Hello, everybody! This is my 1st topic, and I know you guys are tired of newbie intros, but I feel I must do this! I am a Brazilian 12-year-old girl, and even though I've been a Queenfan for only 'bout 2 years, I am a HUGE fan! Anyway, I just wanted to say hello, and that I hope I make some great friends here in QueenZone!!
Nice to meet you! I'm Richard, known here as "Inu Yasha" (or "Dark", depending who you talk to)
I noticed that you like to draw manga; do you have an interest in Japanese anime? Or is it just Japanese manga comic/book artwork?
I'm huge into anime as you may find out :)
Anyways, welcome to the 'zone!
MarchOfTheDirtQueen wrote: Britney, you're record company called. They say you're fired - they just bought Christina for fifty cents down at the local whore market so you're not needed anymore. P.S. Be on the lookout for a basket of fruit as an apology through the mail
Those Bastards, I gave them all the sex they wanted, I slept with all of them, even some of their wives, and for what? THIS. oh no they don't.. I will get even.
deleted user 05.01.2005 19:43
...Back to the original topic. *ahem*
Welcome to Queenzone, Gabriela. Hope you have fun here. :^)
Thnk you for replying, guys! Now I am sure I'll make great friends here!!;) And, of course I remember you, QueenSao, and HEM. You could I forget both of you? And to HEM: Olá! É muito bom saber que você ainda lemra de mim!Eu fiquei muito feliz por ter conhecido outro fã de Queen! E desculpe por a perda do download...:(
To the curious paople, the translation: Hello! It's very good to know that you still remember me!I was really glad to meet another Brazilian Queenfan!And i'm sorry about your loss of that download...:(
deleted user 06.01.2005 07:06
Hello. Welcome to Queenzone. Hope you enjoy yourself here.