I saw this play (Mercury: The Afterlife and Times of a rock God)on Saturday night. I was absolutely amazed at how Amir Darvish, the actor who played Freddie captured the complete and complex make-up of the man himself--the struggles between Farouck Bulsara and Freddie Mercury going between Amir speaking in Farouck's dialect then quickly switching to speaking as Freddie as we all knew him. The quiet, shy, unassuming Farouck and quick-tempered, cocky, arrogant Freddie. The play was true to the life of Freddie, complete with the use of his famous quotes. It was, as is stated in its description, Freddie seeking redemption from God and coming to terms with himself and his life and, of course, his death. A very heartfelt and intense performance. At times an even funny performance. A remarkable performance and one that should be played longer for more to see. I wish I could see it again. It really confirmed, in my mind, what I believed all along regarding Freddie's early life.
Because it was off-Broadway, it was a very small theatre, but it was full house. The audience loved it. He received a standing ovation! In fact, they've added another show this coming Sunday. The actor has a web site, where you can click on the link to the play. It is link Again, this guy put on an absolutely amazing performance!
Harvey: for off-Broadway, yes. Broadway is a completely different story!
deleted user 18.11.2003 11:22
Hi Malina!
I was at the same show and I was very shaken by the end. The actor who portrayed Freddie gave such a moving performance and I think it was very true to Freddie’s memory. He definitely deserved the standing ovation he got at the end. It just goes to show why most of the time I prefer off-broadway to Broadway. Off-Broadway gives people the opportunity to see shows that are riskier and more original and creative than anything you would see on Broadway. Plus the cheaper price doesn’t hurt! I hope that somehow the run can be extended beyond just a few shows so I can drag all of my friends to see it!
Hey Queensqueenie: I was startled at the very beginning. To walk in and see the "throne" with the crown, the wine, the cigarettes, etc. and then when the lights went out and came back on and you saw "Freddie" it was quite shocking at first. For a moment, you could imagine it actually being him, right? At the end, yes, I too became quite shaken. The whole play was very intense and very true to Freddie's life, right to his famous quotes. Where exactly were you sitting? What side of the stage if you were looking at the stage--front or back?
I definitely felt like he could have been channeling Freddie- lol. There were points when I felt the actor was speaking right to me which was a bit eerie. I was sitting in the last row all the way to the right.
Yes, I guess we all felt he was speaking directly to us. We were about the third row to the left, and when he went to light up about his third cigarette, in my mind I said "oh God not again", at which point he said "what, why do I smoke?". It was strange, as if he was answering what I was saying in my mind! Pretty funny! I still can't get over the play. It was incredible!
Did they mention anything about young Faroukh "Freddie" Bulsara being sexually abused by his teacher at St. Peter's???....... And I DO hope this play doesn't involve Jesus in any way - at least not like THAT (him saving Freddie or whatever - although, that's not QUITE far from the truth - but in Freddie's religion it's "Ahura Mazda", the White Spirit / Queen who saves the Bull (Sara) [Aura Resurrects Flash].
"Freddie" talks of his childhood, how his father was always traveling; how the family had servants that catered to him; how he didn't want to be sent away to school. "He" also talks about being made fun of for his name and for his teeth in school. It covers every aspect of his life; meeting Mary, meeting Brian, Roger and John, forming Queen, etc., his sexuality, his struggles within himself, etc.
Too bad they turned away my submission for John Deacon to be an 11' Great White Shark with lasers and a clown hat. Bastards. Lucky they did accept my other submission for the guitarist to be a 6' 2" loutish character with curly hair and who drinks Guinness.
I'd like to see this. I hope against hope that it comes to Australia. I say that with baited breath as I know there are some shit house plays on at the theatre locally. You know, pseudo-intelluctuals with 3 eye rings, boxers pulled up to below their ear and pants on the ground still angry that mum and dad threw him out. Usually them naked reading poetry in a tub of grapes. Fuckers.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the show.
Answer for Malina
Okay - I got my answer - now I believe it's a good play. But you have to know my standards are PRRRettty high. Not so much so regarding plays in general, but regarding the vision people have about Freddie. I guess I went a bit too far in there (some things can't be just blurted out like that) - however, Freddie did mention that kind of thing. Only that in the next moment, he turned and laughed you off, with some charismatic "Don't be ridiculous my Dear".
All in all - there's just so much to Freddie because he's multi-sided so-to-speak...
The reason why I mentioned Jesus was that more than once, right here on Queenzone, some people turned up and started annoying (and sometimes insulting) fans with that kind of thing. Oh man, if they ever knew......
There's a reply here mentioning channeling - well I've nothing to do with anything like that, BUT - I DO know lots of stuff, the old-fashioned way. Anyone for emailing me in private? adi_sunflower83@yahoo.com
Oh, and - it's "Two Tits John Deacon". John is a Rabbit, as is She (1964). Spiritual Sex = I.S (interacting stimuli) - ONLY between soulmates, and yes, you have to be the opposite (sex, attitude etc.) because it's all about counterbalancing. 46/64. Now, who said he would give up the entire gay scene, if he ever found the right woman?... And who else was gay, in history, because he wasn't allowed to be with his soul mate - because she was to be something else to him. Ooooops - I shouldn't say things like that, lest I get in trouble... Tunnel of Feathers (chicken) - he was right, and he made it......
What's that Light all about, the one that's being talked about in the official review of this play? (was up in the news section a few days ago) - watch Made In Heaven, the Freddie video. Did you know that Lucifer means "the Light Bearer"?... and that this angel was perfect apart from the fact that he allowed himself to become "obsessed with beautiful things"?... and that in Freddie's religion, Ahriman who is the Black Queen is represented by Red and Black? But Red can be yours (your guilt or sin), or can be caused by others (what they do to you, like perhaps turning you into a Vampire - a Living Dead - Aids / Hades - Made In Heaven - or is it HELL???)