Does anyone know how to run this program in Windows XP Home? I've tried all manner of MS-DOS emulators but can't get the sodding thing to work.
I've had the program for ages but couldn't be bothered to play it - now i've got the full solution and a shiny new laptop, i thought i'd give it a go.
Thanks for any help or advice you can offer.
Kaletzabar wrote: Umm... don't blame me, but what is "The Eye," somekind of game?
I wouldn't blame you, though there is for, it's the game by Queen Multimedia Productions and contains a lot of instrumental mixes of Queen songs, some of them are great!
To me, the easiest way is to create a partition on your hard disk and install win98. I understand people may look at the idea and be terrified by it, but it's easier than ever.
P.S. I'm not surprised The eYe doesn't work on XP, it's been almost 7 years since it was developed, yes?
deleted user 17.01.2005 18:06
Anyone know where I could get a copy of the WIN 98 system disks? They are so old, I have no idea where to find them.
I made it work on Windows XP SP2 using DOS Box 0.65.
1 - You have to transform your CDROM into .iso files.
2 - You have to mount these ISO using DOS Box.
That's all folks !
Enjoy !