Benn 06.01.2005 10:56 |
>hardly think they need any more money, they >already rake in millions every year anyway You have no idea - the fact that they "rake in" millions means that they have to forefit a large percentage of that in tax to HM Treaury - the fact that that Brian, Roger and John all choose to sent the bulk of their time in the UK means that they are not exempt from the UK's taxation laws. Therefore, they have to pay at the highest possible rate. Add to the above the following: 1 - They all live in million-pound houses that are similarly subject to the highest band of property tax and by extension, cost a fortune to run and maintain. 2 - They all have families that are high maintenance because of the lifestyle that they have become accustomed to. 3 - They all have ex-wives and associated children that they will all be paying maintenance to (John especially I would have thought). 4 - The three of them also run their own production companies that have associated staff and corporation tax etc that require paying. 5 - Now the contorversial bit - we have no idea of the debts that Freddie's spending ran up and neither do we know the kinds of debt that Brian, Roger and John have accumulated. 6 - How has the WWRY musical been financed int he different countries? Ticket pricing in Russia may not be high enough to cover the costs of staging the show - Queen touring could off-set that. So, money is ABSOLUTELY the major factor behind them going out on the road; whatever rubbish Brian comes out with about wanting to go out for the fans, just remember that he is beheld to a contract with QPL and it is that organisation which dictates what Queen do. |
The Mir@cle 06.01.2005 11:03 |
Benn wrote: >hardly think they need any more money, they >already rake in millions every year anyway You have no idea - the fact that they "rake in" millions means that they have to forefit a large percentage of that in tax to HM Treaury - the fact that that Brian, Roger and John all choose to sent the bulk of their time in the UK means that they are not exempt from the UK's taxation laws. Therefore, they have to pay at the highest possible rate. Add to the above the following: 1 - They all live in million-pound houses that are similarly subject to the highest band of property tax and by extension, cost a fortune to run and maintain. 2 - They all have families that are high maintenance because of the lifestyle that they have become accustomed to. 3 - They all have ex-wives and associated children that they will all be paying maintenance to (John especially I would have thought). 4 - The three of them also run their own production companies that have associated staff and corporation tax etc that require paying. 5 - Now the contorversial bit - we have no idea of the debts that Freddie's spending ran up and neither do we know the kinds of debt that Brian, Roger and John have accumulated. 6 - How has the WWRY musical been financed int he different countries? Ticket pricing in Russia may not be high enough to cover the costs of staging the show - Queen touring could off-set that. So, money is ABSOLUTELY the major factor behind them going out on the road; whatever rubbish Brian comes out with about wanting to go out for the fans, just remember that he is beheld to a contract with QPL and it is that organisation which dictates what Queen do.Pure nonesence... 1. They have sold more cd's and other stuff that The Beatles and The Rolling Stones (and they still do) 2. Their music is still broadcasted on the radio every day 3. The WWRY musical may not be a success in Moscow, in other countries WWRY break all the records. 4. Why is John (probably) not involved then?? |
Benn 06.01.2005 11:30 |
Mir@cle, re: >Pure nonesence... Let's see shall we....... >1. They have sold more cd's and other stuff >that The Beatles and The Rolling Stones (and >they still do) From the start, you are wrong. The Beatles and The Stones have been selling product since 1963 / 1964 - they have both had numerous number one singles and albums that have outsold Queen *BY FAR* The Rolling Stones have sold "possibly" three times as many concert tickets as Queen have. I could go on..... >2. Their music is still broadcasted on the >radio every day I will bet you any money you like that Beatles and Stones songs are played more often on radio around the world on a daily basis - and I fail to see how that is an arguement against my points above. It's *broadcast* by the way...... >3. The WWRY musical may not be a success in >Moscow, in other countries WWRY break all the >records. Break all the rocords for what? If the Moscow version is losing money, how do you think they are going to pay for it? The versions in other territories are sustained by THEIR OWN success. I'm prepared to be *proved* wrong here, but I don't imagine there being a huge amount of profit at the end of each performance after the cast & crew, venue, promotor, accountant, management company etc etc have all been paid off. >4. Why is John (probably) not involved then?? I've no idea, but John is supposedly retired from the mucis industry and has made his choice or hasn't been asked. Perhaps john has invested wisely and doesn't NEED to do it? Perhaps John's contract with QPL was different to that of Brian and Roger? So, the *pure* nonsence is actually quite REASONED arguement. Are you one of these people that has not actually seen Queen perform and are blindly trying to believe that "QUEEN" are touring as opposed to: "Two blokes that used to be in Queen, one bloke that used to be in Free and a couple of associated musos playing Queen, Free and Bad Company songs" touring? |
