I suffer from Asperger syndrome, I was born with it from a hard and complicated birth, Does Asperger Syndrome make people Fat and Ugly in their teens? because i am ugly and fat, and im 14 (i never use too be fat!)and i can't seem to loose any weight, and i just cnat believe how ugly i am.
*sigh* Okay, guys, I know all of you have always had perfect dietary and exercise habits and I know we don't have a histroy of being the most sensitive bunch in the world, but would it kill some of you to try, just once, being helpful and not saying anything snide? Thank you.
Johnny...having AS doesn't usually affect the appearance drastically, but what it may affect is your outlook on yourself. My oldest brother suffers from high-functioning autism, which is very similar to Asberger's, and while he is perhaps less physically coordinated than most, he doesn't look much different than the rest of us. Reevaluate your appearance...you might be too hard on yourself. If you're still unhappy, try and find the cause. My brother is an avid swimmer, and as a result he eats like a bottomless pit but probably weighs less than I do.
If you ever need to chat with anyone, give me a shout-out. My email is mlowell@fuse.net
Hey, I make no claims to perfection - I'm overweight, short sighted, going prematurely grey and loads more.
The difference being that I don't feel the need to bore you lot rigid with every twinge in my arm where the break didn't heal properly etc etc
Haystacks Calhoun wrote: Ask Dark....
He has served up Assburgers for McD's......
LOL, nice pun! :)
Actually, I only ever gained 10 lbs. over the year and 2 months I worked for McDonald's...which I lost in a month last summer doing almost nothing but sleeping (I'm not joking! A lotta girls are always saying they wish they could do that, cos they otherwise normally may gain weight by sleeping a lot!)
I have a very high metabolism, that's why. It's hard for me to gain weight, so no, Asperger's will NOT make you gain weight, although I knew another Aspergic kid at one time who was a bit overweight. My two other friends I go to school with who also have Asperger's, both of them are thin as well.
Is it contagious or something?
Or maybe it's the only page in the "Big Book of Childhood Educational Excuses" that your local child psychologist has been able to read?
Queen_Leppard wrote: its called being a teenager darling.
I agree with Queen_Leppard. Asberger's doesn't have to define every trait about you, ie. weight, appearance, etc. If you want to use it as an excuse for poor eating habits, not getting enough excercize, etc. then so be it. I would ask that you not do that.
Being a teenager with Asberger's is probably more difficult than being an adult with Asberger's. Being a teenager is more difficult than a lot of things....but just wait until you have a family of your own to take care of, bills to pay, a job to hold, etc.
My advice to the younger people on here is to enjoy this time of your life. It only gets harder and more expensive. Do what you can to make these years great!