frydji 18.04.2005 09:32 |
Video Queen+Paul Rodgers-Live in Prague(Sazka Arena)-16.04.2005: Fuji S7000 (320x240, 30fps)+VDubMod+DivX 5.2.1 Pro +WinRAR 3.42 Quality: ad posibilites :) resp. :( Only 7 songs + some photos: 1) Tie Your Mother Down 2) Fat Bottomed Girls 3) Say It's Not True 4) '39 5) Love Of My Life 6) Drums Solo 7) Guitar Solo That's my first torrent-I'm not sure that it will be OK - so be patient, please. |
Shooter 18.04.2005 09:52 |
I was there, great show :) but this torrent doesnt work for me. |
compaq 18.04.2005 09:54 |
torrent does'nt seem to working properly. please try again. |
Richard Orchard 18.04.2005 10:03 |
See: link if you need some help, just ask a question. The torrent you created doesn't appear to have a correct announce url. it should be: link |
frydji 18.04.2005 10:11 |
Maybe now: |
agneepath! 11994 18.04.2005 10:11 |
Thanks for this - hope you get it working! |
Bobek 18.04.2005 10:16 |
still dont works to me, be hold on frydji and thanks (mimochodem - fakt sem si myslel, že sazka arena je nedobytná :-)) seš trída) |
Rob Taylor Maniac 18.04.2005 10:21 |
nope, can't download this... (no zas tak nedobytna nebyla, ty kontroly byly docela povrchni] |
Richard Orchard 18.04.2005 10:22 |
frydji, i have loaded the torrent to the tracker. It will now work OK, as long as you start seeding this torrent. All you need to do is open it using your torrent program and you will begin sharing the file with other fans. Richard |
Bobek 18.04.2005 10:23 |
sorry for this ... (a co magnetický rámy?? pres to šli jen bágly? já jsem tam byl jen jednou -na hokej, a bylo to docela drsný :-) |
Rob Taylor Maniac 18.04.2005 10:28 |
working!! aa thanks :) found 7 peers, 0 seeds.. (pres ramy sli jenom lidi, batohy se davaly mimo,jsem tam byl s dvema holkama,vzdycky jim tam jenom nahlidli a hotovo,na dne mohly mit uplne cokoliv) |
Richard Orchard 18.04.2005 10:29 |
all what we need now is the seeder |
compaq 18.04.2005 10:31 |
let the seeding begin ! please:) |
frydji 18.04.2005 10:34 |
Can you help me to solve a problem - i created it in ABC 2.6.1, firewall stopped, announce url.: link, file folder shared - and what's now? (mimochodem rízky jsem tam nepronesl :(() |
Rob Taylor Maniac 18.04.2005 10:36 |
don't know what to do now... {my chleba se sunkou taky ne :)) |
Richard Orchard 18.04.2005 10:37 |
frydji wrote: Can you help me to solve a problem - i created it in ABC 2.6.1, firewall stopped, announce url.: link, file folder shared - and what's now? (mimochodem rízky jsem tam nepronesl :(()you need to open the torrent in your torrent application. you should then be able to seed the torrent. |
Richard Orchard 18.04.2005 10:39 |
that is pretend you want to download this torrent. You save the torrent in the place that you already have. The application then knows that you have already downloaded the file, and begins to share it with other people. |
juanvilla 18.04.2005 10:39 |
So...I wont be able to listen the file until someone else finishes dowloading it from my this correct???? At Torrent window says: 100% download / 121% I have to wait until it gets to 200% share??? Pls answer soon....cause its confusing the way this program works... JVT |
Harman 18.04.2005 10:41 |
hej borci a nahrál nekdo audio pres MD nebo neco takovýho??? |
Richard Orchard 18.04.2005 10:45 |
we have 1 seeder :) |
Rob Taylor Maniac 18.04.2005 10:45 |
right, great great great, fuckin' great! :) |
Rob Taylor Maniac 18.04.2005 10:49 |
approximately 200 hours remaining..that's good.. EDIT: now about 50...getting there.. how i want this video..that concert was my dream that came true.. |
frydji 18.04.2005 10:51 |
Thanks for helping me. I have to apologize for the connection speed, so I'll not stop connection as long as possible. |
Bobek 18.04.2005 10:57 |
it works - great thanks !!! (no jo, rízky - to zabolí ... fakkt, uprímne, žádná sranda :-) ale myslím, že pak jsi stejne na jídlo nemel pomyšlení.. nebo jo? :-) mimochodem - ten fotácek je fakt peknej, škoda, že to nemá lepší optickej zoom, bodla by aspon desítka) |
