Nathan H 03.01.2020 12:18 |
One segment of the live show which was played at nearly every show from September 1973 to the last in August 1986 was one of Brian's guitar solos. Often varying in length some of the early ones just 90 seconds long whereas some of them excelling pass ten minutes. So, was it Brian who demanded that he does a guitar solo at every show or was it the rest of the band wanting a break in the middle of the show or so they change their outfits. I prefer the solos where the band jam in the middle like the one on Live Killers. I think the ones where it's just Brian for something more than eight minutes is too extreme. And, am I right that Freddie lost his patience at one particular show where Brian was still playing but Freddie wanted to returned to the stage. |
dudeofqueen 03.01.2020 12:51 |
re: >One segment of the live show which was played at nearly every show from September 1973 to the last in August 1986 was one of Brian's guitar solos. Can't imagine any of them ever bothered to listen to or watch them more than just a few times as they were so unerringly repetitive and dull. They probably looked forward to them as an opportunity to ram a bit more charlie up their hooters at certain times. Zeppelin as a band made a career on there being just one member on stage for the majority of the show; can't think of anything deivering less value for money, personally. The Who had live performance absolutely spot on - play the songs, as a band, as intensely as possible in the allotted time. Keep encores for bands that can't deliver from the start of the show. |
brENsKi 03.01.2020 16:17 |
I'd say I like solos - when they're interesting. Blackmore and Page were great at taking the spotlight. Brian wasn't. he played the same f**king solo over and over and over. |
runner_70 03.01.2020 16:48 |
Freddie and Brian never were friends. Just working partners. And Brain annoyed the hell out of Freddie from time to time. Thats why May takes revenge now with QAL, the movie, Bigging QAL up instead of Freddie. Poor taste bust hey Its May. |
stevelondon20 03.01.2020 17:16 |
runner_70 wrote: Freddie and Brian never were friends. Just working partners. And Brain annoyed the hell out of Freddie from time to time. Thats why May takes revenge now with QAL, the movie, Bigging QAL up instead of Freddie. Poor taste bust hey Its May.You are talking complete bollocks as usual. |
runner_70 03.01.2020 17:21 |
stevelondon20 wrote:Just the truth you moron. You Believe in your Bohemian Crapsody movie storyline dont ya? Stupid idiotrunner_70 wrote: Freddie and Brian never were friends. Just working partners. And Brain annoyed the hell out of Freddie from time to time. Thats why May takes revenge now with QAL, the movie, Bigging QAL up instead of Freddie. Poor taste bust hey Its May.You are talking complete bollocks as usual. |
Stick 03.01.2020 17:49 |
Don't know. Maybe his solo was the reason John started drinking. |
queenfanbg 03.01.2020 17:56 |
Don't know. Maybe his solo was the reason John started drinking. +1 |
stevelondon20 03.01.2020 18:13 |
runner_70 wrote:Of course I don't. A lot of the film was put together as fiction. I know that and so does everyone else. You are a troll. All you know is trolling. The only idiot here is you.stevelondon20 wrote:Just the truth you moron. You Believe in your Bohemian Crapsody movie storyline dont ya? Stupid idiotrunner_70 wrote: Freddie and Brian never were friends. Just working partners. And Brain annoyed the hell out of Freddie from time to time. Thats why May takes revenge now with QAL, the movie, Bigging QAL up instead of Freddie. Poor taste bust hey Its May.You are talking complete bollocks as usual. Please, let's all club together to get this clown banned. |
runner_70 03.01.2020 18:46 |
stevelondon20 wrote:That worked great with de-dop. Usually trying to be an armchair moderator is a reason for banning. so watch out what you are writing.runner_70 wrote:Of course I don't. A lot of the film was put together as fiction. I know that and so does everyone else. You are a troll. All you know is trolling. The only idiot here is you. Please, let's all club together to get this clown banned.stevelondon20 wrote:Just the truth you moron. You Believe in your Bohemian Crapsody movie storyline dont ya? Stupid idiotrunner_70 wrote: Freddie and Brian never were friends. Just working partners. And Brain annoyed the hell out of Freddie from time to time. Thats why May takes revenge now with QAL, the movie, Bigging QAL up instead of Freddie. Poor taste bust hey Its May.You are talking complete bollocks as usual. |
The Real Wizard 03.01.2020 19:06 |
dudeofqueen wrote: Zeppelin as a band made a career on there being just one member on stage for the majority of the show; can't think of anything deivering less value for money, personally.That is patently untrue. Sure, by 1977 there was a lot of Page soloing - but it was nowhere near the majority of any show, even at his most drugged up. Jonesy's piano solo in No Quarter and Page's White Summer and noise solo spots, even at their most self-indulgent, were less than an hour of the 3 1/2 hour show combined. But there was nothing of the sort before or after that. Zeppelin improvised plenty, but almost always as a band. This is why they were one of the best live acts in the world at their peak around 1970-73. But no matter what they did, most of the audience was high too. It just didn't matter. When they sucked later on, people still thought they were great. You can love The Who all you want, but no need to slam Zeppelin and spew bullshit about them to defend what you love. |
brENsKi 03.01.2020 19:25 |
runner_70 wrote:Freddie and Brian never were friends. Just working partners. And Brain annoyed the hell out of Freddie from time to time. Thats why May takes revenge now with QAL, the movie, Bigging QAL up instead of Freddie. Poor taste bust hey Its May.I disagree. They had to be friends, you can't stay in a band with someone for 19 years and not be friends (even if only a casual friendship). Admittedly, they didn't always see eye-to-eye - often falling out, but that's what friends do. You don't have to be close to be friends - there are degrees of friendship. Theirs was probably nowhere near as close as Freddie's and Roger's or later on Freddie and John's - but it was a friendship nonetheless. |
