Freddie Jupiter 28.03.2020 22:56 |
Given that Brenski continues to clog every thread with accusatations that everybody who disagrees with him and mocks his stupidity is Gerry, I thought it would be better if there was a thread especially dedicated to his nonsense. Accuse away Brenski. |
Saint Jiub 28.03.2020 23:54 |
Maybe you are runner? |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 00:10 |
Or maybe this is my first and only account here, as I've maintained from the beginning. |
Makka 29.03.2020 01:56 |
As I mentioned in another this is a great example of a perfect candidate it Covid 19 wants to follow natural selection. We don't need these shit threads and they're not wanted. Fuck off with this continuous bullshit and get back to the music. Primary school kids would shake their heads at the shit that goes on in here! |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 03:01 |
Couldn't agree more. The threads should be all about the music. That's why I opened this thread for Brenski, so that he stops clogging every other thread with accusations that certain ppeople are Gerry. You're welcome. |
Makka 29.03.2020 05:16 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: Couldn't agree more. The threads should be all about the music. That's why I opened this thread for Brenski, so that he stops clogging every other thread with accusations that certain ppeople are Gerry. You're welcome.I don't give a fuck about what who said what or whatever, you guys are acting like fucking imbeciles! Enough is enough! You all need to fucken move on! |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 05:40 |
Brenski is the one acting like an imbecile and he tried to drag me down to his level. But I would have none of it, which is why I opened this thread. So I don't know what you want from me. If you have a problem with imbecilic behaviour take it up with Brenski. |
brENsKi 29.03.2020 06:37 |
i wasn't going to bother, with this fake thread, created by a fake personality. however, the motives of the OP need addressing. so, unlike the wittering and bleating of the OP - i'll make one post here.
there's others here that have accused you of being Gerry - but you single me out. This new thread of yours is exactly what people expect from Gerry. Even as far back as 2014 - when you/he/it first arrived here!
if you're definitely not Gerry, then stop behaving like him.
Didn't create a thread for Holly, did you, Gerry?
Holly2003 wrote:That's very rude. You should make your fictional character more polite. And give him/her more Queen knowledge so you don't look so foolish. Holly2003 wrote:Since you are a fake account -- someone else's 2nd or 3rd personality on the forum -- your fictional characteristics are of no interest to me. Holly2003 wrote:Look who has turned up! Mr multiple accounts! Who would have guessed lol |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 06:43 |
Oh, one other person accused me of being Gerry. I must be Gerry then. It's settled then, I'm Gerry because two people accused me of being Gerry, and 2 is the magic number apparently. |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 06:45 |
This is the tactic of the dimwit. Can't win an argument? Accuse the opponent of being Gerry. Works every time lmao. |
SpaceGrey 29.03.2020 09:13 |
Saint Jiub wrote: Maybe you are runner?yes he is |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 10:41 |
Maybe you guys should have a vote whether I'm gerry or runner. After all truth here is established by consensus, not by that which conforms to fact and reality. |
Makka 29.03.2020 10:50 |
Fuck!! And on it goes!! |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 10:54 |
Well yes, this is the thread for it, isn't it? Imagine how much this forum will improve if Brenski learns to stay on topic in all the other threads and confines his insane accusations of people in this thread. |
thomasquinn 32989 29.03.2020 11:11 |
Whoever you are, your record of posts clearly shows that you are an annoying moron who loves to whine and provoke arguments. |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 11:25 |
What do you expect me to do? Everything is closed, there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, streets are empty etc. But thanks for chiming in. I honestly thought you guys would support me in my efforts to stop Brenski clogging all the threads with his insane accusations, but no, you have to give me a hard time by picking on the smallest things. Apparently now the fact that I'm posting too much is a problem. Next you'll make a problem out of the fact that I use too many vowels, or something like that. Brenski on the other hand is free to post his insane, incoherent, dishonest bullshit as much as he likes. |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 11:26 |
Also it's very rich for a Marxist to call someone a Moron. |
Makka 29.03.2020 11:30 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: Apparently now the fact that I'm posting too much is a problem. Next you'll make a problem out of the fact that I use too many vowels, or something like that. Brenski on the other hand is free to post his insane, incoherent, dishonest bullshit as much as he likes.I'm not having a whinge because you post too much, I'm having a whinge because this forum is just full of these sorts of threads and comments. Every fucken thread ends up being the same shit with people having a go at each other. It's fucked and it's gone beyond pathetic. |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 11:37 |
This thread is clearly titled. It's for Brenski to accuse people of being Gerry. If you think that you won't find it interesting, don't click on it. Simples. Also the amount of shit I'm getting from you guys makes me think that you actually enjoy Brenski straying off topic in near it every thread and clogging everything with his accusations of who is Gerry and who,is runner. Not me, though. I like it when people stay on topic. |
thomasquinn 32989 29.03.2020 12:07 |
