link firefox and thunderbird superior to microsoft ie6 and oe6. sony media delivers sound forge 6 free of charge for version 5 owner, link winner of the last 8 years of this mans time on the net. springsteen, u2, queen, red sox, clapton, zevon, etheridge, brian eno, van halen, kiss, journey, ozbourne, blackmores night, rush, 57 heavy, shotgun bandits all have eyed the prize of two indie cd's and their artists, dan langlias, audrey kelly and william k. mahler. rough drafts live on stage, november 2004 and w. k. mahler may 2004 draws criticisms of prolific, listeners within 10 seconds and 400 miles away know songs on the spot. m2 technologies inc. link the nations #1 non lethal development business, privatly and independantly run, award winning contract leader seeks to move into political developments in the face of bostonian adversity and life preserving praisers call for world wide. michael moore has developments for farenheight 9/11 1/2 and newsgroup in easy view of self. possble exansion of itunes and cdbaby developing, call for resurrection of the golden days. new interractivity for the true local neighbors and live video performance and on demmand sales from indie artists draws criticizm. link under new development,two concert bootlegs available free of charge for 48 hours only within two hours of now.
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My that is one long paragraph. Looks pretty informative, too. I'll have to forego reading it, though, as I have this yo-yo to play with.
*walks the dog*
deleted user 01.12.2004 23:12
I've learned in my English class today that spacing and indentions are the key to a beautiful paragraph. <sigh>
The good news Mahler is your an idiot. The bad news is , I dont care what ya have to say. This post is supposed to be about Queen and most of all Freddie Mercury. You need to stick to your day job. Posting in forums aint it buddy! .Neither is your music , as its very shameful and distastefull.
ya i figured it was live , but just wasnt sure of the show, i have a version of liar from i think the same show ... where he is trying to announce the song and then he says "oh hes announced it for me ah what they hell this is a song called Liar" or something along those lines.
ya , its gotta be from 74 , i believe so , but never heard a guy screaming for Liar tho. it sounds like an audience recording , but Freddie speaks so loud and the entire song sounds quite clear can barely notice a crowd is there you have to listen closely for it.
Yeah, I think thats a comon introduction to the song. I think at Hammy he says "We're now gonna take you to the battlefield... this is called OGRE - Battle" and then the guitar starts her crying...
the_hero wrote: hmm I remember a concert in Cologne '74 where a fan was screaming for the song Liar the whole concert through, might have been that one
By the way, the guy/gal in Cologne '74 seems to pretty insane... he/she screams and shrieks until he /she almost loses his/her voice - pretty weird. Maybe too many "Kölsch"-Beer... ;-) (our local delicacy)
ahh, but Lisa, at least HE has an excuse.
In small doses, the Caped Codder is quite entertaining. But soon, he'll be heavily sedated (restrained?), disappearing to sleep a restful slumber, causing those here and on AMQ to actually miss the old wanker during the midst of yet another prolonged absence.
joe, wife, and the honest hound Freddie+