dudeofqueen 03.01.2020 19:30 |
Officer Clawhauser, re: >there was a lot of Page soloing - but it was nowhere near the majority of any show, even at his most drugged up. Jonesy's piano solo in No Quarter and Page's White Summer and noise solo spots Jonesy? That's very familiar....... You're conveniently forgetting the cardboard box thumping of the drummer being a "Moby"......... >You can love The Who all you want, but no need to slam Zeppelin and spew bullshit about them to defend what you love. I will, but there's absolutely no need to defend them against anything, let alone an unoriginal combo such as Zeppelin. Their work ethic and consistently stunning live shows stand on their own above any other band. |
Stick 03.01.2020 20:00 |
@brENski I see what you mean but it all boils down to what would be considered a friendship. Sure Freddie and Roger were good friends that's well known but how the others viewed each other through the years and if that would be classified as friendship is a matter of opinion. They got along and sometimes they didn't. They respected each other because otherwise the band would have fallen apart I would reckon. But what can be called a friendship? Subjective. |
brENsKi 03.01.2020 22:47 |
Stick wrote:They got along and sometimes they didn't. They respected each other because otherwise the band would have fallen apart I would reckon. But what can be called a friendship? Subjective.That implies a complete lack of self-respect on Brian's part. I'm sure everyone would (at some point) wring the neck of the "Golden Egged Goose" if it were pissing you off to distraction. You can be friends with someone, without being utterly dependent on each other. I think the Freddie/Brian friendship was one born out of mutual respect and admiration. They were friends - as I said, not great friends, but friends. |
The Real Wizard 04.01.2020 03:08 |
brENsKi wrote:Correct.runner_70 wrote:Freddie and Brian never were friends. Just working partners. And Brain annoyed the hell out of Freddie from time to time. Thats why May takes revenge now with QAL, the movie, Bigging QAL up instead of Freddie. Poor taste bust hey Its May.I disagree. They had to be friends, you can't stay in a band with someone for 19 years and not be friends (even if only a casual friendship). Admittedly, they didn't always see eye-to-eye - often falling out, but that's what friends do. You don't have to be close to be friends - there are degrees of friendship. Theirs was probably nowhere near as close as Freddie's and Roger's or later on Freddie and John's - but it was a friendship nonetheless. Pretty much nobody plays in bands with their brothers or their best friends. And when they do, it disintegrates acrimoniously virtually every time. Bandmates are not your best friends. They are people you work well with, and then need a break from because the work is prolonged and intense. People who are somehow convinced that Brian May is deficient in character because Freddie Mercury wasn't his best friend are simply people with overactive imaginations and undernourished intellects who do not understand anything about band dynamics. But of course forum trolls know best. |
The Real Wizard 04.01.2020 03:10 |
dudeofqueen wrote: Jonesy? That's very familiar....... You're conveniently forgetting the cardboard box thumping of the drummer being a "Moby".........And with that it's still nowhere near half the show, and you alleged it was the "majority." Some people like drum solos. Some don't. Turning it into a tirade about how Zeppelin was unoriginal in your eyes says nothing about them and everything about you. Check your anger at the door. As soon as you make it personal, nobody's listening. Like them or not, Zeppelin were massively influential. Their first two albums alone were the blueprint for decades of rock music that came after it. And overexaggerating what you see as their flaws on a forum isn't going to change it. |
ANAGRAMER 04.01.2020 10:06 |
I take your point about Live Killers solo but I suspect the bass and drums were overdubbed after the event...might be wrong tho! I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the band were bored to tears during the guitar solo but welcomed the break If you think Brian's guitar solos were long, you should have gone to a Rush concert....Neil Peart is a great drummer but.... |
brENsKi 04.01.2020 10:21 |
and it's not like Page was "taking up valuable set time" with his solo spots. Even if he and Bonzo accounted for an hour of solos, there's still well in excess of 2hrs concert time remaining. Compare that to the like of Queen - whose average setlist was between 1:30 and 2:00hrs - now extract Brian's yawnfest. A (max) 2hr concert is missing a chunk of time that could be two other songs. As I said though, I'm not against solos - Page, Blackmore, Scholz, Rhoads and Torme all created interesting spots. Brian (more or less) did the self-same thing in the same song year after blessed year. |
runner_70 04.01.2020 12:46 |
brENsKi wrote: and it's not like Page was "taking up valuable set time" with his solo spots. Even if he and Bonzo accounted for an hour of solos, there's still well in excess of 2hrs concert time remaining. Compare that to the like of Queen - whose average setlist was between 1:30 and 2:00hrs - now extract Brian's yawnfest. A (max) 2hr concert is missing a chunk of time that could be two other songs. As I said though, I'm not against solos - Page, Blackmore, Scholz, Rhoads and Torme all created interesting spots. Brian (more or less) did the self-same thing in the same song year after blessed year.Led Zep usually extended their songs with useless wabbling and extending. The most boring Live band on earth and way overrated. |
brENsKi 04.01.2020 13:02 |
runner_70 wrote:Led Zep usually extended their songs with useless wabbling and extending. The most boring Live band on earth and way overrated.That is the single most ill-informed comment EVER posted ANYWHERE. You have - in one short sentence - managed to plumb new depths of incredulity, Even all of your other ignorami usernames combined never achieved this level of abject stupidity. Well done. |
