I am on the Tiscali website NOW. It will let me on the 2005 concert site, and I am clicking on the words "watch the concert", but the webcast will NOT come up, and it should be going on now.
It is 12:45 EST United States & I know that means it's 7 hours ahead in Africa being 7:45 pm there.
I want to watch it live. Help...what am I doing wrong!!!!
I am listening to and watching highlights of the 2003 concert while I wait for your HELP!!!!
It's 1:07 EST USA time....I now have a big blank screen on the tiscali website.....Has it still NOT yet started....sorry..I guess you can tell I'm a bit hyper about this...oh anticipation...
40 minutes!! I'll explode..or implode..not until 2:00 PM EST USA time...
How did you find out and verify this information..are you certain? I just will take a break until then & won't worry that I've missed anything. Please let me know.
Thanks. :)
I ONLY have Windows Media Player and I even keep changing the broadband from the lowest 150 up to 256..I'm afraid to go any higher.
I have NO picture...and intermittent horrible sound.
I tried this website below too.. link
but my computer says 404 error and it cannot connect to this website.at all..
so I am staying on the tiscali website, but I am screwed!!
thru Microsoft Internet Explorer....
I closed the video....and went on to Audio only, which is sort of working. I guess I will have to
..listen to it only..
...I can't..watch it at all...sigh...
Who the hell is rapping right now anyhow. By the time I got some crappy audio there is some rap band going.."getting jiggy with it"
Arlene, click Help in Windows Media Player. It gives you a place to update your media player to 10. To find out what version you're on, click on About Windows Media Player in the Help drop down menu.
I tried this, I have version 6, but it won't let me update it....Boo Hoo Hoo.....
By the way...even though I am so screwed.....
----Thank you VERY MUCH to all you VERY Lovely Gentlemen Queenzoners who have tried so very much to help this damsel in distress....-----
I just will have to listen to it. Right now Will Smith is doing his thing and I just heard some woman speak about how she has AIDS and trying to find a cure.
I guess I will have to miss out on most of this though..sigh...
Thank you Gentlemen Zoners....
India Arie is playing Now....
I only have audio feed, but I'm having a blast reading all of your posts, and thanks again for all of you very nice Zoners trying...to help me watch it.
Maybe Brian & Roger will release this on DVD for all of us poor saps who could not watch the concert due to the LOUSY video feed on this webcast.
Ok....Queen's getting ready...it's almost time...
Everybody with me...
One, Two Three Four...Put Your Hands Together For..
The One, The Only....
-----Queen!!!!!(roars of applause from you at your computers around the everlovin' world!!!)----
I'm a believer!!!!!I am I am yes I am!!!!
They sound awesome with Paul. "Tie Your Mother Down" stole this whole damn show and blew it out of the water.
Katie Melua I think completely butchers "Too Much Love Will Kill You". She is flat, tone deaf, she sings with no emotion,....well but now except for Brian's GORGEOUS bittersweet, soaring guitar.
deleted user 19.03.2005 17:15
I watched it on ( I think the Dutch tiscali - I'm in U.K ) special thanks to tiscali for not 1 but 2 ad breaks in Queens set ! and for missing out the start of wwry .Appart from that TYMD ROCKED - good to see Roger using roto - toms in his kit again again :-)
Damn... they only broadcast 4 songs...
TYMD was great!!
I think Brian played great guitar on TMLWKY.
WWRY an WATC: nice but the music hall of fame version was better in my opinion.