SweetCaroline 25.03.2020 03:13 |
A REAL President — not a fake one: Joe Biden “Let me be very clear: No one is expendable. No matter your age, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. No life is worth losing to add one more point to the Dow.” |
Saint Jiub 25.03.2020 04:08 |
SweetCaroline wrote: A REAL President — not a fake one: Joe Biden “Let me be very clear: No one is expendable. No matter your age, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. No life is worth losing to add one more point to the Dow.”What about unborn life? Democrats are dragging their feet so that Planned Parenthood can get more abortion funding. link ... Stimulus Deal Snags on Abortion Providers (5:47 p.m.) A fight over abortion providers like Planned Parenthood is one of the remaining holdups in negotiations over the Senate’s stimulus bill, according to a person familiar with the talks. Democrats want abortion providers to be eligible for aid under the small business portion of the bill, the person said. Republicans had put in language barring nonprofits that receive Medicaid funding, which includes Planned Parenthood, from accessing that aid. -- Steven T. Dennis |
Saint Jiub 25.03.2020 04:11 |
Democrats in the US Congress are also playing politics and trying to implement the "Green New Deal". Please note that this link is from a mainstream publication not a tweet (nor MS-NBC nor Fox) link Scroll down to "The parts of the House bill drawing scrutiny" ... The parts of the House bill drawing scrutiny While the House offered its own stimulus bill on Monday, Congress is likely to take up a bill that originated in the Senate. Congressional leaders have signaled a deal is close to being made. Here are some of the key provisions in the House’s $2.5 trillion stimulus package that have drawn scrutiny: Offers $35 million for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Preforming Arts for operations and maintenance requirements related to the coronavirus. Requires airlines getting help to fully offset the annual carbon emissions of such air carriers for domestic flights beginning in 2025. Rescinds several executive orders limiting collective bargaining. Requires corporations receiving aid to pay full and part-time workers a minimum hourly wage of $15 or more starting no later than Jan. 1, 2021. Cancels outstanding debt of the United States Postal Service owed to the Treasury and authorizes USPS to borrow up to $15 billion from Treasury to keep operating. Requires states provide at least 15 days of early voting, provide "no-excuse" absentee vote-by-mail, and mail a ballot to all registered voters in an emergency and gives $4 billion to help them. - Christal Hayes and Ledge King . |
pittrek 25.03.2020 09:18 |
LOL - do you ACTUALLY believe Biden has a chance? Good luck :) |
thomasquinn 32989 25.03.2020 09:35 |
pittrek wrote: LOL - do you ACTUALLY believe Biden has a chance? Good luck :)I don't care what SweetCaroline thinks about anything. But yes, Joe Biden has a very real chance. That, by the way, is not an opinion, that is a fact founded on a basis of solid statistics and electoral math. |
Holly2003 25.03.2020 11:40 |
An interesting view on how the US is coping. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52012049 |
brENsKi 25.03.2020 15:52 |
Holly2003 wrote: An interesting view on how the US is coping. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52012049the first 3 characters after www are enough to make me ignore. BBC are supposed to be unbiased - time and again, they prove to be otherwise. i haven't watched BBC breakfast news for six months now. |
MisterCosmicc 25.03.2020 16:58 |
Joe Biden doesn’t like Adam Lambert’s music. |
The Real Wizard 27.03.2020 03:39 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:Three reasons why Biden is likely to win:pittrek wrote: LOL - do you ACTUALLY believe Biden has a chance? Good luck :)I don't care what SweetCaroline thinks about anything. But yes, Joe Biden has a very real chance. That, by the way, is not an opinion, that is a fact founded on a basis of solid statistics and electoral math. 1) the Republicans have exhausted all avenues of gerrymandering and voter suppression (i.e. they can't cheat anymore) 2) a ton of old people in red states are going to die from COVID-19, which is a fair portion of the GOP base (smartphone GPS data doesn't lie - link 3) the false hope instilled from Trump's rhetoric will erode upon the reality of #2 sinking in link The US is now officially the epicentre of the virus, and they have less hospital beds per capita than Italy. Within weeks hospitals will be triaging because there are not enough ventilators (there are already cases of people having to share them). Unless a cure or a vaccine shows up soon, Trump is going down with the ship. It's absolutely tragic, as this was completely preventable. But this is what happens when the stable genius in chief calls a pandemic a "hoax" in a country with an ill-equipped privatized health care system. |
The Real Wizard 27.03.2020 03:40 |
MisterCosmicc wrote: Joe Biden doesn’t like Adam Lambert’s music.ha !! |
The Fairy King 27.03.2020 09:54 |
What about the rape accusations? |
Iron Butterfly 27.03.2020 11:18 |
The Fairy King wrote: What about the rape accusations??? |
HelloDelilah 29.03.2020 00:53 |
Will the mainstream media investigate this accusation or will Biden get a pass? link link |
HelloDelilah 29.03.2020 01:05 |
Hard to see Biden as the leader of the free world. LOL link |
Saint Jiub 29.03.2020 03:12 |
Joe Biden? Does God bless rapists? Of course Biden will deny it. He is so senile, he could not remember if he tried. |
Iron Butterfly 29.03.2020 03:15 |
HelloDelilah wrote: Will the mainstream media investigate this accusation or will Biden get a pass? link link------ If that was allegedly said about Trump, SweetCaroline would be shouting how he's not fit for the presidency. Wonder how she feels about this and Biden? |
thomasquinn 32989 31.03.2020 12:01 |
