Great to hear that he is FINALLY releasing a new album soon. I got on his official site not too long ago and the only news was a release DENYING that he would be performing at the Albert Hall. There is something wrong when all your official site does is deny that you will be performing and no one hears from you otherwise. By the way, the version of the "Father Figure" video on the video and dvd has something of a twist ending; the model is shown wearing a man's suit and a fake mustache, smoking a cigar. Any ideas what that means? I have my own ideas.
The man's a genius, I fucking love his stuff.
Not sure about Freek and Shoot The Dog, but everything up to and including Songs From The Last Century has a class to it that few have matched, I think. A great example of a songwriter.
You know, now that I think about it, his new album will probably not be readily available in the U.S. Wasn't his record company Sony music in the U.S. when he had the court battle? I cannot imagine that he would work with them again or that they would take him back. Sony music U.K. would not distribute in the U.S. would they? Oh well, another order through EIL.COM...
I think he has an amazing voice, I love his early stuff. But everything he's released lately was crap IMO. He could be way better with his voice.
Although I LOVE the video to Shoot The Dog! The song sucks but the video is hilarious!!!
But I can't say that I don't like him.
I wouldn't go out and buy his album though.
"and i haven't seen the vid for "shoot the dog"
It's so funny. It's a cartoon where he takes the piss out of the friendship between George W. Bush and Tony Blair!
They're a couple in the video, sometimes Blair is Bush's dog, he throws a bone and Blair runs to catch it and things like that. At the end they dance with Queen Elizabeth.
I think it was banned from TV in America and maybe in England, too cos they found it offending!
It's so damn funny!! IMO he should've won an award for the best video ever!!