HARMALUDE: Harmonica, interlude, war on drugs, harm, harm a lude, lude, qualude. Thanks U. S. Air Force for the accompanyment of those F16 fighter jets overhead.
Harmalude hails back to my days of listening to Queen and their song "Procession" from "II". link
The 2:44 instrumental recorded live at the Hyannis Town Green, Hyannis, MA. USA. From the new release "Rough Drafts Live On Stage" including "Footsteps", "Excuse Me", "Any Day", 'Birds Of Ages", "Something 'Bout Tomorrow", "We're All Gonna Get Paid", "No Highway", "New York", "Say" & "Rant And Ramble"
Why pay 99 cents per single when you can own an entire cd for $5.00 and share and share alike. The sum includes shipping and handling via Paypal. Paypal now accepts credit and debit credit cards from members and non members.
Available exlusively at link, link, link, linklink, link and link
July 2004
Recorded along side Breakwater Shores Drive, Hyannis, MA.
I finally found myself a home
Oh there's nobody inside
I got no money in my pocket
But i got a honest sense of respect and pride
Oh, might've got dirtier along the way
Intentional or mistake what can i say
What can i say
Oh finger across the lips
Yeah hand to your side near your hip
Pointing along your own chosen path
Looking for another reason to find a reason to laugh
Pointing which way should you and i go
Another garage turned into a home
Might be tomorrow might be today
This song is slowing momentarily anyway
Looking out by this old street light
Might be prayin' for something better than Gods might
I hear your footsteps
I hear your footsteps
I hear your footsteps
I'm gonna follow your footsteps
Might just stop here at the corner for awhile
Yes you did, I think you did yes it was just for awhile
Another car coming zoomin right on by
Nobody looking out lookin' in the eye
Another night looking back about tomorrow and today
Moments of happiness end up arguments right away
About how it is between you and I
How to talk to me when your not looking me in the eye
About these serious mistakes we make
How about just stopping and living for goodness sake
I'm gonna follow your footsteps
Gonna make my own footsteps
I'm gonna follow your footsteps
I'm gonna follow your footsteps
W. K. Mahler Music Publishing Co. ASCAP Copyright 2004.
...happy holidays.