runner_70 04.01.2020 15:35 |
I have no other names you assclown. And Zep are the most overrated band in Rock. Famous for stealing the blues standards (which they were sued more than once) and a borefest watching them live. |
ANAGRAMER 04.01.2020 15:50 |
If i listen very caredully to the jamming segment on Live Killers, there is a distinct change in Brian's guitar tone the second time he plays the riff and there is no audience noise; a studio jam? |
stevelondon20 04.01.2020 16:11 |
brENsKi wrote:He is just a troll mate. Pure and simple.runner_70 wrote:Led Zep usually extended their songs with useless wabbling and extending. The most boring Live band on earth and way overrated.That is the single most ill-informed comment EVER posted ANYWHERE. You have - in one short sentence - managed to plumb new depths of incredulity, Even all of your other ignorami usernames combined never achieved this level of abject stupidity. Well done. |
runner_70 04.01.2020 16:24 |
stevelondon20 wrote:For a Glamtart loser like you anyone is a troll who does not like QAL. Sad fanboybrENsKi wrote:He is just a troll mate. Pure and simple.runner_70 wrote:Led Zep usually extended their songs with useless wabbling and extending. The most boring Live band on earth and way overrated.That is the single most ill-informed comment EVER posted ANYWHERE. You have - in one short sentence - managed to plumb new depths of incredulity, Even all of your other ignorami usernames combined never achieved this level of abject stupidity. Well done. |
stevelondon20 04.01.2020 16:52 |
runner_70 wrote:I have been a Queen fan since 1988. I am not what you describe as a "glamtart". You are a troll. Not anyone. YOU!stevelondon20 wrote:For a Glamtart loser like you anyone is a troll who does not like QAL. Sad fanboybrENsKi wrote:He is just a troll mate. Pure and simple.runner_70 wrote:Led Zep usually extended their songs with useless wabbling and extending. The most boring Live band on earth and way overrated.That is the single most ill-informed comment EVER posted ANYWHERE. You have - in one short sentence - managed to plumb new depths of incredulity, Even all of your other ignorami usernames combined never achieved this level of abject stupidity. Well done. |
brENsKi 04.01.2020 16:56 |
runner_70 wrote:I have no other names you assclown. And Zep are the most overrated band in Rock. Famous for stealing the blues standards (which they were sued more than once) and a borefest watching them live.Queen were no different. Fool. See What A fool I've Been - is a lift from Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust bassline comes from Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) was too similar to Janis Joplin's Piece of My Heart to be allowed for general release. a not forgetting 10cc Une Nuit a Paris (march '75) - lots of elements of this appear in Bo Rhap |
The Real Wizard 04.01.2020 16:59 |
ANAGRAMER wrote: I take your point about Live Killers solo but I suspect the bass and drums were overdubbed after the event...might be wrong tho!Anything's possible, as this show hasn't turned up on audience tapes (yet). But the band did jam in Brighton Rock on almost every night of the Jazz tour. If i listen very caredully to the jamming segment on Live Killers, there is a distinct change in Brian's guitar tone the second time he plays the riff and there is no audience noise; a studio jam?At what time stamp? Maybe he changes his pickup setting? Also - audience noise on live albums is always a creative decision. The only reason we hear audiences on live albums is because mics are specifically placed to capture them. Otherwise you're just going to hear what little the drum and vocal mics pick up (listen to Houston 77 on YouTube to hear what that sounds like). So the audience has a fader as well, just like any other instrument or voice, and the fader will usually be down if it's mid way through a song. |
The Real Wizard 04.01.2020 16:59 |
ANAGRAMER wrote: If you think Brian's guitar solos were long, you should have gone to a Rush concert....Neil Peart is a great drummer but....Peart's solo spots were the highlight of Rush shows. He arranged drum solos like Beethoven wrote symphonies. And they were never too long. 7 or 8 minutes, in several carefully constructed movements, from one genre to the next. They had a clear progression from beginning to end. Drum solos aren't everyone's cup of tea (I don't always like them myself), but they're not universally reviled like Milli Vanilli. The majority of Peart's audience loved them. |
The Real Wizard 04.01.2020 17:02 |
runner_70 wrote: Zep are the most overrated band in Rock. Famous for stealing the blues standards (which they were sued more than once) and a borefest watching them live.What Zeppelin did was common in the blues world. They were just the first band to make a ton of money doing it. Nobody called it "stealing" in the 1960s. The lawyers didn't show up until much later. |
The Real Wizard 04.01.2020 17:34 |
brENsKi wrote: As I said though, I'm not against solos - Page, Blackmore, Scholz, Rhoads and Torme all created interesting spots. Brian (more or less) did the self-same thing in the same song year after blessed year.I think you're being a bit hard on Brian. Compare the solos from Earls Court and Milton Keynes, just five years apart - they're almost completely different solos. The only thing in common is the echoplex. Extended solos aren't for everybody, but there is a clear evolution of Brian's solo from 1973-86. Of course nowadays he's not reinventing the wheel anymore, but who is at age 70-something? At least he does things like the Blue Danube and Dvorak's New World Symphony now and again to keep things interesting. His nods to the culture of the country he's in set him apart from most of his peers. |
Holly2003 04.01.2020 18:46 |