The Mir@cle 06.01.2005 12:26 |
Thanks for your English lessons (don't think you can write down a Dutch sentence without making any mistakes (-;) but I still think Bri and Roger can fill a swimming pool with money. |
Paul Mark 06.01.2005 12:36 |
You are argument that Queen are touring for money makes about as much sense as the Matrix sequals. Brian and Roger are the directors and part owners of Queen Productions so in no way in QPL telling them what to do! As for the tax argument, how will touring for a few months help them out? They will still be taxed in the UK?!?!? In any case with the amount they earn (they regularly feature in lists of highest paid entertainers in the UK) even after tax its still a boatload of cash! If money was the reason it certainly wouldnt have taken them this long to tour again! Queen have never been more prominant (and profitable) then at the moment. Musical, DVD's etc. This tour is for us the fans, and for them because ultimately they love making music! |
The Mir@cle 06.01.2005 12:38 |
Exactly! |
Hank H. 06.01.2005 12:45 |
First of all, we won't find out, and that's probably ok. I don't think money is the main motivation, there are better projects to make money. DVD and musicals for example. For sure they did not do that for fun. So they quite obviously still must be interested in money. What is strange to me is how sudden they decided to tour, after 13 years, without a concept it seems. A bit rash. Also, QP leaves the impression of being overstretched with such a tour. Normally, you would book venues about a year in advance. You would promote it. Now there was not even a proper press release, no clarity about the line-up, schedule... the last time QP tried to organize a huge event (46664), they announced it with a big bang and then followed - a mediocre singalong that almost no-one noticed. I'm really excited whether they can handle it, musically and logistically. |
Mlaimo 06.01.2005 13:34 |
Money is a nice addition to the fact that they simply WANT to do it. When you love doing something, and have done it all your life, eventually you'll do it again. |
runner70 06.01.2005 13:57 |
Stupid post - The Magic Tour was the frist Tour Queen made profit of and a tour these days is VERY expensive to finance and usually done for promoting albums. Brian and Roger (and Freddie) are still one of the richest persons in Britain! Pure crap !!! |
Deacons 1st Choice 06.01.2005 21:41 |
I have to say that i agree in that i find it odd that all of a sudden "Queen" decide they want to tour. They SHOULD have gone out after MIH..but they were'nt up for it out of respect to Freddie (at least that was the story then) One has to wonder then..WHY NOW?? I sure hope no one is "having one more go at it" before they drop. Not to start anything here, but the thought has crossed my mind. Makes one wonder with all the rumors lately about a particular band members health and well being.... Surely at the age they are reaching now, this will be one of the last "full tours". |
The Mir@cle 07.01.2005 02:46 |
Bri and Roger did both some solo tours, but love to tour together for at least one more time... Music was their first love and apparently they're still in love. |
Voice of Reason 2018 07.01.2005 09:38 |
The Sunday Times rich list regularly says that Brian, Roger and John have £40 to £50m each, so the argument doesn't make sense to me. As for the Moscow show - why would they sell tickets to make a loss? |
Melancholy Blues 07.01.2005 11:04 |
of all the reasons for doing the tour, i think money is their least motivatiion. i'm sure they are making enogh money from the musical and royalties ect, besides they wont make that much from the tour unless it is massive, and for a vintage band with a new lead singer, it is highly unlikely. i think they just miss playing for people and being on the road. they always loved touring and they have obviously formed some kind of bond with paul rodgers. |
Mack2008 07.01.2005 13:21 |
Benn - I think you've hit the nail on the head, so to speak. And am I the only one that thinks Brian has become terribly bitter and twisted in recent years. There seems to be a pretty obvious untertone in his musings on his regular "bri" postings. |
Llisos 07.01.2005 17:27 |
They love playing alive... and of course... They love making money!! |
PhoenixRising 07.01.2005 21:49 |
Brian is the keeper of the Queen legacy. He has taken it upon himself to keep the Queen flame burning, and he has done so through various efforts to reach new people and accomodating other artists who perform Queen music. Surviving Queen members are quite wealthy. John Deacon was a financial wizard for the band through the golden years, and his wisdom and his investments paid off handsomely. Money will never be an issue... My opinion is that this tour represents: 1. a personal fulfillment for Brian and Roger, of a desire to once again perform and write and record. 2. a way to raise more money for AIDS awareness and prevention 3. a chance for these fortunate, talented musicians to have some bleeding fun. And so shall we... |
Deacons 1st Choice 07.01.2005 21:57 |
Ah yes.... Let us all hope so! |
