I had found a pic of him with really short hair a while ago, as well... hmm. Now I will have to go looking for it...
Actually, I think I found it on this site... Hm. Let's look, shall we...?
P.S.~ I know that this has nothing to do with Brian or his hair, but can anyone explain how to make wallpaper? I mean desktop wallpaper, not home wallpaper.
Freddieshotdate03 wrote: Ok the hair is half the reason they were popular!!!!! If the hair goes so does the cash , ok their music is the other half but still.
This had better be sarcasm, or else it's the stupidest thing I've read in a while.
I, personally, LOVE "Young Frankenstein" as well... my dad tried to trick me when I watched it with him, asking me if I knew who it was. I answered, 'of course I do. Peter Boyle!' but didn't tell him that I read it on the box...
Anyway, that IS scary... how close they would look, if Brian had no hair... *shivers*