I would ask Brian why do you sometimes put on that horrible Gold Cape at the end of the show which is two sizes to small anyway.Is it his mark respect to Kiss?
@Russian Headlong yeah i agree with your question.
May & Taylor are professional musicians so why the hell are they inviting American Idol tossers to join Queen?
Star* wrote:
May & Taylor are professional musicians so why the hell are they inviting American Idol tossers to join Queen?
Because with a once in a lifetime opportunity like this, a true Queen fan like yourself couldn't possibly fathom a question that isn't filled with hate.
Keep it classy, Gerry.
Thanks for the above
I played in a pro band, we used a Roland MC500 as a sequencws but our drummer needed a click to stay in time
I suppose Roger must have a pretty good internal clock!
@Real Wizard Please do not judge my opinions because we all have them. RUSSIAN HEADLONG2 had the same opinions as me but you never attacked me so i guess you are just a vile bully.
Star* wrote:
@Real Wizard Please do not judge my opinions because we all have them. RUSSIAN HEADLONG2 had the same opinions as me but you never attacked me so i guess you are just a vile bully.
Yeah and you've been voicing the same opinion since 2012, and according to you I'm a bully because I don't agree with you.
What was your second ever reply to me. . .
Oh yeah "fuck off".
So Gerry keep your stupid bully accusations to yourself and follow your own mantra and fuck off.
Vocal Harmony Lets not get in to a flap again.
You got told where to go because of your nasty behaviour towards me, so live with it.
I am not speaking to you no more because you bear the grudge of personal attack towards me because you stood out of line and i never tolerated that why should i ?
Well hey that is life grow up.
Thanks for the above
I played in a pro band, we used a Roland MC500 as a sequencws but our drummer needed a click to stay in time
I suppose Roger must have a pretty good internal clock!
Roger Taylor has been Gibraltar rock solid for 50 years. In 600 something recordings of gigs, you can count the number of missed beats and backing vocals on one hand. And his tempo never wavers. He is criminally underrated.
you've just stated that RW has never attacked you, but then go on to call him a bully. that must be a world first - the ability to bully someone by NOT attacking them.
as usual, Gerry and logic remain complete strangers.
It's odd to me that Roger as a drummer is criminally underrated, he rarely appears in 'greatest drummer' lists, and yet Queen were one of the biggest bands ever. Yes, Freddie's charisma played no small part in that, but it took the four of them to really make it work on such a large scale.
I know for a fact that a great many professional (and well-known) *drummers* realize how great Roger is. It just seems that the critics and the public are a little slow on the uptake on that count.
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:
I know for a fact that a great many professional (and well-known) *drummers* realize how great Roger is. It just seems that the critics and the public are a little slow on the uptake on that count.
i think the "critics" like artists that are dedicated to the one instrument. hence, you get Baker, Bonham, Moon, Peart, Paice et al being talked about.
Conversely the drummers who (like Roger) started off wanting to play guitar, or went on to play guitar later (Grohl) - never appear in the critics' greatness lists.
miraclesteinway wrote:
It's odd to me that Roger as a drummer is criminally underrated, he rarely appears in 'greatest drummer' lists, and yet Queen were one of the biggest bands ever. Yes, Freddie's charisma played no small part in that, but it took the four of them to really make it work on such a large scale.
Being second fiddle to the greatest frontman of all time, it's bound to happen.
Hell, even Roger Daltrey's solo career didn't really take off. Nor did Keef's nor Mick's.
I guess there's just no algorithm for these things.
miraclesteinway wrote:
It's odd to me that Roger as a drummer is criminally underrated, he rarely appears in 'greatest drummer' lists, and yet Queen were one of the biggest bands ever. Yes, Freddie's charisma played no small part in that, but it took the four of them to really make it work on such a large scale.
Ok, since the other site Isn't active I'm here. I was Just On my facebook page and someone posted best Drummers and he mentioned Roger In his top ten. Obviously I chimed In how underrated he Is. A top Drummer, songwriter and one of the best Drumming singers In rock history. How doesn't he get mentioned more? Underrated Indeed.