There have been a few women who have made accusations of inappropriate behaviour by Biden. All of them have specifically stated that they felt it was inappropriate, but not sexual. So, to try to present it as if there was sexual assault is pathetic. Especially if you consider that there is now a list of well over twenty women who have made serious allegations of sexually transgressive behaviour by Donald Trump. |
pittrek 31.03.2020 12:33 |
I think Biden running for the office is a joke, but I don't like people here calling him a rapist - whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? |
The Fairy King 01.04.2020 08:44 |
Hope Bernie gets it. |
pittrek 01.04.2020 09:27 |
A socialist president is the worst thing which could happen to America. I would never want you to suffer so much. |
thomasquinn 32989 01.04.2020 09:32 |
@pittrek: Putting aside for a moment that Sanders isn't even a socialist, are you able to understand that your logic, all socialism = soviet dictatorship, is exactly the same as all capitalism = south american junta? I.e., fallacious. |
pittrek 01.04.2020 10:03 |
Sanders IS a socialist, even though he calls himself a "democratic socialist" (which is a thing that is something like wet fire). Yes, ALL socialism will end up in a soviet-type dictatorship. Always, with no exceptions possible, even in theory. While capitalism can exist in short term in a non-democratic society, socialism can't, socialism is mutually exclusive with democracy. As soon as you give the people any rights to make any decisions, they will try to dismantle the socialist society |
thomasquinn 32989 01.04.2020 10:08 |
That reply just shows that you hold politically extremist views and have an utterly dogmatic, rather warped view of reality. But, at least you own up to it, so everyone can see how extreme your views are. Meanwhile, socialist parties have ruled democratically (and left office peacefully) in most European countries and many other countries the world over. |
pittrek 01.04.2020 10:18 |
These "extremist views" (a.k.a. common sense) are caused by growing up in a socialist country and being the last generation which was forced to study bullshit pseudophilosophy called "marxism-leninism" (thank god only a year). And no, there is no European country which would have a socialist party ruling over them, you are probably confusing socialists with social democrats, just like Bernie when he insulted Denmark by calling their system socialism. |
thomasquinn 32989 01.04.2020 10:39 |
Ah, moving the goalposts (when I say Sanders isn't a socialist you claim he is, and now, suddenly, social democrats aren't socialists - despite the fact that Sanders argues for social democratic policies, not socialist ones), projecting your own experience with one communist dictatorship as normative for all socialism (it isn't - it's not even normative for anti-democratic communism - just compare China, Cuba and the Soviet Union - very different dictatorships) and denying reality (both socialist and social democratic parties have governed democratically in numerous countries. Just a few examples: Attlee's post-war socialist government in the UK (included nationalization of a sizeable part of British industry), current Namibia (socialist SWAPO has governed democratically and it is universally agreed that elections are free and fair), Israel for the first few decades of its existence as a state (note the kibbutzim)). The fact that you equate Marxism-Leninism, which is indeed stupid bullshit, with socialism is another truly fallacious point in your argument. Only a minority of socialists EVER accepted those doctrines, not even all COMMUNIST regimes accept it (China never did [although, for a time it used the word - in a meaning entirely different from that used by the Soviet Union - which caused no end of trouble between the two countries], Cuba only nominally does) and, despite the name, it doesn't reflect Marx's own writings at all accurately (even flatly contradicting Marx on numerous points) and...most socialists are, and were, non-Marxist. Your remarks fall in the "not even wrong" category. It is, and I mean this seriously and not as an insult or something, like you use words in an entirely different meaning from the rest of the world and thus draw conclusions that make NO sense to anyone who reads the words in their common meaning. |
mike hunt 11.04.2020 17:14 |
Troubling times It Is, but mark my words..Trump will be re elected.. |
mike hunt 11.04.2020 17:30 |
I Believe Sanders dropped out, so that leaves Biden. I don't give him much of a chance. |
Saint Jiub 11.04.2020 20:09 |
I look forward to more definitive information about Burisma. |
Holly2003 11.04.2020 20:48 |
Saint Jiub wrote: I look forward to more definitive information about Burisma.Yes, Republicans are very keen to keep a fake scandal in the spotlight to dog Biden through his presidential campaign. Swift boats, Whitewater, Obama birth certificate, Benghazi -- very dirty politics. And yet Republicans give their own candidates a free ride, whether its draft dodging Dubya, fake weapons of mass destruction, or crotch grabbing Donald. |
Saint Jiub 11.04.2020 21:32 |
Holly2003 wrote:Russia hacked Burisma, I wonder what nuggets will be dug up and presented weeks before the election. Why would Burisma hire a loser like Hunter?Saint Jiub wrote: I look forward to more definitive information about Burisma.Yes, Republicans are very keen to keep a fake scandal in the spotlight to dog Biden through his presidential campaign. Swift boats, Whitewater, Obama birth certificate, Benghazi -- very dirty politics. And yet Republicans give their own candidates a free ride, whether its draft dodging Dubya, fake weapons of mass destruction, or crotch grabbing Donald. link Perhaps Burisma leaks will turn out like Hillary's emails, or the Democratic National Congress rigging the election against Bernie. |
Holly2003 11.04.2020 21:41 |
Good job ignoring everything I said and continuing the smear campaign. Meanwhile, your Republican president continues to embarrass your country every day. |
