He worked with Brian and Roger for over 20 years, but now they exchanges letters only.
He has 6 (officially at least) kids.
He invtied Jacky Stewart to see Queen's concert and told him that he drives on Volvo.
He likes Russian strip tease dancers (girls at least).
He drinks tea and eats penauts.
He lives in the place where no-one can find him for over 7 years.
Disney chararacter 'Goofy' hugged him. ACTUAL PHOTO: link
Enjoys making wierd faces while drinking. ACTUAL PHOTO: link
He had organized once Queen concert (at Bedford college, 1972) and only six people attended. Poor Deacy... He would never be a promouter!
On the same year Queen played gig somewhere in London (in November as I remember)(I don't remember all venues, check Martin's link for details) and the PA system came too much late, so John together with John Harris (great friend of Queen) scrambled around trying to wire it up in time.
If you want to see John, you will have to come to my place. He is mowing the lawn right now, he deserves some nice blinking euros to pay his stayment in my garage. After mowing, he will cook for us.
Rick wrote: If you want to see John, you will have to come to my place. He is mowing the lawn right now, he deserves some nice blinking euros to pay his stayment in my garage. After mowing, he will cook for us.
Damned... He promised me to make a tea for my friends tonight, but now he's gonna cook for you... What a guy!