"Sure, of course John looks just like a REALLY hot 14-year old, but I just can't stop looking at that manly mustache! I wonder if he's got a double-ender, though, I hear he's a bottom, too!"
"Hey Freddie - I'll show you mine if you show me yours!"
deleted user 14.10.2004 01:40
lemme give it a shot. no fuckers ok?
Freddie: "What the fuck is he staring at my nose for?"
John: "Let's just pretend that we are normal people here and hiding nothing disgusting."
Wacko Jacko: "My first time with Freddie wasn't so bad, but it leaves me craving for a smaller bit; his was a bit too much"
ready_freddie? wrote: Freddie:"If he doesn't turn around in 5 seconds I'm going to fucking break his bloody nose."
John:"Just keep looking at the camera Freddie..smile.."
Freddie: Maybe if I just keep looking at the camera he will stop staring at my face.
Michael: Now, if I just angle my eyes a bit lower, I will have the perfect view!
John: Oooooh! The lens! Shiny!
Fred: Good God, can we get this over with already? He's looking at my hair again.
Michael: Hehehee, lemme touch ---
John: Glad I'm on this side ...
Fred: Go AWAY, you twat!
Michael: Must -- not -- move -- cameras --
John: This pose is rather uncomfortable. Ow, muscle cramp.
Fred: I'm going to slap you if you don't bugger off ...
Michael: HAIR!!!! AHH!
Et cetera. Agh, I'm bored. :)
ready_freddie? wrote: Freddie:"If he doesn't turn around in 5 seconds I'm going to fucking break his bloody nose."
John:"Just keep looking at the camera Freddie..smile.."
Break it?? It would fall off with one blow.
Yeah, something tells me michael would be grateful for a broken nose. It might make him look better...
the oppositionist wrote:
Yeah, something tells me michael would be grateful for a broken nose.
He already has paid thousands of dollars to break his nose, among other facial "features" - I'm sure he's quite delighted by the results. After all, think of the payoff: he won't need a mask for Halloween!
Freddie: If I touch Michael´s nose, will it fall of?
John: I wouldn´t try it...
Michael: Do you guys have small children? Is any of them named Blanket (did I spell it allright?)?