The Real Wizard wrote:Well ... yes and no. Black blues artists had a common cultural well to dip into/inspire them. (And some of it was cash-inspired theft. IIRC Robert Johnson stole Sweet Home Chicago from another black artist, and he certainly was not the first black musician to use the idea of selling his soul to the devil at the crossroads.) Whites didn't have that history. When they played blues and were successful it was often because black artists didn't have that exposure due to poverty or racism. So just like Elvis and rock & roll, there was certainly discussion about white appropriation and exploitation of black culture. In the 1960s when for example the Rolling Stones burst onto the scene playing rhythm and blues it wasn't received entirely positively among black Americans. But at least the Stones almost always credited the black artists they did covers of. For example, black blues artist Robert Wilkins received royalties when the Stones recorded his song ‘Prodigal Son’.In return for acknowledging their debt to black culture they received a kind of seal of approval when Otis Redding did a cover of 'Satisfaction.' In contrast, Led Zep claimed song writing credits on songs that were clearly not theirs. They banked all the cash for that and only changed their tune when lawyers forced them to.runner_70 wrote: Zep are the most overrated band in Rock. Famous for stealing the blues standards (which they were sued more than once) and a borefest watching them live.What Zeppelin did was common in the blues world. They were just the first band to make a ton of money doing it. Nobody called it "stealing" in the 1960s. The lawyers didn't show up until much later. |
The Real Wizard 05.01.2020 02:32 |
Holly2003 wrote: Black blues artists had a common cultural well to dip into/inspire them. (And some of it was cash-inspired theft. IIRC Robert Johnson stole Sweet Home Chicago from another black artist, and he certainly was not the first black musician to use the idea of selling his soul to the devil at the crossroads.) Whites didn't have that history. When they played blues and were successful it was often because black artists didn't have that exposure due to poverty or racism. So just like Elvis and rock & roll, there was certainly discussion about white appropriation and exploitation of black culture. In the 1960s when for example the Rolling Stones burst onto the scene playing rhythm and blues it wasn't received entirely positively among black Americans. But at least the Stones almost always credited the black artists they did covers of. For example, black blues artist Robert Wilkins received royalties when the Stones recorded his song ‘Prodigal Son’.In return for acknowledging their debt to black culture they received a kind of seal of approval when Otis Redding did a cover of 'Satisfaction.' In contrast, Led Zep claimed song writing credits on songs that were clearly not theirs. They banked all the cash for that and only changed their tune when lawyers forced them to.Gotta say, that's some mighty good food for thought. |
dudeofqueen 05.01.2020 14:39 |
Officer Clawhauser, re: >Gotta say, that's some mighty good food for thought. No it's not; it's FACT and affirms what Zeppelin managed to get away in broad daylight. |
runner_70 05.01.2020 14:40 |
lol@officer Clawhauser |
Vocal harmony 05.01.2020 15:46 |
runner_70 wrote: . . . . . And Zep are the most overrated band in Rock. . . . and a borefest watching them live.runner_70 please do tell us which Led Zeppelin concerts you attended in order to make such a statement. |
brENsKi 05.01.2020 17:39 |
brENsKi wrote:@runner_70 - why did you completely ignore this? ^^runner_70 wrote:I have no other names you assclown. And Zep are the most overrated band in Rock. Famous for stealing the blues standards (which they were sued more than once) and a borefest watching them live.Queen were no different. Fool. See What A fool I've Been - is a lift from Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust bassline comes from Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) was too similar to Janis Joplin's Piece of My Heart to be allowed for general release. a not forgetting 10cc Une Nuit a Paris (march '75) - lots of elements of this appear in Bo Rhap Clear examples of Queen "shoplifting" from other artist's songs - and there are more. My guess? it didn't suit your agenda, so you ignore. Interested if you can actually articulate a considered reply. |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 06:16 |
Holly2003 wrote:I've had a good think about this and even gone and done some homework. Turns out we've both got a lot to learn here (runner_70 is just going to keep trolling, but you're someone I've always respected here, so I'll bite).The Real Wizard wrote:Well ... yes and no. Black blues artists had a common cultural well to dip into/inspire them. (And some of it was cash-inspired theft. IIRC Robert Johnson stole Sweet Home Chicago from another black artist, and he certainly was not the first black musician to use the idea of selling his soul to the devil at the crossroads.) Whites didn't have that history. When they played blues and were successful it was often because black artists didn't have that exposure due to poverty or racism. So just like Elvis and rock & roll, there was certainly discussion about white appropriation and exploitation of black culture. In the 1960s when for example the Rolling Stones burst onto the scene playing rhythm and blues it wasn't received entirely positively among black Americans. But at least the Stones almost always credited the black artists they did covers of. For example, black blues artist Robert Wilkins received royalties when the Stones recorded his song ‘Prodigal Son’.In return for acknowledging their debt to black culture they received a kind of seal of approval when Otis Redding did a cover of 'Satisfaction.' In contrast, Led Zep claimed song writing credits on songs that were clearly not theirs. They banked all the cash for that and only changed their tune when lawyers forced them to.runner_70 wrote: Zep are the most overrated band in Rock. Famous for stealing the blues standards (which they were sued more than once) and a borefest watching them live.What Zeppelin did was common in the blues world. They were just the first band to make a ton of money doing it. Nobody called it "stealing" in the 1960s. The lawyers didn't show up until much later. The Rolling Stones aren't exactly the best example to argue against Zeppelin