Saint Jiub 11.04.2020 21:44 |
... and there are worries about Biden's mental acuity ... link |
Holly2003 11.04.2020 21:44 |
Holly2003 wrote: Good job ignoring everything I said and continuing the smear campaign. Meanwhile, your Republican president continues to embarrass your country every day.ps are you suggesting Russia will interfere in your internal affairs in order to ensure Trump is reelected? I wonder why they would want Trump in charge so badly? |
Saint Jiub 11.04.2020 21:45 |
Holly2003 wrote: Good job ignoring everything I said and continuing the smear campaign. Meanwhile, your Republican president continues to embarrass your country every day.I don't like Trump, but he is the lesser of two evils. |
Holly2003 11.04.2020 21:46 |
Saint Jiub wrote: ... and there are worries about Biden's mental acuity ... linkAnd keep ignoring Trump's massive instability and personality disorders. But hey, he's a Republican, and that's all that matters, right? |
Holly2003 11.04.2020 21:47 |
Saint Jiub wrote:If that's the insane position that Republicans hold then you deserve the president you currently have.Holly2003 wrote: Good job ignoring everything I said and continuing the smear campaign. Meanwhile, your Republican president continues to embarrass your country every day.I don't like Trump, but he is the lesser of two evils. |
Saint Jiub 11.04.2020 21:52 |
Holly2003 wrote:What matters is that Trump is not a Democrat.Saint Jiub wrote: ... and there are worries about Biden's mental acuity ... linkAnd keep ignoring Trump's massive instability and personality disorders. But hey, he's a Republican, and that's all that matters, right? Unfortunately the US has a two party political system. I voted independent in the last presidential election, I voted against Trump in the last month's Illinois presidential primary, and I will likely vote independent again in the 2020 presidential election. |
Holly2003 11.04.2020 22:02 |
Saint Jiub wrote: What matters is that Trump is not a Democrat.Indeed, that's all that seems to matter to those who vote for him. Now, politics over, I'm off to Facebook to look at funny cat videos. |
SweetCaroline 12.04.2020 00:07 |
Go Joe! We need YOUR leadership! “@JoeBiden This new enemy may be unseen, but we have the tools, the expertise, the will, and the spirit to defeat it. There is nothing the American people can't accomplish if we work together.“ |
SweetCaroline 13.04.2020 02:05 |
Easter message from Joe and Jill Biden: “link |
HelloDelilah 14.04.2020 03:53 |
Saint Jiub wrote: ... and there are worries about Biden's mental acuity ... link*********************** Give him a break for goodness sake!! He's 77 years old! Bless his heart. :) link link link |
pittrek 14.04.2020 08:12 |
Holly2003 wrote:Close, but not 100% correct. Hint: Trump will win for the same reason why 99.99% of the "woke" Hollywood movies / shows / digital leftist media fail.Saint Jiub wrote: What matters is that Trump is not a Democrat.Indeed, that's all that seems to matter to those who vote for him. |
thomasquinn 32989 14.04.2020 10:16 |
The fact that you think you know the outcome of the election, under such extraordinary circumstances as this year, more than six months out, just shows that you really don't have a clue. But to be fair, your previous insane rant, the rebuttal of which you refuse to even reply to, already established that. |
Iron Butterfly 06.05.2020 01:50 |
SweetCaroline, you are absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. Since you say nothing is private on the internet I can post your tweet here that you posted on May 4th. "@morningmika I would have a question for Tara Reade. Was she wearing underpants when this alleged attack occurred? It would be impossible if she was." |
Saint Jiub 06.05.2020 02:23 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: SweetCaroline, you are absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. Since you say nothing is private on the internet I can post your tweet here that you posted on May 4th. "@morningmika I would have a question for Tara Reade. Was she wearing underpants when this alleged attack occurred? It would be impossible if she was."Slut-shaming is a new low for SC. |
Iron Butterfly 06.05.2020 03:31 |
Saint Jiub wrote:She keeps sinking lower and lower. If TR did not wear underpants she could not have been sexually attacked according to SCIron Butterfly wrote: SweetCaroline, you are absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. Since you say nothing is private on the internet I can post your tweet here that you posted on May 4th. "@morningmika I would have a question for Tara Reade. Was she wearing underpants when this alleged attack occurred? It would be impossible if she was."Slut-shaming is a new low for SC. She thinks of herself as the judge and jury about an alleged sexual assault saying that if she wore underpants it means it's impossible for the alleged victim to be sexuallay assaulted. Seriously wtf is wrong with SweetCaroline's mind, heart and soul come to think of it. There must be something very, very wrong with her, IMO. I'm sure she will come by saying I'm stalking her, which is her way of deflect ting from her bullshit she spews. but hey, she's said nothing is private on the internet, more than once. Her twiiter is trash, but this is the worst she's has said about anybody in the news. She has the nerve to say I'm evil, disgusting, despicable hateful, cold anything she can think of. Well, look at her being the judge and jury of an alleged sexual assault. |
SweetCaroline 15.05.2020 03:14 |
TR is lying and no doubt being paid by the Trump mafia to smear Joe! |
Saint Jiub 15.05.2020 03:49 |
Creepy Uncle Joe: link This article from a main stream publication is from over 5 years ago: link The Daily Show with John Stewart: link |
SweetCaroline 15.05.2020 04:35 |
Saint Jiub, did you forget about this: link |
Iron Butterfly 15.05.2020 09:29 |
