I graduated from Highschool about 6 months ago. Already one of my class has died. Monday night, she made the mistake of mixing alcohol with perscription drugs, and that was it.
Now, she was never a very happy or nice girl, and she certainly wasn't one of my friends, but she was one of our group of 34ish students who had been going to school together for 13 years.
It's shocking and surprising that someone I knew so well is now gone, and so quickly. She had only started uni a few months ago, too.
Life is hard and doesn't show mercy to anyone. Sometimes you can't get how people suddenly leave this world, while the world the keeps turning round and round like no other day.
I guess she wasn't happy at being taken to Rupert's Restaurant - that's where she stabbed him - some girls can be very picky ;-)
For the older UK posters, he was the son of 'Chick' Brodie, ex Brentford & Bournmouth goalkeeper.
A Junior from my highschool died just before Christmas this year after suffering from leukemia for a little more than a year. I didn't really know him, but from what I hear he was a real trooper and very nice.
'Are you ok? Did you know his girlfriend?'
It happened the year after we left school and I am 43 now! I didn't give a shit then and certainly don't give a shit now - and I didn't know the girlfriend.
I've never lost a friend (well, I've lost one but he's still alive... it was my own stupid mistake to date his girlfriend ;-) ) but I've lost my father a couple of years ago and from that moment, cancer is my greatest fear.
<font color="crimson"><b>ThomasQuinn</b> wrote: About a year ago on of my friends at school died of cancer. He was only 17.
That happened to someone I knew, but we don't think that he had cancer. He started getting sick, but by the time the ambulance got to their house, he was already dead. He was 11.
i knew a girl that commited suicide,this is the story i heard: her dad tried to have sex with her so she told her mom and they divorced,then she had sex and she thought she had gotten pregnant,so...after all that happened she just killed herself...she killed herself this summer...overdose.