in one of his hilarious -for eff's sakes--as in, now give us the key for eff's sake! I'm laughing now just thinking about it!
My favorite funny thing is the on the Tokyo Highlights on Live At The Bowl. During Crazy Little Thing Called Love, during the long instrumental, you see Brian dash over to the piano and Freddie follows him. Then you see Brian eyeing something behind the piano. His right hand leaves the guitar and hits someone! Then you see Freddie head back there and the spotlight shines on some guy with one of those applaud hats. You know, the hats with the hands on them that have a little string that you can pull and makes the hands clap. It's sooo funny, because, who WAS that guy?!