You clearly have issues reading. The problem is not the frequency at which you post, but the nature of what you post - anything that'll let you spew the same, tired, whiny complaints about Brian May and break a lance for an idealized Freddie Mercury. It's the same thing over and over and over and over. Just like gerry, by the way. As for your rather silly attempt at a personal attack - do you know who that guy in the picture captioned "Marxism" is? That's Groucho Marx. I'm a Marx Brothers fan, simple as that. I don't give a damn about your views on political Marxism one way or another - I just don't get the impression that your opinion on any subject has much value, based on your posts. But if you think I'm a moron because of your misinterpretation of an obvious pun, you've really just proven my point about you. |
dastard 29.03.2020 13:30 |
This thread is in QUEEN - SERIOUS DISCUSSION, so the thread should be about Queen, NOT about other people you dislike. Please post this sh*t in the PERSONAL forum. |
brENsKi 29.03.2020 14:50 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: This thread is clearly titled. It's for Brenski to accuse people of being Gerry. If you think that you won't find it interesting, don't click on it. Simples. Also the amount of shit I'm getting from you guys makes me think that you actually enjoy Brenski straying off topic in near it every thread and clogging everything with his accusations of who is Gerry and who,is runner. Not me, though. I like it when people stay on topic.i'm annoyed with myself - for replying again (after promising i wouldn't) - but you have to keep mentioning my name...dragging me back into it - almost as if you want an argument. yes, that could be it. not a bit of it. i'm chatting in other topics where neither you nor Gerry are and we're staying "on topic". common denominator is/are you/Gerry. grow the fuck up. bwah bwah bwah! Brenski upset me, i need to start a personal thread to get him back - that'll show him. you really are one absolute cucking funt. if you really wanted to stay on topic, it's easy enough. but as TQ says - you're just a Freddie Sychophant who's here to row with anyone who has any differing viewpoint / those who are okay with seeing other band members in a good light. you can't help it - and abide it less so that anyone could dare to see your idol though your own spettacolo colorato di rosa, Freddie was a musical genius, but regardless of the epitome of everything good you cite him to be, he was flawed. deeply flawed. an (at times) spiteful, drunk, cokehead - who's dead now because he was such a promiscuous idiot - taking risks with others' lives in the process. when i think of Freddie these days, i think of the great music he made, and then reproach him for the music we never got to hear - because he was such a hedonistic, self-indulgent c*nt. if you're not here to argue and spout shit - prove it. just stop. |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 21:22 |
@ thomas Quinn, Next time before I post something I shall make sure that the content is ok with you. Once you have approved of the content I will go ahead and post it. Brenski meanwhile is free to post his incoherent, nonsensical, intellectually dishonest bullshit as much as he likes and doesn't have to seek anybody's permission. More than that he strays off topic all the time clogging threads with his unhealthy obsession with some guy called Gerry. Seems fair -- not. |
Freddie Jupiter 29.03.2020 21:29 |
As for my criticisms of Brian May, that's a good thing. The guy has very poor self awareness and needs people to call him out on his poor behaviour instead of always being told that he's right by sycophants such as yourself and Brenski -- even when he's blatantly breaking the law and assaulting people. If you have a problem with that take it up with Brian, as he did it to himself. Nobody forced him to become the Axl Rose of Queen. |
The Real Wizard 30.03.2020 03:48 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: I don't give a damn about your views on political Marxism one way or another - I just don't get the impression that your opinion on any subject has much value, based on your posts.A gentleman, as ever. But I'm afraid there will be no progress made here, either because the subject you are speaking with is at least 50 IQ points below yours, or they are a troll whose function here isn't to provide civil dialogue. Or possibly both. |
Freddie Jupiter 30.03.2020 03:58 |
@The Real Wizard, The subject he's speaking to has an iq in the top 0.1 percentile. If you're so smart how come you don't know that an ad hominem is a logical fallacy and as soon as you make one you automatically disqualify yourself from the discussion and you lose the argument? |
brENsKi 30.03.2020 08:50 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: @The Real Wizard, The subject he's speaking to has an iq in the top 0.1 percentile. If you're so smart how come you don't know that an ad hominem is a logical fallacy and as soon as you make one you automatically disqualify yourself from the discussion and you lose the argument?do you even read the rubbish you type? you use the ad hominem argument on one, while actually creating - and being the main participator in a thread targeting another. for someone who claims to be in the top 0.1 percentile, the only question remaining is "top 0.1 percentile, of what?" - cabbages? |
Freddie Jupiter 30.03.2020 08:58 |
Please point to where I have used an ad hominem. |
brENsKi 30.03.2020 09:17 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: Please point to where I have used an ad hominem.even someone "not in the top 0.1 percentile" can see i never said any such thing. you appear to possess the polar opposite of the intelligence levels of which you claim. i'm pointing to your hypocrisy of using the ad hominem argument in a thread YOU created to specifically attack another. "glass houses" and "stones". now, if you don't mind - i'm trying to avoid conversing directly with you - as i'm not fluent in "Cabbage". |
Freddie Jupiter 30.03.2020 09:20 |
Please point to where I have used an ad hominem, and show me the thread that I have made to attack another. |
