about 6 months ago i only knew all the famous songs e.g the ones on the platinum collection and then i thought this band is amazing and they had by far been my favourite band and then a cpl of months ago i started downloadin the not so famous songs e.g let me entertain you, spread your wings, dead on time and i really can't believe jsut how good Queen are. absolute amazing
If you like what you hear, buy the albums! They're great to have, and it's also more admirable to track the albums down instead of just downloading. And it's also so much easier than trying to locate every single track they made, because that is definitely not an easy task.
Well i would buy the albums but as i'm 16 i'm saving for a car, so maybe in the future after i've sorted all my money out i'll get them but i'm pretty sure brian , roger and john arent short of a few bob
os what you're telling us is that if it wasn't Queen you steal from it'd be something else?
what if your choice was between a car and some nice new clothes? ...let me guess? - you'd steal the clothes? - nah! didn't think so! so don't steal the music either!!!!
I'm with others here. If you like something (Queen music or anything), go and buy it. And the age isn't any pardon for me. I was 15, when I started to buy Queen records (and it wasn't cheap and easy to find at those time in Czech). It only took a little bit longer.
Yes, that´s the problem.
People (common people, haha) just know some Queen songs.
Queen have much more tha Greatest Hits albums!
Queen, the best of the best.
deleted user 19.11.2004 23:21
The albums are (I predict) going to be worth something in the distant future. Just think of it as an investment, and being an investment, take proper care of it.
the albums won't be worth much,,,,unless you have the vinyl originals....normal cd albums will be replaced just as vinyl and tape has
watch out for dvd-a as the next generation
already sacd has gone
and by the time dvd-a is popular the next format will be here
Definitely agree with everyone else. Downloading a song or two to sample an album or something is great, and fun. But if you're going to claim to be a fan, make a (very) small sacrifice, and pay for all of the delight and entertainment you're being provided.
Ja ne!