Want To Live Forever 07.01.2005 22:02 |
Queen star JOHN DEACON says, "I don't want to be nasty, but Robbie is no Freddie Mercury. Freddie can never be replaced - and certainly not him." Source: link |
The Man On The Prowl 08.01.2005 05:07 |
Of course first of all it is because of money, then it is because of money, money and MONEY... |
maxpower 08.01.2005 09:32 |
here's a shock... they want to |
Sebastian 08.01.2005 16:20 |
I don't think they do it for the money, but definitely they don't do it for their "love to music" either (or that's not the main reason) If they did it for their "love to music" they wouldn't use the name "Queen", because they wouldn't care whether they fill stadiums or play in front of 20 people. It's more than obvious that the name "Queen" is for gaining coverage. So they are indeed interested in more stuff than just "love" or "fans". But the money thing is not the biggest factor imo. They pay taxes etc but only counting the royalties of We Will Rock You and Radio Ga Ga respectively, they can be both staying without working for the rest of their lives. And that's not even a big slice of their income. I think they do it for fame, to be in newspapers, tv, etc. And they know if they present themselves as "Brian & Roger" they wouldn't get much attention from the media. The bottomline is that - for me - they would rather stay in poverty but be recognised everywhere, than live in a diamond mansion and be complete unknown. |
KingMercury 08.01.2005 21:33 |
i think it's not for the money roger and brian have more money than all the QZ users together they need to play their last tour was 19 years ago, since 1986 they didnt tour anymore so, they are musician, and i think they feel that they can do more than only be interviewed in a tv show so, they need to play, to tour, to get excited, and to do what they love to do and obviously, they won't do it 4 free |
deakys ghost 09.01.2005 08:27 |
My own theory is that they miss the adulation received over many years of touring, the feeling of thousnads of people screaming for you. The solo tours have been smaller and probably less satisfying. Don't think for a second they need the cash, all 3 surviving members have £50m+ in the piggy bank according to "The Times" richlist. I suppose fame is like a drug and maybe this is the final fix...or maybe it's going to be like the "Rolling Stones" and a farewell tour every 2 rules permitting! |
Bob The Shrek 09.01.2005 09:01 |
If it's not for the money, then why are they charging £60 for a fucking ticket?????? |
Benn 09.01.2005 15:40 |
> Then why are they chargine £60 a ticket *******EXACTLY******** My theory is borne out. The concert is supposed to be to reward the more devoted fans, the people that have bothered to join the t-shirt-selling service that is OIQFC. And what happens, they charge as though the show is the most widely anticipated *public* show on the books. SURELY, the Brixton show shoudl be the cheapest show of the tour for that reason alone. Unless, of course, they are going to play for three hours, in which case, the £60 is fully justified, but they won't play for more than 2 hours (on-stage at 8.30 and off again at 10.30, with 15 minutes out of that taken away for shouting for encores). It's going to be hilarious to see how much they expect people to pay to see them in a shed like Wembley Arena. I've written to the fan club to have my name taken out of the ballott. Absolutely no interest in that. AND, have they entered EVERYONE that is a member of the fan club into the draw? including people that have absolutely no interest in flying all the way to London, given that you're not allowed to sell your tickets on (hah - what a laugh that is!!!!), there is the chance that the band could be pleying to a very empty room...... The madness that surrounds Queen continues and it's clear that Harvey Goldsmith hasn't had any involvement in this offer - he'd think it ludicrous! |
Queen& 09.01.2005 19:29 |
because they have fuck all else to do wiv there time look at the people who retired then died |
Deacons 1st Choice 09.01.2005 21:10 |
Has anyone dared to consider this: Perhaps the high price is because this WILL be a unique Fan Only Show...unique in that their will be certain "plusses" added? What i mean is, perhaps there is more here then first meets the eye. Maybe the Band have something extra special in store for us? Maybe the admission price includes some fringe benifits..some special momentos? Rememeber the giveaways connected to the Freddie Tribute....maybe they have something simsilar to this planned? Some type of collectible item or souvenier for everyone to take home? Just something i happened to think of today while pondering this topic.... |
The Mir@cle 10.01.2005 03:50 |
Benn 10.01.2005 08:00 |
Ok - so they are high in DVD sales charts, but where are the figures? And is this chart JUST for the UK or world-wide (I think not). As for "fringe benefits" at the Brixton show - it's going to have to one hell of a free t-shirt for it to justify how far above the mark the £60 ticket price is - think of say The Stones at Twickenham (£45-ish) - how are QPL justifying an extra £15 / £20 for a band that has not played a complete show or are promoting any new music? Of course, they don't have to justify it - the blindly excited will just pay the money and the show will sell out, rather than boycotting the event on principal. The whole thing is a shambles. |