SweetCaroline wrote: TR is lying and no doubt being paid by the Trump mafia to smear Joe!Yep, you think of yourself as judge and jury of TR. You don't have all the facts or even have of it, but you judge anyways. Tell me how you know she is no doubt lying and being paid paid by the Trump mafia to smear Biden? What proof do you have? Shame on you. The next time you want to call me disgusting and despicable I will keep your ugly tweet and judgement about an alleged victim of sexual assault in mind. You seem to believe if TR wore underwear she could not have been sexually attacked. There are many ways to be sexually assaulted and or attacked, even while wearing underpants. So now you want to turn the tables onto Trump, even though you have ranted and bitched about the guy in the other thread. Did you forget to post that in there? |
Saint Jiub 16.05.2020 00:47 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Saint Jiub, did you forget about this: linkI only saw highlights, but I never saw the whole video. However, it is one thing to talk creepy, it is another thing to creepily touch young girls. Did you forget about Creepy Uncle Joe? Oh well, being a pervert does not make one unqualified to be president ... Kennedy & Clinton were reasonably competent presidents. |
SweetCaroline 16.05.2020 16:10 |
So you think Joe is creepier than Donald who was having sex with a porn star while his 3rd wife was in the hospital having his baby? |
Saint Jiub 16.05.2020 17:25 |
SweetCaroline wrote: So you think Joe is creepier than Donald who was having sex with a porn star while his 3rd wife was in the hospital having his baby?Yes. Those poor little girls ... link |
Iron Butterfly 16.05.2020 20:33 |
Saint Jiub wrote:Yikes. And yikes again.SweetCaroline wrote: So you think Joe is creepier than Donald who was having sex with a porn star while his 3rd wife was in the hospital having his baby?Yes. Those poor little girls ... link That is so much worse than cheating on a wife even while she was giving birth. SweetCaroline's logic fail going for the personal life "angle". I guess Biden is the latest man she's put on a pedestal. Like AL, Obama and now Biden she can never admit to them being less than perfect. She will ignore the video you posted and practically stick her fingers in her ears. She will come by having a go at us, Saint Jiub, I'm sure of it. |
SweetCaroline 16.05.2020 22:28 |
The point is the Trumpsters are making a big deal out of Joe while totaling ignoring and excusing what the pathogical liar/sexual predator Trump has done all of his life. The complaint from one woman 27 years later during a presidential election is very suspicious especially after what Trump pulled in Ukraine against Biden that led to his impeachment. C’mon there is no comparison! No one is perfect and boys will be boys. But I have a brother-in-law who is personally acquainted with Joe. And he has told us what a genuinely nice, caring human being he is. No one ever says that about Trump. Trump will say and do anything to WIN! If you want him to finish destroying America and the world, then vote for him! I won’t. |
SweetCaroline 17.05.2020 01:37 |
Aha, here you go — another story about Tara Reade: link |
Iron Butterfly 17.05.2020 01:41 |
SweetCaroline wrote: The point is the Trumpsters are making a big deal out of Joe while totaling ignoring and excusing what the pathogical liar/sexual predator Trump has done all of his life. The complaint from one woman 27 years later during a presidential election is very suspicious especially after what Trump pulled in Ukraine against Biden that led to his impeachment. C’mon there is no comparison! No one is perfect and boys will be boys. But I have a brother-in-law who is personally acquainted with Joe. And he has told us what a genuinely nice, caring human being he is. No one ever says that about Trump. Trump will say and do anything to WIN! If you want him to finish destroying America and the world, then vote for him! I won’t.I'm hardly a Trumpster. You however are blind, pretty much judge and jury of an alleged sexual assault. If you don't know there is a world of difference than cheating on a wife than what is said that Biden allegedly did. How dare you imply an alleged sexual assault victim if she was wearing underpants it would be impossible to be sexuallay assaulted, is lying and being paid off. Do you know how you come across? It's crazy. |
SweetCaroline 17.05.2020 07:32 |
Tara Reade was not sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. Period. BTW Trump has had 20 women accuse him of sexual assault. One was by a woman sitting next to him in an airplane. |
Iron Butterfly 17.05.2020 07:53 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Tara Reade was not sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. Period. BTW Trump has had 20 women accuse him of sexual assault. One was by a woman sitting next to him in an airplane.How do you know? Provide facts since you think you know so much. Again, you deflect on Trump. That's three times in your recent posts. |
LTLSihls 18.05.2020 19:30 |
Yes indeedy - Democrats are big proponents of "Believe All Women" — just not Tara Reade. How convenient. |
Iron Butterfly 19.05.2020 00:07 |
LTLSihls wrote: Yes indeedy - Democrats are big proponents of "Believe All Women" — just not Tara Reade. How convenient.I can't speak for every Democrat, but... It's fucked as hell as to what SweetCaroline is doing here. Absolute proof she thinks of herself as the judge and jury about an alleged sexual attack. It's absolutely disgusting, disgraceful and despicable her thoughts on this. Let's have her turn things on to Trump...because ya know God bless Biden and SweetCaroline wants him as the next president. Alleged victim be damned and not to be taken seriously, all because if underpants was worn or not. It's fucking disgusting the shit she spews. |
SweetCaroline 19.05.2020 04:34 |
