Today Englands houses of parliament building got attacked by protesters against the ban on fox hunting with hounds.The bill was rushed through by labour leaving two years before effect. It will put thousands of people out of work and possibly mean some hounds will have to be destroyed. However, it also means fox numbers can be controlled by more humanitarian means.
What are your thoughts on this?
Foxes are furry and cute. We find the killing of furry animals horrid. We're human. We're not logical. Now pass me some more of that BBQ'd pig on a spit!
I usually am for animal rights, but on this kind of topic, I feel deer hunters are doing their job, too. If it wasn't for hunters, there would be a deer overload, and not just in the forest!
Sir GH<br><font size=1>ah yeah</font> wrote: I usually am for animal rights, but on this kind of topic, I feel deer hunters are doing their job, too. If it wasn't for hunters, there would be a deer overload, and not just in the forest!
I agree whole heartedly, however the problem with fox hunting is, that it is done in the name of sport. The thought of all these toffy nosed twats chasing after poor Basil, then watching their dogs rip the poor bugger apart, sickens me to the bottom of my stomach. Then to cap it all if anyone is on their first hunt they they smear the foxes blood on their face.
Wonder if theyll include it in the next olympics.
I don't agree with fox hunting at all but then I hardly think shooting them is much better, Bob. It's okay if they get the fox right first time but if they miss and it gets its shoulder or something all that'll happen is the fox will slink away somewhere in pain and bleed to death, or it'll get gangrene or it'll starve to death because it can't move. I wish there was some totally humane way to do it.
Yeah, going back to the pig on the spit thing.....would it be unethical if we killed foxes to eat them?? I think not, its all bollocks. Its not affecting my life. Let them carry on. Its been going on for a hell of a lot longer than the protests.
I don't agree with fox hunting at all but then I hardly think shooting them is much better, Bob. It's okay if they get the fox right first time but if they miss and it gets its shoulder or something all that'll happen is the fox will slink away somewhere in pain and bleed to death, or it'll get gangrene or it'll starve to death because it can't move. I wish there was some totally humane way to do it.
Surely shooting is more acceptable, including the odd 'miss/didn't quite kill', than watching a group of riders with their dogs run a fox into exhaustion and rip it to pieces. And as Brimon mentioned, they don't do it to control numbers, they do it as a 'sport'.