Taken from Jimmy's (son of Brian) site (link:
Did you know Freddie Mercury and what was he like?
"Yes, I did. My experience of Freddie was of a great and energetic entertainer. But he was more of a man than many may know. Freddie would party like the best of them, but he would always come down hard on anyone who swore or was inappropriate in front of children. I respected him for his moral code. I remember him as a great man."
Serry... wrote: Taken from Jimmy's (son of Brian) site (link:
Did you know Freddie Mercury and what was he like?
But he was more of a man than many may know. Freddie would party like the best of them, but he would always come down hard on anyone who swore or was inappropriate in front of children. "
f**king hell! he'd have had his f**king bast**d work pi**ing well cut out with ar**ing tw*tting f**king queenzone then!!!
Read the last half dozen posts on this topic thread.
I already brought up this quote, and some other LOVELY things Mary Austin said, and another Queenzoner also brought up some lovely things that Kashmira said alll regarding Freddie's regard and respect for Jimmy and children..and what a good, kind person Freddie was around children. link
It's ok sweetie, I...am proud to say I am NOT Scott Mercury..or some of the other Qzoners who would...
..PUT you in front of a firing squad for not using the search button, and just posting an INTERESTING topic...that you like and that you want to share with us.
Sergey...I am unarmed..well since Obi Wan cut them both off on the planet of Mustaphar. Damn him! Little Star Wars humor there!
Your topics/posts are always welcome! :)