Well i never expected Paris to be the first dare cancelled!! I thought Italy would have been first! the way things are going the UK tour will ve cancelled also! What away to end the tour!! I wondered if QAL would be in 14days lock down also, after touring Japan etc. Maybe while there in lock down they can concentrate on something better than a hits tour!! Demos?? Made in heaven2?
QE2. wrote:
Thank god something has cancelled these crap shows, thank you coronavirus! HE HE HE
Well luckily for you, the tour will end up being longer now! They have only postponed the show not cancelled it.
I'd say nearly half a million people are attending this tour and the best you can say is "HE HE HE". I'm sure for a lot of the people attending they are birthday and wedding presents. Including myself.
QE2. wrote:Some shit birthday and wedding presents then he he he he
I think your friends are taking the piss mate !
i think you are taking the piss, Gerry - or whatever your name is red green blue orange purple red purple red purple green blue orange purple red orange green blue orange purple red purple green blue orange purple orange
QE2. wrote:Lambert Virus next god help us all he he he
this place has already caught an incurable strain of Gerryonorrhea red green blue orange purple red purple red purple green blue orange purple red orange green blue orange purple red purple green blue orange purple orange