MadeInMadhouse 18.04.2005 11:09 |
Thank you a Lot! I am in the beggining of the Download!! Now the golden Question... it is a Video or Audio file? How I can open This file, Sorry for my ignorance... Thank you Once Again!! |
Arboria_x 18.04.2005 11:16 |
frydji, thanx! (koukam, co je tady najednou Cechu! :-))), zdravim Boba do Plzne. Lenka) |
frydji 18.04.2005 11:28 |
As i wrote it's DivX 5.2.1 PRO video (created from moving JPEG). You can open it for example in BS player or Micro DVD Player using right codec. (No, kdyz sem hazel ty rizky do popelnice, tak sem byl pekne nasrany, ale pak sem se toho pohunka zeptal, jestli si muzu nechat aspon zvykacku v hube a celkem me to uklidnilo. Rizky chybely az na zpatecni ceste :-))))- ale ten koncert, to bylo ZRADYLKO....mnam!!!) |
Bobek 18.04.2005 11:28 |
Made In Madhouse: according to info at the very beggining of this forum: video file (avi divx), packed with winrar (Lenka: no jéje, cechu je tu rázem :-)) zdravím i já tebe :-) ikdyž nevím kam :) |
roberto2 18.04.2005 11:36 |
A jaka je to kvalita? |
Arboria_x 18.04.2005 11:46 |
To Bob (a Bobek ;-)) : no do Teplic prece! Don´t you remember me? |
Bobek 18.04.2005 11:48 |
yeah :-) thats you?? I just clicked on your nick here, and "kde nic tu nic" :-)) |
Arboria_x 18.04.2005 11:53 |
jo, it´s me :-) Have a nice day, Bob. Hope hear about you sometime in the future again. |
skulz 18.04.2005 11:54 |
thanks for sharing |
MadeInMadhouse 18.04.2005 12:15 |
Ahh!! Ok! Thank you for explainme that, and let me notice this little detail... escuse me but I am a little absent mind... :-) |
big riff 12774 18.04.2005 18:36 |
Thanks for this one! One of the most appreciated DLs i suppose:) ------------------------------------------- kurna, to je tady fakt tolik cechu? takova mala zemicka sme.. :) tak zdar, vsichni |
inu-liger 18.04.2005 19:46 |
I thought Prague was supposed to be the most likely venue to have the highest security (meaning no recordings or photos allowed)?! |
proton 19.04.2005 04:27 |
yeah... as if that will stop us smuggling camera's inside... :-) Don't think so :-) |
frydji 19.04.2005 05:09 |
Sorry, I forgot to decrease resolution of photos included. :( This torrent is only video: (to roberto2: kvalita celkem bidna-je to limitovane tlacenici pred podiem a kreci v ruce nad hlavou. Hlavni problem je ze fotak pri videu zaostri pri zacatku nahravani-a vetsina pisnicek zacinala skoro ve tme, takze...ale za podivani to stoji) |
bacgo 19.04.2005 05:14 |
Cau lidi,zkousim to zprovoznit ale furt mi to nejak nejde.Jestli to budete mit nekdo stahle mohl bych vas pozadat abyste mi to hodili na ftypko......staci napsat na a domluvime se.......obratem zase poslu fotky a fsechno co sezenu.........diky moc :-D |
frydji 19.04.2005 05:28 |
to bacgo. na predchozi strance druhej torrent shora by mel fungovat-tedka sem zas asi cosi zdrbal:( |
frydji 19.04.2005 06:36 |
Hups...maybe now |
frydji 19.04.2005 06:49 |
Where is problem when ABC reports to me: 100% done/seeded ... rejected by tracker-request tracker is not authorized for use with this download tracker. I'm slill making mistake and I don't know where. Can somebody help me, pls? |
queen fan 20371 19.04.2005 16:43 |
4frydji: Ahoj, jelikož mám pomalý pripojení k internetu, chtel bych Te poprosit, jestli by bylo možný to vypálit na CD? Popr. jestli máš možnost lepší kvality a víc písnicek na DVD... Samozrejme ne zadarmo :-). Kdyžtak prosím napiš na , dík :-). |
Rob Taylor Maniac 19.04.2005 17:00 |
OK, now, what about the rest of the show? :) (tech prvnich 27 minut je boziich, kde je zbytek?? :)) |
Libor2 19.04.2005 17:38 |
Thanks for this Frydji, it's great. (A ted cesky: diky moc, kvalita videa je dost slusna, blahopreju. Jsem rad i za 30 minut, aspon jsem si zpatky pripomnel tu sobotni atmosferu. Pokud potrebujes poradit s torrentem na QZ, rad pomuzu. Jeste jednou dik.) Libor |