with, as they ripped off blues artists long before Page and Plant did. Love In Vain and Stop Breaking Down particularly are lifts of Robert Johnson songs, and they came out in the same period as Zeppelin's early albums - 1969 and 1972 respectively. At the time nobody noticed or cared, but the Stones eventually lost in court in the year 2000. Neither Zeppelin nor the Stones could've envisioned lawyers several decades down the line listening to 70 year old blues albums and showing up in court on behalf of people who were long dead. Otis Redding covering Satisfaction doesn't undo anything the Stones did. They are just as guilty. As for the Stones and songwriting credits, look no further than how Jagger and Richards treated Mick Taylor. Taylor wrote songs that Richards didn't even play on, and guess who didn't get a single songwriting credit in his entire tenure in the band? Ry Cooder jammed with the Stones in 1969, and unbeknownst to him the tape was rolling and Keef stole a bunch of his riffs that later ended up in Stones songs. Cooder referred to them as "bloodsuckers." Again, not your best example for arguing against Zeppelin. I digress. People just weren't as educated about the American blues in 1969 as they are now, but now that they are, for some reason all the scrutiny has been hurled towards Zeppelin and not the Stones nor plenty of others who have done the same thing. So why just pick on Zeppelin? There are many standards that were played and recorded by dozens of blues artists in the 1940s and 50s, but again, nobody cared. Blues artists (including the ones who Zeppelin "stole" from) stole from each other all the time. Zeppelin just got nailed because they made money doing it, full stop. Willie Dixon, the first artist to sue Zeppelin, is the biggest hypocrite of them all. He was a crook and a thief himself who took advantage of illiterate and poor musicians and got credited for music he didn't write. Dixon didn't seem to care about Whole Lotta Love between 1969-84, nor did Jake Holmes seem all too concerned about Dazed And Confused for over a decade until he wrote Page about it in the 1980s. Why do we think that is? The "we couldn't afford a lawyer" argument posed by Spirit a few years back just doesn't fly. Countless lawyers would work for free on a chance of winning a lawsuit against one of the biggest rock bands of all time. The lawyers just didn't get the call, because the original artists didn't care until they needed the money later on. Back to ethnomusicology. Let's talk about the slaves working on the plantations who would hear Celtic music and other more European strains, and how they and their friends would incorporate them into their versions of the blues. Nothing is a vaccum. It all comes from somewhere. Noodles from The Offspring lifted the main riff of Come Out And Play from the canned tunes on a bus tour when they were in the middle east. Where is the line drawn? Even in Mozart's time people were declaring "the end of art" because they thought it had all been done. And not all the artists Zeppelin "ripped off" were black. Jake Holmes, Davy Graham, and Anne Bredon were white. Race isn't the issue here. The Brits just loved the American blues far more than the Americans did, and that's largely because there wasn't rampant racism in Britain in the middle of the 20th century like there was in America. It was an absence of racism that allowed the inspiration to happen to begin with. Speaking of white musicians stealing music, the Carter family is another good example. A.P. Carter went all over Appalachia collecting old folk songs, bringing them back so they could be reinterpreted, recorded, and sold, but technically it wasn't "cultural appropriation" because he was from the same culture. So if you guys want to pick on Zeppelin, fine. But let's have some perspective here and not just pick on one band when there's far more to be talking about. |
runner_70 06.01.2020 07:06 |
brENsKi wrote:3 songs while led zep was doing whole albums being borrowed?brENsKi wrote:@runner_70 - why did you completely ignore this? ^^ Clear examples of Queen "shoplifting" from other artist's songs - and there are more. My guess? it didn't suit your agenda, so you ignore. Interested if you can actually articulate a considered reply.runner_70 wrote:I have no other names you assclown. And Zep are the most overrated band in Rock. Famous for stealing the blues standards (which they were sued more than once) and a borefest watching them live.Queen were no different. Fool. See What A fool I've Been - is a lift from Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust bassline comes from Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) was too similar to Janis Joplin's Piece of My Heart to be allowed for general release. a not forgetting 10cc Une Nuit a Paris (march '75) - lots of elements of this appear in Bo Rhap |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 07:25 |
runner_70 wrote: 3 songs while led zep was doing whole albums being borrowed?Which entire album was borrowed? Name the album, the songs, and the writers. |
dysan 06.01.2020 08:06 |
The solo never really translated to audio recording or video well (LK being the exception for sure) so it's difficult to ask with only these artefacts as proof. But live in the room, the effect was mindblowing. If they hated it they wouldn't have done it. It was an exciting part of the show. There's a reason that stayed and the Prophet Song vocal improv disappeared :D That said: Brian asks 'shall I continue doing my solo this tour?' Band hears: 'would you guys like another 10 minute break every show this tour?' |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 08:21 |
dysan wrote: If they hated it they wouldn't have done it. It was an exciting part of the show. There's a reason that stayed and the Prophet Song vocal improv disappeared :DBingo. But cue the conspiracy theorist trolls to use that as "proof" that May's ego was larger than Mercury's. |
Nathan H 06.01.2020 09:30 |