brENsKi 30.03.2020 09:45 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote:Please point to where I have used an ad hominem,for the last time, moron: I haven't said you did any such thing.redi said: "you use the ad hominem argument on one, while actually creating - and being the main participator in a thread targeting another." even someone "not in the top 0.1 percentile" can see i never said any such thing...i'm pointing to your hypocrisy of using the ad hominem argument in a thread YOU created to specifically attack another. this whole thread is your literal attack on me, you fool : "against the man" Freddie Jupiter wrote:and show me the thread that I have made to attack, this one, you moron: 5 personal attacks on me - in a thread that you created - for nothing less than personal attack purposes. regardless of what you claim your "thread creation" reasons" were - your hate agenda is wearing a very transparent veil. you were hoping you'd get dozens of bandwagon jumpers joining your fake cause. blue blue blue blue blueenjoy your futile, meaningless, moronic vendetta. now please don't expect another reply. if you can't see what you've done, then you really are as thick as you appear. |
Freddie Jupiter 30.03.2020 09:50 |
None of those are an ad hominems. Do you even know what an ad hominem is? Also in the absence of being able to point out ad hominems and threads of mine that are designed to attack people I really don't know what your point is. Please learn to express yourself clearly first, because you're confusing the hell out of me. |
philip storey 30.03.2020 11:52 |
It is true that Freddie's sexual life was out of control in the 80's having lots of different partners most nights,high on coke and not looking after himself in general.He paid a terrible price passing away when he would have been in his prime.I think Queen would have made some fantastic albums in the 90's and the tour's would have become more and more successful.With all the technical advances the band would have made their shows better and better.I do think that deep down Brian was very annoyed that Freddie killed the Queen brand when they were doing so well. However the Queen show is back although its not my cup of tea I am pleased for those who enjoy it .Get off Brenski's back he does make some very good points and he is a very entertaining and is not afraid to speak his mind. |
AlbaNo1 30.03.2020 12:49 |
Philip, Does your comment below not suggest that Brian's mindset could be such that he influenced the films scriptwriters to present Freddie in a certain way. "I do think that deep down Brian was very annoyed that Freddie killed the Queen brand when they were doing so well" That kind of backs up Jupiters view. We have seen the same argument spring up in multiple threads because Jupiter says Freddie did not beg to get back in the band. The response from those arguing back are just that Jupiter cant prove it. Or that its raised too often etc. Why cant we resolve this or at least get true opinions. We cant prove it either way but if people stated their feeling on it the debate wouldnt go on interminably. Mine is that it didnt happen like that, and that Brian's feedback may have influenced the scene. True its a film. Scenes are created for dramatic effect. But for me it doesnt sit right. Neither does the Brian character pointing out that the Bohemian Rhapsody solo was "his" composition. Sure it is, but it does feel like he is getting his own points across through the film. |
brENsKi 30.03.2020 14:02 |
AlbaNo1 wrote: Why cant we resolve this or at least get true opinions. We cant prove it either way but if people stated their feeling on it the debate wouldnt go on would be good. but can you imagine the outcome of having a "horse's mouth" statement. there's some that are so anti-Brian, they'd STILL insist they are correct and that he's lying. |
philip storey 30.03.2020 15:33 |
I don't think that Freddie ever begged to rejoin the band,he never left in the first place ! He was badly advised by Paul Pretner to do a solo album for CBS,writing all of the songs for a solo album ,which did quite well,releasing some hit singles and doing what he wanted without all of the fighting with Brian and Roger.He signed a two album deal but after the luke warm reception of Bad Guy decided that the Band was always stronger than any of them.What was Brian going to do anyway,give Paul Rodgers a ring?Also his Back To The Light Album was a patchy affair and on tour it was too much for him doing vocals and lead Guitar,playing to half full venues in USA.I did see that tour in Nottingham and it was a very good show but the Royal Concert Hall only holds 2,500 ,Knebworth,Wembley it is not. I enjoyed Queen/Paul Rodgers shows much more than what we have now with AL it was more of a rock show and I enjoyed Pauls songs alongside Queen songs.I thought Brian's solo on Alright Now was a concert highlight for me . |
AlbaNo1 30.03.2020 17:28 |
I enjoyed Wishing Well from QPR |
The Real Wizard 30.03.2020 19:16 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: If you're so smart how come you don't know that an ad hominem is a logical fallacy and as soon as you make one you automatically disqualify yourself from the discussion and you lose the argument?So you relentlessly troll the internet slandering people you've never met, dubbing those who even partially agree with you as "thinking for themselves" and rejecting anything that doesn't suit your worldview of blind hatred, and then you throw the "ad hominem" card when someone simply points out your verbal diarrhea for what it is. Must be a nice tin foil hat you're wearing. Classic conspiracy theorist. Nothing to see here. |
Freddie Jupiter 30.03.2020 21:15 |
@The Real Wizard, why should anyone listen to a guy who commits logical fallacies? Sorry, but your reputation is shot and your opinions are worthless. |
brENsKi 30.03.2020 21:35 |
SaddleBrownwell, we're still listening to it seems to be an unwritten rule. |
Freddie Jupiter 30.03.2020 21:52 |
Yes you're listening and I don't commit logical fallacies. So what's your point? |