TheGame 19.04.2005 20:56 |
Thanks for sharing, the quality was quite good actually. The guys are getting better and better for each concert, great! |
KittyCat 20.04.2005 05:33 |
Diky moc Frydji :o)))!!! Kvalita vzhladom na mieru tlacenice naokolo vynikajuca!! Klobuk dole:o)! Este raz dik, je krasne si pripomenut ten uzasny zazitok :o)!! |
Mr Mercury 20.04.2005 07:14 |
There is more small clips on here link |
frydji 20.04.2005 07:43 |
I'm satisfied that you are plesed by this video. To RobTaylorManiac: Neni to prvnich 27 minut, ale vyber z celeho koncertu-vic uz ze me nedostanete-mam jen gigovou kartu a na tu vic videa pri 30 fps nenapraskam :( Na dalsi turne Queenu si poridim vetsi :) To Libor2: Diky, potreboval bych-viz muj dotaz vyse.Netusim proc mi ten posledni torrent nechce jet-mam za to ze jsem zopakoval predchozi postup, ale nechce to jet-tak nevim v cem by mohl byt zakopúany cokl??? |
Libor2 20.04.2005 10:51 |
frydji wrote: To Libor2: Diky, potreboval bych-viz muj dotaz vyse.Netusim proc mi ten posledni torrent nechce jet-mam za to ze jsem zopakoval predchozi postup, ale nechce to jet-tak nevim v cem by mohl byt zakopúany cokl???Pouzivas na novej torrent program MakeTorrent? Melo by to sice byt jedno, ale tenhle pouzivam bez problemu a zatim vsechno fungovalo. Jinak potiz muze byt, pokud zapomenes pri tvorbe torrentu zadat URL adresu trackeru (v tomhle pripade na QZ tracker), no a druha moznost, ktera mne napada je, ze samotny torrent file jsi neposlal na Queenzone tracker. Bez toho to fungovat nebude taky. Az jako treti krok je treba poslat ANNOUNCE sem na stranky, aby se o torrentu vedelo, ale predchozi dve podminky musi byt splneny (tzn. 1) spravny announce URL na tracker; 2) uploadovat torrent file na tracker). Skoro bych se vsadil, ze jsi zapomnel na krok cislo dve, protoze jsem se ted dival na QZ tracker, a tam je pouze ten tvuj prvni torrent. Zatim se mej. Libor |
Bobek 20.04.2005 11:24 |
I am not sure, if this isnt here already mentioned, but somebody has downloaded this file and uploaded it on this site: link You can download it here directly ("save target as") |
Lickerman 20.04.2005 13:19 |
to Bobek: Yes, you can download here!! i put link to my pages! Bye, Thomas, Queenlegend Web |
Weave 20.04.2005 15:27 |
Where exactly can you download it from on that page, I can't understand it at all. |
Libor2 20.04.2005 15:54 |
Weave wrote: Where exactly can you download it from on that page, I can't understand it at all.In section download, under photo from Prague, there's icon of floppy disk with word "STAHNOUT" (260 MB). Click on it and download :-) |
Weave 20.04.2005 16:25 |
I thanka you Libor. |
WENCA 22.04.2005 14:04 |
Micha³ Maron 23.04.2005 07:09 |
Hello, do you have this movie in full quality (640*480). If you have, please share this to torrent |
Rien 23.04.2005 18:43 |
Well, this must be one of the best bootleg videos I've seen so far. Great selection of tracks (especially the guitar solo - stunning video quality). Thanks a lot for sharing this with us. |
frydji 28.04.2005 12:08 |
Another another experimentation: |
Penetration_Guru 28.04.2005 17:05 |
That's a lightning fast download....260Mb in just under an hour |
rvd 07.06.2005 05:08 |
No more seed for this one ? (the link with the Czech web site is not working unfirtunately !). Please re-seed a little more. Thanks |
Perous 21.06.2005 16:36 |
Ten koncert byl fakt výbornej. Rád bych videl to video, ale pres modem se mi to fakt nechce stahovat.. Nekdo už se tady ptal, jestli by to nešlo poslat na CD poštou..Kdybys byl tak hodnej a ochotnej to udelat, napiš pls na, navrhni cenu a domluvíme se.Mužu dát k dispozici pár chrastivejch nahrávek co jsem nahrál mobilem, takže je to v hrozný kvalite ale aspon si vzpomenu že jsem tam byl..A nemá nekdo ty oficiální nahrávky z koncertu z queenonline?Dík |
rolfdekker 17.10.2005 06:09 |
Could anyone please reseed??? There are no complete sources at the moment! Thanks!! |