I don't his solos if there's a jam with Roger and John or he spends a couple of minutes playing a familiar tune in the middle when they're ten minutes long. It's just if you don't recognise anything or he's experimenting it gets a bit boring. I think five minutes should be the max time for one of his solos but would that be enough time for the band to rest? Does anyone happen to know the longest solo he did on his own without any assistance from the group? One show I can think of is in Tokyo '75 his there was 11 minutes. |
Holly2003 06.01.2020 10:19 |
@The Real Wizard Good info there. Of course, this is a very complicated issue and my comments weren't meant to be the final word, just a contribution. Some points in response: Firstly I'm not picking on Zep. I'm a fan. But if I were choosing sides I'd pick the original black artists over Zep. There's a power imbalance there which the band only addressed when forced to do so by lawyers. Involving lawyers wasn't always a noble affair: big businesses often own the rights to dead artists work, and often legal cases aren't meant to protect artists but are intended as a shameless cash grab. But in individual cases where an artist is trying to reclaim their rights I think it's fine. But it depends really on the circumstances. Laws that exist now to protect copyright are clearly problematic when applied to historical cases and also to musical compositions. Stealing someone else's lyrics seem to be fairly clear cut; copying musical structures is more difficult to prove. For what it's worth, I was happy when Zep won the 'Spirit' case as I didn't think the 'copying' was clear enough or deep enough to count as plagiarism. One could argue that all white, British artists playing the blues were guilty of exploiting black music. In 1967 Leroi Jones wrote: ‘What is the difference between Beatles, Stones etc, and Minstrelsy? Minstrels never convinced anybody they were black, either.’ But that's a hard line view I don't support. And Jones was not representative of the main body of black opinion. In 1964, for example, the African-American owned newspaper, Chicago Defender, wrote: ‘the Stones are worth everyone’s attention. Many of us are ardent R&B followers and believe me, the Stones are no less ardent. They love and feel this music and if the money was taken away, you would still find them playing and singing R&B. The Stones are R&B men in the truest sense.’ Black musicians also paid tribute to the Stones -- I previously mentioned Otis Redding's version of Satisfaction’. But in a similar vein, in 1963 The Beatles recorded Smokey Robinson's ‘You Really Got a Hold on Me’ and five years later Robinson recorded the Beatles’ song ‘Yesterday’. To me, this suggests an element of mutual appreciation. And don't forget the Stones took Chuck Berry, BB King, Tina Turner, and later Stevie Wonder out on tour with them. More generally, there were positive results of white fascination with the blues. In the 1960s, there were more blues records in the charts and on the radio than ever before. Whereas B.B. King had been popular among black audiences for a generation before his music was discovered by white audiences in the mid-1960s, King recognised the cultural value of such mainstream success. He said: ‘We're beginnin' to be treated among them as stars, with respect, the same as they would give any other artist.’ So despite Leroi Jones's extreme view, it seems to be the case that a high tide rises all boats. Re: the Rolling Stones, I mentioned them specifically as they made an effort to promote black music, not steal it. While white-owned record companies typically tried to cheat blues artists out of royalties by playing a one-off fee for the right to use their songs, the Stones generally made an effort to credit the original artist (e.g Robert Wilkins). It's true they didn't originally credit Johnson for Love in Vain but it's important to note that, unlike Zep, they didn't credit themselves either. They credited it 'Woody Payne,' a nebulous figure who was at that time trying to claim copyright on non-released Robert Johnson tracks such as Love in Vain (King of the Delta Blues II wasn't released until 1970). I think the Stones and their record company ABKCO believed non-released RJ songs were public domain but the Woody Payne credit was a way of protecting themselves from potential copyright claims. The irony of that is that it was a white businessman who now owns the rights to Robert Johnson's catalogue later sued ABKCO (not the Stones) over Love in Vain. I'm aware of the Stones' attitude to Mick Taylor and Ry Cooder. In 1969 they realised they were being ripped of by Allen Klein of ABKCO. He owned all their publishing rights and they were basically penniless. That's why their 1969 US tour needed to be financially successful. Their contracts with US promoters were notorious: people often credit Peter Grant with being the first manager to start demanding proper contracts that protected artists but The Stones may have been the first to play hardball like that. Being skint may explain (but not excuse) how the Glimmer Twins treated not just Taylor (who I'm a big fan of) but also Ronnie Wood and other 'replacement' members. Ry Cooder claimed the Stones secretly recorded him during the sessions for Let It Bleed, then Richards used some of that as inspiration for Honky Tonk Woman. But he's never produced any evidence of that and the timeline doesn't match up. It was released as a single BEFORE he was in the studio with the Stones. He did indeed call them bloodsuckers but he also appeared on their next album released a year and a half later so he might not have been that angry. But actually I'm inclined to believe there was some truth in his claims. HTW was definitely a shift in style for Keef. Overall I suppose I would argue that Zep, The Stones etc re-energised songs that perhaps weren't initially that successful. And without that effort there would never be musical growth -- everyone would be in their own compartment. But they're all operating within a capitalist economic system, and they all want to make money. Zep got caught out. I'm not sure why that's even open to debate. It's really clear what they did, and why. That they loved black music doesn't excuse it. In fact, that probably makes it worse :( |
runner_70 06.01.2020 11:08 |