I don’t believe all women! The woman who got Al Franken removed from the Senate was a Fox News/Sean Hannity paid plant! Why would Tara Reade take 27 years to complain about Joe? I think she was desperate for money! Everything related to Trump is shady! Maya Angelou told us: when someone shows you who they are, believe it. We have had many years pre-election and post-election to see who Donald Trump is! |
Iron Butterfly 19.05.2020 05:43 |
I SweetCaroline wrote: I don’t believe all women! The woman who got Al Franken removed from the Senate was a Fox News/Sean Hannity paid plant! Why would Tara Reade take 27 years to complain about Joe? I think she was desperate for money! Everything related to Trump is shady! Maya Angelou told us: when someone shows you who they are, believe it. We have had many years pre-election and post-election to see who Donald Trump is!You don't have all the facts, just your fkd up conspiracies. You are a disgrace to all women. Actually you are a disgrace to everyone. You have conspiracies and bullshit coming through every pore. Unlike you, I'm not going to assume why it took her so long to come forward, but you dear are full of nothing but bullshit. No one should ever take you seriously when it comes to political figures...or anything else. You think TR was paid off and now you say you think she was desperate for money...what the fk are you on. Where is the proof that you know TR was lying, and being paid by the Trump mafia to smear Biden...that is quite the claims you are making in this thread, with no proof to back it up. You donly not know half of what you think you know. Prove what you are saying or STFU. You are more outraged by a grab your pussy comment than about an alleged sexual attack/assault. Why? Because you want Trump out of office so bad, you are willing to overlook an alleged sexual assault /attack because if she wore underpants or not that must mean Biden is innocent in your eyes. That cut and dried for you. There is something very deeply disturbing about you SweetCaroline. No question. You truly live in your own world with your own rules and judgements. You brain must be missing some connections. Everything that you posted here about TR, is one reason why women who have been sexually assaulted, are so afraid to come forward, and dont report such things, because people like you think of themselves of judge and jury of sexual assaults, without having all the facts.You are pretty much blaming the alleged victim, and spouting absolute bullshit. Tell you what SweetCaroline, God damn you for having such an ego you want to judge an alleged victim of one of the worst crimes that could ever be done to another person. God damn you for judging and labelling without having all the facts, because I know as well as you do, if you had facts that TR was lying and Biden was innocent you'd be fkn gloating about it. No, instead you deflect on Trump. You are so full of hatred for Trump you are willing and ready to overso ok a sexual assault. Yet, you have issues about Trump cheating and a grab them by the pussy comment. You are mentally fkd up and you really should STFU about this before you dig yourself a hole so deep that you will never climb out of it. You are almost there. You are beyond shady, you always, always deflect on people you don't like. You once again cannot even discuss anything goes rationally, seriously for you to come up with conspiracies about an alleged sexual assault...just yikes a new low for you alright. You are reprehensible. I really hope that you have been trolling Queen boards these last few years, because trolling or not, your posts and your judgements here are horrible and quite frankly so is your state of mind. You truly, truly need psychological help. |
Iron Butterfly 19.05.2020 13:05 |
link From Time...What we know about Tara Reade's allegation that Joe Biden sexuallay assaulted her Did you read this, SweetCaroline? |
SweetCaroline 20.05.2020 02:32 |
Enough, icy! Grabbing her pussy is exactly what she is accusing Biden of doing. That is being called a sexual attack. If you think it was just fine and dandy for Trump to brag about doing it “because he was a celebrity who could get away with it,” why are you condemning Biden who has unequivocally denied doing that? Now you can answer whatever you want but I am done with this conversation because I believe that Joe is a great guy who doesn’t stoop to the level of behavior that his idiot opponent does! Trump wants everyone to wallow in the mud and slime where HE has lived all of his pathetic life. Neither Obama nor Biden are in that world where Trump the snake slithers! |
Iron Butterfly 20.05.2020 04:58 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Enough, icy! Grabbing her pussy is exactly what she is accusing Biden of doing. That is being called a sexual attack. If you think it was just fine and dandy for Trump to brag about doing it “because he was a celebrity who could get away with it,” why are you condemning Biden who has unequivocally denied doing that? Now you can answer whatever you want but I am done with this conversation because I believe that Joe is a great guy who doesn’t stoop to the level of behavior that his idiot opponent does! Trump wants everyone to wallow in the mud and slime where HE has lived all of his pathetic life. Neither Obama nor Biden are in that world where Trump the snake slithers!Enough of your bullshit, SweetCaroline. I doubt you even read the Time piece that I linked to above, of course you didn't. You my dear, are full of bullshit. For point out where I have accused Biden of grabbing anyone by the pussy. Fact, I haven't. Your ego is so massive you think it was impossible for TR to be sexuallay assaulted...all because in your tiny brain if she wore underpants it would be impossible for her to be a sexual assault victim. That's how black and white your world is. You deflect on me and Trump yet again, and you still have one proof to back up up your outrageous statements hat you made here. What no proof of the Trump mafia paying off an alleged sexual assault victim? You are a coward, to let your conspiracies fly and then you tell me enough and to say you are done. Yes people with the mindset you have is a main reason why victims of sexual assault are so scared to come forward. Really you should be ashamed of yourself. Yea, your done you say, sure you are...yea not. You say your done because Biden is another man you put on so high of a pedestal you can't see or hear anything else. Is Biden the latest guy you will spend years obsessing over, saying he can do no wrong? Sure seems like it. What a crazy bubble you live in. AL is going to have some tough competition, I can see you raging away if you don't get the outcome you want and need for Biden. After your unhinged ramblings here in your recent posts and judgements about an alleged sexual assault victim here, you can go fuck yourself. You sound absolutely unhinged and hateful. |
