not really. Years ago there were people I thought I hated but that was only because they didn't like me and bullied me. But then i think that was just your garden variety violent dislike.
deleted user 29.05.2005 19:31
No, I too try not to. Beucase I know what it feels like to be hated, especially by someone you care about. It feels dreadful.
I'm ashamed to admit it but I hate my husband's ex-wife - she's a lazy fat cow who basically sponges off the government rather than getting off her ass and working and she's ruining my stepchildren's lives and there is not a thing we can do about it - all the good we try to do she undoes in one swift stroke. Its a long story but she's everything I deplore.
umm...not in general, not completely. but there have been several particular situations in which I momentarily felt hate for a person. But it vanishes and what lasts is only the disliking of a person. Or the feeling of not caring at all or not having any feelings at all, which I think, can be even worse.
I've disliked a lot of people, but truly hated someone only once...
I hate the manager of my first job. He was a racist asshole. He would scream at me and other people for no reason, and force us to work without break and overtime without pay. I remember it was my first job since I came here to the U.S. and my English was still quite broken whenever I had to speak and I had a hard time once in a while understanding things. Instead of trying to understand that English wasn't my first language, this fuckin' son of a bitch would be specially harsh on me for that.
After I quit I ended up finding out where he lived, and a couple of months later I went there like at 2am in the morning and I dumped a bucket of paint on his car.
My manager at the supermarket i work in.*nervous twitch* the biggest, laziest, most arrogant arse on the planet. but thats about it!gosh i am a pleasant person!
Sonja wrote: umm...not in general, not completely. but there have been several particular situations in which I momentarily felt hate for a person. But it vanishes and what lasts is only the disliking of a person. Or the feeling of not caring at all or not having any feelings at all, which I think, can be even worse.
I know what you mean there - I have those a lot. Not the same as what I feel about this particular teacher.
My health teacher this past year, among other things, was a complete idiot (he regularly had to ask students what something meant), insulted certain members of the class frequently, and kept dropping hints throughout the entire year that he thought I took drugs. The final straw came when my last ex-boyfriend left me for another guy and somehow he found out about it. I don't remember the exact context, but he wound up making my entire health class, some of whom are rabidly homophobic, privy to this information - which I had definitely NOT wanted anyone to know about. It's a freaking miracle that I scraped an A in that class, because my conscience always wanted to prevent me from doing the work.
And from what I heard, he does a lot of the same stuff to his other students. He's a jerk, a blabbermouth, and a homophobe, and if he died tomorrow I would not care.
deleted user 30.05.2005 12:53
I don't hate people.. but there is one person in the world that I just CAN'T STAND! That's a girl in my class.. but now I don't have to see her EVER AGAIN! :D
geeksandgeeks wrote:
My health teacher this past year, among other things, was a complete idiot (he regularly had to ask students what something meant), insulted certain members of the class frequently, and kept dropping hints throughout the entire year that he thought I took drugs. The final straw came when my last ex-boyfriend left me for another guy and somehow he found out about it. I don't remember the exact context, but he wound up making my entire health class, some of whom are rabidly homophobic, privy to this information - which I had definitely NOT wanted anyone to know about. It's a freaking miracle that I scraped an A in that class, because my conscience always wanted to prevent me from doing the work.
And from what I heard, he does a lot of the same stuff to his other students. He's a jerk, a blabbermouth, and a homophobe, and if he died tomorrow I would not care.
Hell - if that had been me I'd have reported him to the school authorities. Noone should be allowed to get away with that, especially a teacher.
I only hate 2 people that I can think of off the top of my head, and there are also a few that I really can't stand. Not many, but a few.
I hold grudges really bad too.
Sonja wrote: umm...not in general, not completely. but there have been several particular situations in which I momentarily felt hate for a person. But it vanishes and what lasts is only the disliking of a person. Or the feeling of not caring at all or not having any feelings at all, which I think, can be even worse.