The Real Wizard wrote:The first one almost entirely - without giving credits to those who wrote the songs n the first place. You get a hint in this article. Even STairway to heaven was largely stolenrunner_70 wrote: 3 songs while led zep was doing whole albums being borrowed?Which entire album was borrowed? Name the album, the songs, and the writers. link |
runner_70 06.01.2020 11:09 |
The Real Wizard wrote:No conspiracy theory but facts according to those that were in the studio recording with em - MACK for example. Conspiracy theory only to those who think BR is accurate storytelling and May Fanboysdysan wrote: If they hated it they wouldn't have done it. It was an exciting part of the show. There's a reason that stayed and the Prophet Song vocal improv disappeared :DBingo. But cue the conspiracy theorist trolls to use that as "proof" that May's ego was larger than Mercury's. |
runner_70 06.01.2020 11:13 |
The Real Wizard wrote:dudeofqueen wrote: Sure, by 1977 there was a lot of Page soloing - but it was nowhere near the majority of any show, even at his most drugged up. Jonesy's piano solo in No Quarter and Page's White Summer and noise solo spots, even at their most self-indulgent, were less than an hour of the 3 1/2 hour show combined.Led Zep never played 3 1/2 hr shows. We knew you were clueless when it comes to Queen history. Seems the same goes for Led Zep |
dudeofqueen 06.01.2020 12:35 |
Clawhauser, re: >I've had a good think about this and even gone and done some homework. Turns out we've both got a lot to learn here (runner_70 is just going to keep trolling, but you're someone I've always respected here, so I'll bite). You arrogant prick. There we go ladies and germs - the self-styled QZ policewoman has displayed her true colours right here. |
runner_70 06.01.2020 12:59 |
dudeofqueen wrote: Clawhauser, re: >I've had a good think about this and even gone and done some homework. Turns out we've both got a lot to learn here (runner_70 is just going to keep trolling, but you're someone I've always respected here, so I'll bite). You arrogant prick. There we go ladies and germs - the self-styled QZ policewoman has displayed her true colours right here.Is The Real Wanker a woman? I knew he was a cry baby and has no clue what she is talking about but really? Wow |
brENsKi 06.01.2020 13:31 |
runner_70 wrote:3 songs while led zep was doing whole albums being borrowed?that's not an answer. Try addressing the facts. See What A fool I've Been - is a lift from Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust bassline comes from Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) was too similar to Janis Joplin's Piece of My Heart to be allowed for general release. a not forgetting 10cc Une Nuit a Paris (march '75) - lots of elements of this appear in Bo Rhap you'd do yourself a bit of credit if you addressed each song referred to, in turn. see how you can absolve Queen of their "borrowing". But you won't. |
runner_70 06.01.2020 16:34 |
There is a fine line between "Borrowing" and being influenced. Led Zep copied whole songs without giving credit. you obviously are a blind Led Zep fanboy so what |
brENsKi 06.01.2020 16:47 |
runner_70 wrote: There is a fine line between "Borrowing" and being influenced. Led Zep copied whole songs without giving credit. you obviously are a blind Led Zep fanboy so whatThe simple fact that you end all of your arguments in a similar way, displays a void of cognizance. Your last 10 words underlines a complete lack of cohesive argument. Again, you haven't answered the question. Queen "borrowed" heavily on those four songs. Listen to each side by side and tell me you really don't hear it. |
runner_70 06.01.2020 18:22 |
And Led Zep copied full songs like "Daze anmd Confused " one to one you knobhead |
runner_70 06.01.2020 18:34 |
back to topic: Pissbreak and showing of ego. case closed |
brENsKi 06.01.2020 18:45 |
runner_70 wrote:And Led Zep copied full songs like "Daze anmd Confused " one to one you knobheadYet again, you don't actually respond to the post. We all know it's because you are incapable discourse. Your contempt for anything "non-Freddie" betrays your utter dimness, and is bereft of even a smidgen of intelligence. In years to come, "runner_70" will be a single-sentence entry in the dictionary - with every word beginning with a "B": Bludgeoning, blinkered, bollock-brained bivalved, buffoon, |
runner_70 06.01.2020 20:14 |
When you are running out of arguments you stick to childish insults. Same ol |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 21:11 |
Holly2003 wrote: Firstly I'm not picking on Zep. I'm a fan. But if I were choosing sides I'd pick the original black artists over Zep. There's a power imbalance there which the band only addressed when forced to do so by lawyers.A fair assessment. But how many of the original artists would we have even heard of had it not been for Zeppelin popularizing them to begin with? People would've heard of Bert Jansch, but would they have been bothered to figure out that Jansch borrowed from Isla Cameron without crediting her? The vocal melody was entirely hers. But she didn't copyright it, so that's why Jimmy Page did the same thing. One could argue that all white, British artists playing the blues were guilty of exploiting black music.But then where is the line drawn between appropriation and genuinely loving something and wanting to share your interpretation of it? If we disallow one race from playing another race's music, then they will forever be divided purely by their skin colour, thereby perpetuating the racism. This is why Elvis had to happen. Granted, in 1950s racist America it became abundantly clear that white people liked black music, just not from black people. But it was an important incremental step in building that bridge. |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 21:13 |
runner_70 wrote: The first one almost entirely - without giving credits to those who wrote the songs n the first place. You get a hint in this article. Even STairway to heaven was largely stolen linkSo you've gone from "whole albums" to "a fair amount of one." And no, Stairway wasn't stolen. The main acoustic riff has a descending chromatic line that goes back to baroque times, and the contrary motion heard in the top line is not on the Spirit version. And considering that riff is a guitar line that totals less than one minute of an eight minute song, that is not "largely" - it is partial. Drop the hyperbole. It doesn't look good on you. |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 21:14 |