SweetCaroline 17.06.2020 07:23 |
I finally looked at the Time articlte posted above. I had to search for it because the posted link was incomplete. Here is the correct link: link And I suggest that the whole article be read because there is nothing in it that concludes the allegation is true. It is no longer being discussed in the news but that doesn’t mean the Trump mud slingers won’t bring it up again as we get closer to November. |
brENsKi 18.06.2020 05:30 |
SweetCaroline wrote:And I suggest that the whole article be read because there is nothing in it that concludes the allegation is true.what an idiotic statement. there's no conclusion because it's an allegation. the conclusion will be an investigation - not a magazine article. fool. |
matt z 18.06.2020 10:28 |
wow, I was bored and looking for activity in QZ... had no idea it turned into this wall of me vs they.. Frightening. Bottom line. Trump is an incompetent idiot (he'd requested the very man whom he'd trashed's assistance to "EXPLAIN WHAT THE PRESIDENT DOES" once "elected) He's put the Chinese tariffs on the US citizenry (we pay for this in higher taxes and consumer prices spiking. However trumpistan wishes to sell it, the expense is not fronted by China, he's a perpetual liar and relies on the ignorance of his followers) Biden's sexual assault claims are as of yet unsubstantiated. However, Trump has paid off NUMEROUS women, for not divulging "settlements" and is a disgusting person in that he has to PAY for sex. His connections to Esptein-Barr are readily apparent. His Son IN LAW has been allowed by the Senate (*and likely a compromised HOUSE) to evade protections against allowing security clearances for unqualified officials. We've got a Corona "TASK FORCE" that is in complete DENIAL that the thing exists, (apparently, since they will NOT IN PUBLIC VALIDATE THE USEFULNESS OF MASK WEARING DURING A FUCKING PANDEMIC) I won't return to this, because at this point, it's shocking to me that COHERENT people can STILL believe anything that this hustler and his invasive family have done to RUIN the USA. Anybody got a 401K? they just leveraged them so that companies can now BET with em just like the Feds that fucked up people's SSI years and years ago. Now your SECURITIES have been posited to be used on the speculative market thanks to this tool who has been making international wheeling and dealing with the MOST corrupt and Demagogic "leadership" across the world. They can stimulate a market in China by bargaining. WE took on the tariffs,... China spread and HID the virus... but WE sent PPE to them in the first months of 2020 while Republicans who'd been privy to meetings LIQUIDATED THEIR STOCK from impacted fields. The WAIT was DELIBERATE. George Floyd was NOT. But they got a hell of a distraction in line to lock in and goose step while people ignore the more problematic SLEIGHT OF HAND Hustlering that's going on behind the scenes. It really begs reason why people would believe that this craven idiot and his intrusive multiple failure compromised family could be representing the interests of ANY American. But hey! hate has deep roots. Folks want their Egg Malt shops with Black BOYS servile. Nevermind that his followers are among the most impoverished in the country. It's bizarre, and has been going on uncontested for far too long. All it would take would be for people to be AWARE of LAWS. and of the rules of the SENATE and the HOUSE.. and of the FEDERAL, the LEGISTLATIVE, and THE JUDICIAL branches of the government to realize that ALL OF THESE are being UNDERMINED right now like never before. It's appalling.. it's disgusting. It's mass hypnotism or knee jerkism.... Just today Fox News essentially conceded that they are propaganda broadcasting regarding Hannity. You'd think that IN QUARANTINE by merely FLIPPING channels and observing social media platforms and READING that we're potentially living in another era of emergent FASCISM. that's the enemy. NK, CHINA destroying HK's relevance at the moment, and God knows what other emergent Fascist (Erdogan?) are what's happening. Putin's puppet. They have dirt on all those folks. WHY the FUCK else would a KENNEDY REMOVE HIMSELF from his position to offset the balance that was going on? Once that happened, I knew for sure this was a nation under DIRECT assault. it's as simple as this: THEY HAVE SHIT ON EVERYBODY UP THERE IN OFFICE. don't believe a goddamned thing those fuckers say. The Democrats have flinched from major action as well.. yet, fortunately the next Gen are hip to whats going on. Problem is.. they may be left with NOTHING.... since all that could afford to put their kids through college to get aware, educated, study, involved etc...... that whole SECTION of the STATES... might as well have been carpet bombed in the past 4 months. The "middle class" economy is being deliberately destroyed, so some geezer speculators can now BID on which properties to absorb after they FOLD. (since that "Pres" hasn't securely established concerns enough for HIS PUBLIC to adhere to pandemic practices. the very "organization" he'd arranged and headed with Mike Pence (religious nut who doesn't believe in science) hasn't even met in nearly 3 weeks. It's all as if the US is hell bent on destroying it's emergent base and wants a FAILED economy to spiral people into "MORLOCKS and ELOI" it's abhorrent. It's disgusting. ITS BEEN OUT THERE (the stories in these emerging books and sexual crimes with Epstein etc are nothing new, they've been in the news) and it's just as likely to win over some weird fucks who believe that their "racial superiority" (the jackpot they ran into with the Floyd murder and exposure of hate in the USA) is more important than their ability to sustain themselves. Anybody care to explain the recent debacle about Kentucky McCollum wishing to deny ASSISTANCE to NY, NJ, ETC for COVID relief? (while his own state RELIES ON THOSE OTHERS STATE'S GDP?) its all insanity and blatant hate and ignorance. Its fucking disgusting. And I'm not gonna be a part of this one sided accusatory crap *(READ ABOVE) that doesn't touch on anything relevant, and its only extremely subjective. Here in the USA, this COVID thing is under such denial and neglect that it HAS TO BE DELIBERATE. No LEADER OF A NATION would ever deride it's own people and subject them to something that they weren't willing to do themselves. As of now, the two top dilweeds have not ever stated directly that PRECAUTIONS MUST BE OBSERVED.. all it is is the same strategy of DENIAL, PROJECTION (what they accuse is exactly what they DO) and BLAME. "I take no responsibility".. etc... they don't give a shit about us. They don't give a shit about you. |
Iron Butterfly 19.06.2020 05:41 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I finally looked at the Time articlte posted above. I had to search for it because the posted link was incomplete. Here is the correct link: link And I suggest that the whole article be read because there is nothing in it that concludes the allegation is true. It is no longer being discussed in the news but that doesn’t mean the Trump mud slingers won’t bring it up again as we get closer to November.So it took you weeks to find the article and read it? Wow, ok. I don't think you know what the word allegation even means. You truly prove your ignorance most of the time. I did read the article by the way. TR has made some pretty serious allegations about Biden. Did you choose to ignore that part? Seems so. You dear, have shamed an alleged victim of a sexual assault, because in your twisted, deluded mind you think if she was wearing underpants she could not be possibly be assaulted. And you went ahead and actually tweeted out that shit. I stand by what I said about you, shame on you, because you actually are one of the reasons many people are so frightened to come forward about sexual assault. I'm sure you will come by having a go at me again. |
SweetCaroline 19.06.2020 11:19 |
matt z, your post, above, is really something! I am somewhat more encouraged this morning because my cousin’s daughter-in-law, who has been a staunch Republican/conservative and Trump defender, posted yesterday on Facebook that she likes CNN. I guess she is not drinking the Trump koolaid that CNN is fake news! Along with the pandemic we are in, the next 5 months before the November 3rd election may turn out to be more earth shaking and history making than some of the other most momentous events in history! |
Iron Butterfly 20.06.2020 00:03 |
SweetCaroline wrote: matt z, your post, above, is really something! I am somewhat more encouraged this morning because my cousin’s daughter-in-law, who has been a staunch Republican/conservative and Trump defender, posted yesterday on Facebook that she likes CNN. I guess she is not drinking the Trump koolaid that CNN is fake news! Along with the pandemic we are in, the next 5 months before the November 3rd election may turn out to be more earth shaking and history making than some of the other most momentous events in history!What about you, because you obviously watch so much Fox News...heck you might be Fox News biggest supporter on Queen boards. You know what is said word for word in some cases. Hmm. |
Saint Jiub 20.06.2020 03:16 |
IB, Please don't bother engaging with SC. She has nothing substantial to say. Her Biden platitudes are worse (and less accurate) than Trump's rhetoric. |
SweetCaroline 24.06.2020 11:14 |
I peek at Fox News once a week to see what garbage they are currently spewing. After I run to the bathroom to throw up, I turn to a station with real news! Over the weekend I discovered a new HBO documentary about Roy Cohn. All I knew about him previously is that years ago he was Donald Trump’s mentor and fixer. OMG he was exactly like Trump or maybe Trump is exactly like him? I was shocked to see that many years ago Trump, Cohn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Rupert Murdoch were buddies in the same inner circle. Cohn is dead from AIDS but the others are very much tied together in today’s daily news! |
SweetCaroline 24.06.2020 12:38 |
I forgot to mention that various people in that documentary described Cohn as the most evil person on the planet. There are some who are describing his mentored student the same way. Evil has many faces. Being able to con and fool people by mocking and demeaning your opponents falls in that category as well as getting other people to do your dirty work like mob kingpins do. Cohn never paid his bills and was able to live a lavish life. Much like Trump Tower, he lived in a building with a work area, a living space and a rooftop area for sunbathing. |
matt z 25.06.2020 16:14 |
