What do you like to consume in the summer?
I enjoy:
Iced Coffee
Iced Tea
Cold soda (any diet variety)
Frozen drinks
Frozen Novelties..esp. freeze pops
Cucumbers in vinegar with fresh ground pepper
My grandpa's dill pickles
And hmm..can't really think of anything else at the moment. Pretty much anything that's cold or simple.
In the summer, like most fellow Kiwis, I love
Christmas cake
Candy canes
Christmas mince pies
Nana's meatloaf
Aww, why the hell is it the middle of winter, I wan't summer to hurry up and get here coz I'm freezing my ears off!
Ice water
Ice Tea
Honeydew Melon
Nice salads with lots of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cold hard boiled eggs, carrots, broccoli.
Barbecue chicken
Barbecue hot dogs & hamburgers
ice cream
barbecue steak
corn on the cob
steamed crabs
<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote: Oh ya, I totally forgot my favorite thing in the world...
I thought I was your favorite thing in the world? :(
I love summer food. My favorites are...
Barbecue chicken
Grilled shrimp
Ice cream sundaes
Frappucinos from Starbucks
French fries
I love that during any time of the year. Also mud pie or anything featuring ice cream.
But I also enjoy watermelon, mango, assorted fruit juices, and my favorite thing in the entire world...
...chocolate cannoli.
I'm salivating just thinking about it. Cannoli of any kind, actually. And tiramisu, sfogatelle, pastaciotti, and crostata. You Italians are so damn lucky.
<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote: Oh ya, I totally forgot my favorite thing in the world...
I thought I was your favorite thing in the world? :(
<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote: Oh ya, I totally forgot my favorite thing in the world...
I thought I was your favorite thing in the world? :(
That 300 lbs neighbour that everyone has in their block. This typical specimen has a humongous beer belly and thinks he must be Brad Pitt because everytime he mows his lawn he has to come outside without a shirt, so everybody can stare and admire all the greasy dripping down his fat gut, and all those nasty hairs growing on his back.
kiwi_queen_bean wrote: In the summer, like most fellow Kiwis, I love
Christmas cake
Candy canes
Christmas mince pies
Nana's meatloaf
Aww, why the hell is it the middle of winter, I wan't summer to hurry up and get here coz I'm freezing my ears off!
That post makes me miss the summer...going to the beach, TV not totally taken over by rugby, my birthday.
Oddly enough though I don't like having Christmas in summer. It's silly that we try and continue Northern Hemisphere Christmas traditions like turkey and puddings. Last Christmas my dad was in Scotland so me and mum did away with the big Christmas lunch and had a nice antipasto platter and lots of sauvignon blanc instead :-)
I could really go for some pavlova and strawberries now though...but at least it's feijoa season :-D
Mr.Jingles79 wrote: That 300 lbs neighbour that everyone has in their block. This typical specimen has a humongous beer belly and thinks he must be Brad Pitt because everytime he mows his lawn he has to come outside without a shirt, so everybody can stare and admire all the greasy dripping down his fat gut, and all those nasty hairs growing on his back.
Ain't that true. But you forgot that he also has a "comb-over" hairstyle, a do in which a grand total of eight long greasy strands of hair are combed over a bald spot the size of Africa. It looks perfectly natural to one who has been blind since birth, but to everyone else it looks like a huge egg in the grasp of some mutated arachnid.