sos not enough info i listened to the album and thought it was wicked the greatest hits that is.
Love second side listen to it on itunes at mo as well as deacon blue.
<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote: Ah, I love Meatloaf! The Hits Out of Hell cd is my fav. :-)
Paradise by the Dashboard Light rocks!!
You haven't heard ANYTHING until you listen to Bat Out Of Hell and Bat Out Of Hell 2: Back Into Hell!!!
I'll hafta buy those. It's my mum's cd. We don't have too many Meatloaf ones, she has a little of everything in her collection. That's how I discover half the stuff I like, just by going through her cds and listening to whatever looks interesting. Just yesterday I realized that I like Steppen Wolf quite a bit. :-)
<font color=#C5150>The Fairy King</font> wrote: I think Meatloaf is just one person :)
and yeh i like his music too!
AND his acting, luved him in Fight Club!!! xD
And "Rocky Horror Picture Show", his first film as Frankenfurters' lover/dinner, and episodes on TV of "Tales From The Crypt".
I like Meatloaf too. Cool guy, from Texas USA!
I used to like Meatloaf too. Then I found out that almost all his music is written by Jim Steinman. Jim Seinman's solo album even has some songs on it that Meatloaf performs. Now I still like the music but I am not as supportive of the person Meatloaf anymore. Sort of disillusioned.
Oh my! Young man, You need to get yourself a copy of "Bat Out Of Hell"! ;)
I picked that cd up in Ashford the other day and was tempted to buy but bought Thin Lizzy's greatest hits instead cause didn't have any of their music. The only cd i have of Meatloaf's at moment is the double cd the one with all their realease's.