^thanks for the HBO doc info. I'd been aware that he was the Sack of $#!+s mentor back in the day, and has taken most of his tactics from that same playbook. I'll search for it and see if it's available. Although it IS hard to digest so much bile each day from those ranks. As per the other post about turning to FAUX NEWS here and again. I do it often enough to get a glimpse of what manipulative strategies they have going strong. Every once in a while they'll hold the 45 idiot up to some minor scrutiny but it's really not enough. Yesterday he'd gone on trying to bait the "old Christian right " with some ridiculous statement that protesters were going to go attack statutes of JESUS next. The guy is an imbecile and had to call in Obama the day entering office at the WH. Despite all the trash heaped upon him which was the basis of his semi racist rhetoric. (*not that Obama is without criticism) The only way i see all this corruption and the grift (some of it is too sharp to have been devised by that guy) is that there's gotta be tons of compromised information about his unholy alliance there in office. Barr, Mitch & 45 ... its a disgusting abuse of power going on. You'd think faux news would at least ONCE show food lines or the people impacted by no federal response to this COVID lockdown instead of merelyreferring to it as "when willwe return to work etc". Not once do they speak of ordinary citizen's troubles and dilemmas surviving this with massive layoffs and furloughs. Nor do they criticize the ridiculous claim that trump CREATED 2.5 million jobs when those positions were largely people RETURNING TO WORK from furloughs, or company endorsed stays etc. They'll twist anything with sleightof hand while they undermine something else and then make false claims immediately without any substance. They'll also PROJECT their next moves by declaring that "dems are doing this n that" *(right now it's voter fraud) while doing exactly that. Go read about Mitch McConnell's Kentucky election if you need a very current example. My hope is that with so many people stuck in this unfortunate shitty situation where life is shutdown, there are millions of EYES on these very fools that will hold them to better scrutiny (*except in Florida of course, .... who seem to be getting even nuttier and nuttier) |
The Real Wizard 25.06.2020 21:32 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Over the weekend I discovered a new HBO documentary about Roy Cohn. All I knew about him previously is that years ago he was Donald Trump’s mentor and fixer. OMG he was exactly like Trump or maybe Trump is exactly like him? I was shocked to see that many years ago Trump, Cohn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Rupert Murdoch were buddies in the same inner circle. Cohn is dead from AIDS but the others are very much tied together in today’s daily news!Yep - the rot goes back decades. And 40% of the country is still too stupid to see it. But I don't blame them. It's a combination of their biology (there are countless studies on the right wing mind and how it's rooted in tribalism) and the success of the incredibly well orchestrated propaganda from the right (mainly Fox news). Now that Trump is left to his last resort - overt racism in the form of classifications like "Kung Flu" - all Fox news can do now is speak to its viewers like two year olds, trying convince them that BLM is going to take their houses, with a straight face. And conservatives will no doubt gobble it up. 50 years since the civil rights movement, and still only 35% of white Americans strongly support BLM. The American experiment is about to burn to the ground. It has failed about 90% of its citizens. I say let it burn. The problems are just too deep. |
Donna13 14.07.2020 16:39 |
I think Biden will win. Maybe he and a good team of advisors will pull us out of this downward spiral. I think Trump’s future will be tied up with legal problems of all sorts, so he will still be in the news. There has to be a better and faster way of finding out if a politician is being controlled, threatened, or paid off by an interest group or country. Hard problem to solve maybe. Regarding the pandemic, I had to get together with some neighbors yesterday (outdoors for a project) and I was the only one wearing a mask and eye protection. This is my theory, something that I have been noticing since the 9/11 attacks: in the US it is taboo (maybe that’s too strong a word) or socially unacceptable to admit to negative thinking. There is too much positivity, generally, in my opinion; too many people pretending to not have any fear. Sure, there is plenty of bad news on TV, but then it is the American way to not over-react and to “stay positive”. During a crisis we need truth from our leaders. |
Saint Jiub 14.07.2020 23:58 |
I think Trump has gone from a net positive to a liability starting in May when ... > After first listening to his experts, now ignoring the COVID-19 resurgence, sticking his head in the sand, and hoping (Hopium?) COVID-19 disappears. > Holding massive indoor political rallies and forcing participants not to sue if they get COVID-19. > Forcibly clearing out peaceful protestors, so Trump can have a church photo op across the street from the white house. > Stating that a "Black Lives Matter" slogan painted on street is hate speech. |
SweetCaroline 26.07.2020 18:01 |
Adam Lambert “There are just 100 days to go until the presidential election. Excited to support tonight's #CelebrationForChange with a special performance of Ready to Run! Join us at 8pm ET/5pm PT and let's help elect @JoeBiden! ow.ly/tMzF50AEhFI #100DaysToGo” Ready To Run link |
SweetCaroline 09.08.2020 05:34 |
The final straw has been Trump installing a new postmaster general in the US Post Office, a man who is a huge donor to his campaign and has no previous experience with the post office. I haven’t heard what happened to the previous postmaster. This new guy is making radical changes with the purpose of slowing things down. WHY ??? Makes no sense. Trump should not be allowed to get away with this crap. It is obvious Trump is trying to gum up the system if there is going to be a huge increase in mail in votes due to the pandemic. He could have been a hero in this pandemic but he just doesn’t have it in him to do things the right way. He always takes the negative, confrontational route. |
SweetCaroline 09.08.2020 15:56 |
Ridin’ with Biden! link |