to add some balance here.
yes he did. for a whole thread's worth of abuse. he is one of life's ingrates who thinks he was entitled to demand that Chinwwonder get on and complete his video upload projects to his (feyenoord's) timetable and whim. no respect for anyone having a life outside of this hobby. he was warned and replied to those warnings stating (more or less) a complete lack of respect for anyone but himself. some of the comments that contributed to his (final) ban.
[color=blue]When u start a project, you must finish a project.
And I think there is time enough to upload at least 1 video in a month, its not rocket science.
Its just silly and pathetic to promiss everything and deliver nothing.
Ch********er, I think he is narcissist, wants to do 6948 things in 1 day but he can not deliver what he promiss.
He's uploading the whole queenbase with songs and demo's, after 6 month's he isnt even finished with Sheer Heart Attack, he wants to upload the whole documantary things about QUeen, uploaded nothing.
But it irrites me that everybody is so happy with him about nothing...
Im glad he shared no bootlegs, after 5 years he will still be in the 1975 concerts.[/color]
Wow. sounds like Kuijpy really earned his ban. Kuijpy has awfully high "expectations" to set a timetable for someone's hobby. How dare Chinwonder have a life outside his Queen hobby?
I don't know him, but Chinwonder seems like one of the nicest people on Queenchat.
Saint Jiub wrote:Wow. sounds like Kuijpy really earned his ban. Kuijpy has awfully high "expectations" to set a timetable for someone's hobby. How dare Chinwonder have a life outside his Queen hobby?
well Kuijpy (feyenoord) is now in esteemed company: Gerry, Mooghead, youpissmeoff (runner70?) and someone who may (or may not) have been Sweet Caroline.
I noticed that some of Mooghead's and feynoord's earlier innocuous posts are still on QueenChat.
I assume that you only deleted their abusive posts,
Are Kuijpy and Mooghead "on hiatus" and prevented from future posting?
Can Mooghead still be reinstated if he promises (I won't hold my breath) that he would refrain from abusive posts in the future?
Saint Jiub wrote:I noticed that some of Mooghead's and feynoord's earlier innocuous posts are still on QueenChat.
I assume that you only deleted their abusive posts,
Are Kuijpy and Mooghead "on hiatus" and prevented from future posting?
Can Mooghead still be reinstated if he promises (I won't hold my breath) that he would refrain from abusive posts in the future?
their accts are locked and their ban is indefinite - until assurances of no repeat are provided. breath-holding in the interim would be extremely bad for the health.
the abusive posts are relocated to a Staff Only section.
Brenski loves playing judge and jury and it is such a pity that the people cannot have freedom of speech which Roger Taylor wholeheartedly supports.
Just because people get banned by Brenski standards does not make them bad people it just makes Brenski a snowflake.
Queenchat has freedom from uncivil speech.
Even though uncivil speech is allowed on QZ, Gerry has somehow lowered the civility bar so much that he has been able to "earn" an unprecedented laundry list of bans on QZ.
you mean the kind of freedom of speech that gives you the liberty to speak like this:
darkgreen[color=darkgreen]Brenski Come and say that to my face you Irish moron and i will personally knock you into the next Irish bank holiday you cunt.
You are quite happy to sit on your keypad typing but i bet your a shit wipe in real life[/color]
happystar wrote:For your information what i write on here has fuck all to do with you and if i was there you would get a slap m8
Red Red
orange orange
SaddleBrown [color=SaddleBrown]Too much of a wimp behind your computer and you will not dare face me outside will you? Come on mate meet me if you dare ......
youl be in a fucking heap if you did[/color]
your definition of freedom of speech had landed you (and your many identities) with 12 bans.
Roger Taylor doesn't support free speech.
Roger Taylor likes the idea of free speech because it's a good subject to sing about but is happy to restricted what newspapers print and what people say when it affects him.
Roger is also happy to slag off The Sun until they are giving away free Queen CDs, then he's good with the promotion.
Brenski I say what i want and if you cannot handle that then you are a soft snowflake.
Getting banned by you is not the be all and end all of the world and just off the record i am still on your new crap site watching very quietly ha ha ha
that's as maybe...but surely your being banned here on QZ 12 times - has gotta smart a little? let's face it - QZ hardly ever ban anyone - so you must be abysmal to be banned just once. but, f*ck knows what kind of depth you are trolling to manage 12 bans!
with regard to our forum, - if you really are "spying" (pathetic though that is) - prove it. just confirm ONE thread that has been updated today.
you can "watch" all you like on our forum...but you can't post. the second you do - you blow your own cover - must be so frustrating for your tiny mind...Gerry - the troll who can't troll. the impotence and downright incapability of the imbecile.
btw - i hope that you appreciate my quoting you - something you once accused several of us of doing "illegally" - what a stupid comment. i will continue to quote you in SaddleBrown while you keep talking shit.
it must eat you up that you have to resist posting your usual racist, homophobic, trans-phobic, bigoted, violent threats - because you know it'll = ban number 13. and you're running out of logins/email addresses. very soon it will be time for:" title="source:" />
you're far too lacking (in every faculty) to understand what's going on here.