Last night - you may remember last night, it was the longest night we ever had - after finally managing to get to sleep at around three in the morning (this was mainly due, though we won't go into details here, to very loud dogs with the IQ of turnips), I was treated to a long night of gory, Harry Potter related dreams. I might add that I was thinking about neither blood and guts or Harry Potter when I finally got to sleep. My thoughts all ran along the lines of "DAMMIT, BUDDY! SHUT UP!"
This was not true before I woke up this morning, but I am fascinated with the psychology behind dreams. Anyone had any particularly strange ones lately?
But by the gods I can rarely remember them. I would wake up thinking, "I was having a really good dream, and was having a really good time...but I have not a damn clue as to what it was about!"
A lot of times I would mistake my dreams as reality, which is a lot of fun until I wake up. Then it's sort of depressing. Even "nightmares" are really adventurous and fun. The best is being in a dream and consciously knowing you are in one, for then you can manipulate all aspects of it and it is just so fun.
If I could live in a dream, oh, I would.
I had the oddest dream last night that I was writing a book about Queen, and I just remember thinking, 'I have to finish the chapter on Jim Hutton before I wake up.' It was really strange, especially because what I was writing was completely nonsensical, just a jumble of words.
The only musician I've met in a dream was Jimi Hendrix...that I remember. I'm not even that big of a Hendrix fan.
deleted user 09.08.2004 17:23
All of my dreams lately are about going back to college. I either can't find my classrooms, I forget to buy my textbooks, or I schedule classes at the same time.
The rest have been about my boyfriend.
(Sleep/dreams was my favorite section when I took Psychology.)
deleted user 09.08.2004 18:41
OK Ally- here is one for you to think about.
Last night I drempt that I was in a sword fight with some guy. No idea who it was. I do know that when ever I hit him, and felt the sword bite, I gained confidence. He never hit me, but he did damage my blade on several occasions, and at that point, my confidence was lessened. No one won, and it leaves me feeling a bit wierd wondering what that was all about.
Also, I do dream in color. All the time.
Once I dreamt that I died and went to heaven, and Freddie met me at the gates. Bit weird I know, but it seemed really natural at the time, and he was really nice. I also dreamt lately that a bunch of people were chasing me with shovels, and killing my friends with pitchforks. Not quite as uplifting, I know, but still very exciting!
I had two very short but somewhat very odd dreams.
What happened in the first one was that I was gliding down the sidewalk in downtown Edmonton, heading in the south direction, and I slowed down and started walking and stopped and realized that everything seemed exactly so real as if I were there in person. And I thought, "wait a minute", 'closed' my eyes, and woke up facing the ceiling in my room here.
I had another one where I was floating in the air, and I was floating down the stairs to the basement in my grandparent's house. I also had a moment where everything seemed real, and I had complete control of my dream, so I went to 'go outside' in the dark thru the door by the driveway, and again I woke up.
I'd like to know how it was possible that only on these two occassions (which both happened in the same week just recently) was I able to completely realize that I was in a dream that seemed so real/life-like?
It's very odd, even to me, because I've always wanted to be able to move freely of my own will in my dreams for very many years, and I only got the chances very briefly in that one week.
'nuff said, I should be going to bed now. 'ts 4:50AM here in Ontario :P
But for other dreams that were fucked up....
Have you guys ever had those dreams where when you tried to walk, it feels like your legs are so heavy?
Frick, it pisses me off even in my sleep when that happens, especially when I'm trying to run in my sleep. What's worse is that it happens only so often, so sometimes when I'm awake, I'm afraid to run because I keep thinking my legs are going to go down on me (not literally) and go all heavy
But by the gods I can rarely remember them. I would wake up thinking, "I was having a really good dream, and was having a really good time...but I have not a damn clue as to what it was about!"
I know exactly what you mean.
Sometimes, especially on the weekends when I'm sleeping in for as long as I can, I sometimes find when I'm so sleepy in the morning and I'm trying to sleep, I find I'm having a sort of "mish-mashed" sensation of deep sleep-related thoughts, pleasures, feelings, etc. - it's very hard for me to describe because I don't know the term for it. But it's like I'm having a dream, more or less, except I'm not dreaming, but not quite sleeping either :P
And oddly enough, I remember one of my earliest dreams as a little kid that my favourite white "bunny" plush toy got smeared in the face with light purple jam(!) and there was a little commotion.
I remember quite a bit of things from when I was little, but oddly enough don't remember much about between then and when I was in Quebec (from 1995 to 1997 - when I lived in QC)
Sometimes I think I even remember something from my "past life", if I ever had one - but then sometimes my memories get scrambled up :P
Miss James wrote: All of my dreams lately are about going back to college. I either can't find my classrooms, I forget to buy my textbooks, or I schedule classes at the same time.
The rest have been about my boyfriend.
(Sleep/dreams was my favorite section when I took Psychology.)
Is it true that people become sexually aroused when they dream, regardless of the content? I found one of my mom's old abnormal psych books and was looking through it, but it was written in the '60s and there's a lot of stuff in there that we now know to be bullshit.