hello, new here. does anybody know about this video? i picked it up a few years ago at the local record store. it appears to be taped off of a nyc tv station in 1980, and also says its simulcast on a nyc area radio station (i think nyc, i dont have the tape on me at the moment)
the video is mostly concert footage of a 1980 era (freddie has the red pants with blue knee pads) intercut with the clips of a voice over asking british poeple on the street what they think of queen (john cleese clip in there, and the on eof ringo which appears in other videos). near the beginning, edited videos for "Falsh" and AOBTD are cut in for no apparent reason. this is also the concert wich closes with freddie on the shoulders of the ginat superman. anyway, is anybody aware of exaclty what i have? thanks,