deleted user 09.05.2005 20:10 |
i am an emotional person, but whether i be a song movie or show... i have never shed more than one tear over it. i was listening to the remix of who wants to luve forever... with only the instruments playing... and suddenly... i started crying... hestericially... next was no one but you... and the crying continued. i just couldn't stop crying!!! has this ever happened to one of you guys? |
All Dead 09.05.2005 20:22 |
I've sung No One But You at a funeral of one of my best friends who died in a car accident. Even though it is still one of my favourite songs, it still have enough effect on me to make me cry. Though it never did at the funeral or anytime before. |
_amadeus_ 09.05.2005 21:18 |
Im not very emotionial, so no, thats never happened to me. |
Yogurt 09.05.2005 22:16 |
I'm very emotional. I almost cried once durring Who Wants To Live Forever. I once cried when I saw the movie "Dumbo" when the mom elephant was carrying Dumbo in her trunk. That was a long time ago though. |
dillydallyo 11.05.2005 11:52 |
That happens to me all the time!! I often cry while whatching the greatest flix.. And when I went to see Roger and Brian play in Stockholm, I was crying all the time.. I love this band. |
Aisha Sweetness 11.05.2005 12:08 |
I cry all the time esp listening to the instrumental album in the Freddie Mercury box set or at These are the days, the last line "i still love you" gets me started every time,sometimes it doesn't have to be a poignent song "I'm going slightly mad" has me smiling one minute and crying the next, i'm just a sap...I guess in a way were all still greiving for the loss of Freddie it's amazing the love we have for someone we never personally knew. There's not one day goes by when i dont think of him when something small will remind me of him and make me smile or make me cry. |
Queen T 11.05.2005 12:15 |
After I watched "The Untold Story" from the FM box set and watching all the interviews and things surrounding his death, I cried like a baby. My husband had to comfort me! |
Queen T 11.05.2005 12:17 |
Yogurt wrote: I'm very emotional. I almost cried once durring Who Wants To Live Forever. I once cried when I saw the movie "Dumbo" when the mom elephant was carrying Dumbo in her trunk. That was a long time ago though.Yo, I'm so like you! I watch cartoons or cartoon movies and I'll cry over things in's like it's all real! I've got problems! :) |
ægishjalmur 11.05.2005 12:27 |
Once I didn't know many Queen songs and when I heard Mother Love first I didn't get the lyrics. Then my friend came to me, crying, with the lyrics. Then i cried. That was strange. I had known The Show Must Go On for a while before i heard that it was about Freddie. Then I started to think about it and I always get sad when I hear it. No-one But You makes me sad too. But I only cried over Moter Love ... |
Bobby_brown 11.05.2005 13:29 |
It happened to me the first time i heard "Made in Heaven", especially during "It´s a beautifull day". Take care |
Bob The Shrek 11.05.2005 13:42 |
I don't cry at family funerals, a record ain't going start me off. |
Forever88 11.05.2005 15:38 |
the TATDOOL video made me cry. |
KillerQueen840 11.05.2005 15:43 |
I don't cry (or atleast during songs/movies). Well, with one exception. I think I shed a tear at the end of the movie Jack. But I remember when I was little and slept over my friend's house..she cried when Mufasa died in The Lion King (which is unquestionably the BEST movie of all time). I always had to hold back my laughter. It was so hard to keep a poker-face. ;-) |
deleted user 11.05.2005 17:18 |
I haven't cried tears over songs.. but I feel so very sad when I listen to Mother Love, Show Must go on, no-one but you and too much love will kill you (especially brian's video) I cry somtimes when i'm watching movies.. I cried a lot over "I am Sam" and "Lotr; Rotk" but most of all.. I cry over books :S hehe that's weird.. |
Little_Queenie 11.05.2005 18:02 |
Come to think of it, the only thing I ever cry about are Queen documentaries and Queen in general, often I cry not cause I'm sad but happy. So you're not alone. I cry every time I see any docs, even though I saw them thousand times... Last time I cried was at Budapest show, when Bri and Rog sang The Days of our Lives.. It was so sad, while they were singing they played videos from Queen's first tour to Japan, and when Rog sang: "You can't turn back the clock, ain't that a shame..." they showed Freddie and John. I thought I'm gonna die, everywhere I looked people cried. It was very sad and beautiful at the same time. Those kind of things can make people sad... I guess that's ok:) |
written_in_the_stars 11.05.2005 22:34 |
