Very professional design as I expected.
Same shitty code as I expected.
14 errors only on first page? No definition of encoding, no definition of doctype? Frames? Jesus.
Mmm, maybe they've sorted them, but I had no errors on loading the site. I think it looks good and is definitly better than the restricted size version before. Mr Scully, why are frames bad? I admit they can be problematic, but the site seems to be using them well?
Frames are out-dated, you can have the same look via quite simple CSS styles. Plus if you bookmark/refresh a typical site with frames, it bookmarks only the "main" frame. And I'm not mentioning possible problems with search engines.
The site itself looks very good, I know OutsideLine are excellent when it comes to graphic issues. But the code wasn't done by a professional web designer at all.
Now all go and email to this address asking about a box set with rarities, or maybe even a 1 cd teaser of things we can expect
yeh it's better cos there aint all these boxes that come up.
I don't really go there all that much cos the QOL forums are stored straight away under favourites so I take a shortcut straight there
New "Dan" time! New "Dan" channel! Same old shit! wrote: "snappy repartee with Greg"
^---- means "Greg calling fools just that." ;)
Click on "Community":
"Coming Soon
QOL's Community section will be up and running shortly. It will include the main site message board (currently available on the main navigation bar), an all new chat facility, a new look Greg Brooks Q&A feature and of course our regular competitions to win exclusive prizes and signed products."