The Mir@cle 10.01.2005 08:42 |
Benn wrote: Ok - so they are high in DVD sales charts, but where are the figures? And is this chart JUST for the UK or world-wide (I think not). As for "fringe benefits" at the Brixton show - it's going to have to one hell of a free t-shirt for it to justify how far above the mark the £60 ticket price is - think of say The Stones at Twickenham (£45-ish) - how are QPL justifying an extra £15 / £20 for a band that has not played a complete show or are promoting any new music? Of course, they don't have to justify it - the blindly excited will just pay the money and the show will sell out, rather than boycotting the event on principal. The whole thing is a shambles.Eat this (the charts AT THIS MOMENT): QUEEN ON FIRE CHART NEWS Germany up to 19 from 29 (combined CD and DVD sales). Up to 1 from 4 in the Music DVD chart. Italy - The DVD climbs back up to 5 from 6 in their Music DVD charts. Austria - CD stays at 23 in the album charts. Holland - DVD stays 8 in the DVD charts. And I can go on and on and on... |
Benn 10.01.2005 09:11 |
You're not helping your arguement here are you: 1 - Germany is for DVD & CD sales and the band it at 19.......not particularly impressive for combined sales of TWO products..... 2 - Italy & Holland - what are you assuming here? Has everyone in these two countries bought a copy or (which would indeed be impressive) or just a few thousand at say £15 each which is more likely. You'll only convince me that this is a reason why the band does not need to tour for the money if you can come up with hard sales figures. IE -number of units sold against sales price. As for going on and on - entirely up to you, but you are providing no *PROOF* by just cutting and pasting chart details - you have no idea how the charts are prepared (which agency compiles them and which record companies are PAYING THEM to say that so-and-so is at number 1. But then this is the kind of blind obsessiveness that seems to befall Queen fans...... |
The Mir@cle 10.01.2005 10:16 |
Benn wrote: You're not helping your arguement here are you: 2 - Italy & Holland - what are you assuming here? Has everyone in these two countries bought a copy or (which would indeed be impressive) or just a few thousand at say £15 each which is more likely.Ok let's see... Holland has a population of almost 17 million. Queen on Fire stood 2nd at the DVD charts at Christmas time. I think almost 5 million people in Holland own a DVD player. Well, assume that Live At The Bowl has been sold 50.000 times, they have an income of £750.000. If 1% will be for the Band members, they already have a decent month salary. And this is just Holland. Queen is huge all over the world. By the way, you’re assuming that the ticket prices of 60 euro is telling us that they in need of money. But you haven't hard sales figures either... Do you know what it cost to travel, build the stage etc. etc.?? And it's argument, not arguement (-; Eikel (-: |
The Mir@cle 10.01.2005 10:16 |
double post |
Benn 10.01.2005 12:19 |
I'll be surprised if 50,000 copies of Live At The Bowl have been sold in Holland - great if they have, but I'd like to see hard figures. Factual error which might change your opinion a little: The ticket price is NOT 60 euros as you state, but £60 - a REAL currency, not something made up to try to bring a bunch of economically poor nations in to line with the more developed economies. By your estimation, that would make a ticket price of £41.97, where in reality, it is 85.77 EUROS. Does the extra 25 Euros make you think that they are charging a little in excess of what they SHOULD be charging for a band that hasn't played before other than on a TV show? > should be argument Heavens above!!!!!! A small error - I'm at work and trying not to let this take up too much of my time, so I'm not spell-checking ANYTHING. Fi you're going to start picking spelling mistakes apart, let me have a try: > a decent month salary Should read a decent *month's* salary - it pertaining to the salary of a particular month. > what it cost to travel Should read what it *costs* to travel - you are speaking in the first person about something that is yet to happen. I'm not going to go on, because *I* don't want this to turn personal, where you clearly do - but then I suppose you'll never learn these things if you are over reliant on copy-and-paste, will you...... And no, I have no idea how to write in Dutch and I have no desire to either, hence I don't try - it's great that you feel you can but please don't get picky because you're setting yourself up. BTW - there's a deliberate spelling mistake here for you just to keep you happy. |
Deacons 1st Choice 10.01.2005 12:42 |
Regarding "plusses" at the Brixton Show.. Yes, a cool exclusive t-shirt would be nice (something worthwhile, not something obviously made up design-wise in 10 the Tour Logo!) I was also thinking of perhaps something else..maybe a program or a pin...maybe something extra special added into the show... Better yet: Some surprise guests! No, i don't mean John Deacon (he will be there anyway secretly watching this whole thing..) i mean celebrity musicians who will guest during certain songs. That would be something...and would MORE then justify the high ticket price. Brian has already hinted at the guest idea already on his perhaps this is indeed in the works? |