I'm an extremely sensitive person. I don't like to cry in front of people, but when I'm alone I don't need a lot to burst in tears. The very first time I heard the song The Show Must Go On, I found it great but I didn't cry, because I wasn't really aware of the context in which the song was written and recorded. After a while I heard a little more about, you know, the story of Queen and Freddie, and then I bought my 2 first Queen CDs - GH and Classic Queen. When I put Classic Queen on my CD player for the very first time, the first song I wanted to hear, and I don't know why, was TSMGO. So I put it, and then I felt strange. Like something was burning in me... then, after the part "I can fly... my friends... The Show must go on" etc, I felt something hit me, a beautiful but very strong and hurting feeling, and then I started to cry without realising it. You know, sometimes when something moves you, you can feel the tears coming. But at that moment and for the first time, I didn't feel them come at all. There was just tears and tears falling down in spite of myself... It was so intense... The same kind of thing happened when I heard Who wants to live forever for the first time. And I have to say that these two songs still moves me so much today, even if I heard them so many times. I also shed some tears when I saw TSMGO and TMLWKY videos, and also when I heard Made in Heaven album. The day I heard this album for the first time - it was actually a very special day, not too long ago: November 24th, 2004. I felt like crying during all the listening of it, but I didn't, I don't know why. It just didn't want to come out. But it was when I heard the Untitled Instrumental track, with all those wonderful soft sounds, and Freddie saying "Are you running?" and then..."FAB" that I started crying. Queen has the power to make you laugh, and then to make you cry. Personally, no other bands in the world have had this power on me... |
deleted user 12.05.2005 13:53 |
I won't just start crying while listening to a song unless I'm really sad or depressed to start with. Then many Queen songs can make me cry. Especially TMLWKL and No One But You. |
kerfuffle87 12.05.2005 13:57 |
i am quite emotional at times, the TATDOOL video did make me cry, but especially brian at the Birmingham concert whilst singing LOML =-) |
doremi 12.05.2005 14:19 |
queen 2 wrote: i am an emotional person, but whether i be a song movie or show... i have never shed more than one tear over it. i was listening to the remix of who wants to luve forever... with only the instruments playing... and suddenly... i started crying... hestericially... next was no one but you... and the crying continued. i just couldn't stop crying!!! has this ever happened to one of you guys?Quite a few times I have been in my car listening to These Are The Days Of Our Lives, while the car was parked...and I literally lost it. Was crying unconsolably and hysterically. Hope no one saw me cuz I felt stupid. But I couldn't stop thinking about how it was Freddie saying goodbye, and passing away and his being gone and what was lost. |
written_in_the_stars 12.05.2005 20:18 |
lukeylukey wrote: i cried at the titanic film, it was just the though of all the blood and sweat those ppl put into buildint that great big ship and then it sank, so sad, i hope the got payed good money 4 building it i also cried when that dog was shot in that film k-9, i also cried when bonnie and clyde was shot, well i lie, i dint cry at any, but i just wanted to look like sum 1 who cares 4 these thingsHow ironic LOL |
bassist08 13.05.2005 11:59 |
Little_Queenie wrote: Come to think of it, the only thing I ever cry about are Queen documentaries and Queen in general, often I cry not cause I'm sad but happy. So you're not alone. I cry every time I see any docs, even though I saw them thousand times... Last time I cried was at Budapest show, when Bri and Rog sang The Days of our Lives.. It was so sad, while they were singing they played videos from Queen's first tour to Japan, and when Rog sang: "You can't turn back the clock, ain't that a shame..." they showed Freddie and John. I thought I'm gonna die, everywhere I looked people cried. It was very sad and beautiful at the same time. Those kind of things can make people sad... I guess that's ok:)Wow, I'd love to see that. Though I doubt they filmed it or anything like that. I cried the first time I saw the video The Days of Our Lives. Especially at the end where Freddie looks at the camera and says "I still Love you" I just broke down and my parents just stared at me awkwardly. I also bawl my eyes out when I watch the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. It starts when Merry first leaves Pippin, then I'm good until Sam tells Frodo that he's going to carry him up Mount Doom, then I pretty much cry till the end because it's so happy and sad at the same time. |