Yes it is. And to answer that question on another thread for you, yes I prob will go see them in England if they don't go to Ireland. Will you? How old are you by the way? You'll have to sen me a pic of yourself cos I might see you at a concert and not know!
I'll definatly see them in England. I'm 14 and a half. 15on may 2nd. Do you want to meet up at a concery next year perhaps? If i'm too young for you to meet up then don't worry. If you want to maybe meet at a concert nexyt year i'll send you a pic.
Are you really only 13? I thought you were older like 18 or 19. If your comint to England to see it next year i may beable to meet up with you. When i manage to get the tickets i'll talk to you more about it then and perhaps send you a picture.
I havn't seen any snow at all so far this christmas. To be honest i don't think i'm going to see any until next christmas. That's if we het any then.
Happy New Year everybody!
There's hardly been any snow in Chicago. The most we've had was a fraction of an inch, and it melted in one day. It's really warm today actually... like 50+ degrees.
White? Christmas? Definitely not...It only rains here in CA during the winter. The temperature hardly ever gets below 50 degrees F, so forget about snow. I really wish it would though, as I've only seen it a few times in my life.