heh, I wanted to post this in the request forum, but doubt many will see this, I heard a song a few years ago played a lot on TV(In Argentina), I cannot find it any more, It had a spanish female singer and a guy, I think manual or migul bose (sp??) I think the song is duende, pretty sure that is correct, I just remember it ment dwarf in spanish, I would like to know if any one has this song =)
wstüssyb wrote: Is it even the right song/singer Erin? I dont have itunes, thats for like apple people aint it?
It's "Duende" by Miguel Bose. I not an Apple person.. I think you USED to need an Apple. The only reason we downloaded it was to redeem free songs from Pepsi bottles, but it could be useful to find a particular song like what you're talking about.
Erin is right (as usual...bitch!) ;)
Just go to itunes.com and dl it. It will cost .99 cents. I'm sure someone on here can get you a free copy though.
I'd dl it for you and send it but they are mp4s not mp3s.
wstüssyb wrote: heh, I wanted to post this in the request forum, but doubt many will see this, I heard a song a few years ago played a lot on TV(In Argentina), I cannot find it any more, It had a spanish female singer and a guy, I think manual or migul bose (sp??) I think the song is duende, pretty sure that is correct, I just remember it ment dwarf in spanish, I would like to know if any one has this song =)
Lisser & Erin... iTunes.... come on xD
William: you can find this song on Kazaa!
wstüssyb wrote: heh, I wanted to post this in the request forum, but doubt many will see this, I heard a song a few years ago played a lot on TV(In Argentina), I cannot find it any more, It had a spanish female singer and a guy, I think manual or migul bose (sp??) I think the song is duende, pretty sure that is correct, I just remember it ment dwarf in spanish, I would like to know if any one has this song =)
Lisser & Erin... iTunes.... come on xD
William: you can find this song on Kazaa!
Ah..I'm shocked! You criminal! ;-)
I am utterly disgusted as well....tsk tsk!!
I'd like that song free, por favor, lol If any one has it, Im willing to accept it. I remember getting it as a single when I was there, but sadly left it there
.99 is a lot for a novlty item, unless it's a French tickler.