runner_70 wrote:So there are only two choices - your version, or the biopic version that everyone involves readily admits is not a documentary?The Real Wizard wrote:No conspiracy theory but facts according to those that were in the studio recording with em - MACK for example. Conspiracy theory only to those who think BR is accurate storytelling and May Fanboysdysan wrote: If they hated it they wouldn't have done it. It was an exciting part of the show. There's a reason that stayed and the Prophet Song vocal improv disappeared :DBingo. But cue the conspiracy theorist trolls to use that as "proof" that May's ego was larger than Mercury's. Binary thinking. All you're showcasing here is how small your brain is. For the record, Mercury wasn't showing up to mixing sessions for his own songs by 1982, and thought he could make a record as good as Thriller by 1985 without any outside help. Mercury, by far, had the biggest ego in Queen. And tell us about all the personal assistants' heads Brian May shattered mirrors on, and then ordered them to clean up. |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 21:15 |
runner_70 wrote: Led Zep never played 3 1/2 hr shows. We knew you were clueless when it comes to Queen history. Seems the same goes for Led ZepWrong again, Weckwerth. You're the one who needs to do some basic research. Many of Zeppelin's shows in 1975 and 77 crossed the 3 1/2 hour mark, with Seattle 3-21-75 and LA 6-27-77 being well known even to novice tape collectors. The last night at Earls Court ran nearly four hours. Why even pretend to be a self-professed expert on a band you admittedly hate? Who are you trying to impress? |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 21:18 |
dudeofqueen wrote: Clawhauser, re: >I've had a good think about this and even gone and done some homework. Turns out we've both got a lot to learn here (runner_70 is just going to keep trolling, but you're someone I've always respected here, so I'll bite). You arrogant prick. There we go ladies and germs - the self-styled QZ policewoman has displayed her true colours right here.I was indicating that someone inspired me to do further research, which led to further dialogue and mutual understanding. Only someone with a twisted worldview like yourself could vilify one of the parties involved in that. You really should consider anger management. |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 21:19 |
runner_70 wrote: And Led Zep copied full songs like "Daze anmd Confused " one to one you knobheadPlease provide audio or video of any artist before 1968 performing any section of Dazed And Confused besides the verses. And calling people names doesn't suddenly create facts that side with your personal opinion, either. Grow up. The grown ups are trying to have a nuanced discussion here. You're just the guy walking into the bar at 1:30am with bad breath that everyone else is trying to ignore. |
The Real Wizard 06.01.2020 21:31 |
runner_70 wrote: When you are running out of arguments you stick to childish insults.Who are trying to convince? Yourself? Childish insults are literally your entire MO at this place and everywhere else you frequent on the internet. You are deluded by your own hatred. I shouldn't be giving you the time of day. Nobody here should. You have expressed zero interest in learning. All you do is troll and hate, and attack people who are more musically and historically literate than you. Dunning Kruger effect at its finest. Proof that biology has a long way to go because it still manages to create sad excuses for human beings like yourself. |
runner_70 07.01.2020 06:40 |
The Real Wizard wrote:...says the prick who is trying to come across as Mr knowitall while it is more than obvious he has no clue at all when it comes to rock history whatsoever. Cant you move to another forum and try to be the arrogant dick there? But please avoid anything music related as you have proved more than once that you are utterly clueless. Try a knitting forum and embarrass yourself thererunner_70 wrote: When you are running out of arguments you stick to childish insults.Who are trying to convince? Yourself? Childish insults are literally your entire MO at this place and everywhere else you frequent on the internet. You are deluded by your own hatred. I shouldn't be giving you the time of day. Nobody here should. You have expressed zero interest in learning. All you do is troll and hate, and attack people who are more musically and historically literate than you. Dunning Kruger effect at its finest. Proof that biology has a long way to go because it still manages to create sad excuses for human beings like yourself. |
The Fairy King 07.01.2020 07:22 |
The Real Wizard wrote:I'm getting flashbacks to that Treasure Momento guy (you member?) from a while back. Maybe it's him?runner_70 wrote: When you are running out of arguments you stick to childish insults.Who are trying to convince? Yourself? Childish insults are literally your entire MO at this place and everywhere else you frequent on the internet. You are deluded by your own hatred. I shouldn't be giving you the time of day. Nobody here should. You have expressed zero interest in learning. All you do is troll and hate, and attack people who are more musically and historically literate than you. Dunning Kruger effect at its finest. Proof that biology has a long way to go because it still manages to create sad excuses for human beings like yourself. |
The Real Wizard 10.01.2020 04:53 |
runner_70 wrote: ...says the prick who is trying to come across as Mr knowitall while it is more than obvious he has no clue at all when it comes to rock history whatsoever. Cant you move to another forum and try to be the arrogant dick there? But please avoid anything music related as you have proved more than once that you are utterly clueless. Try a knitting forum and embarrass yourself thereI'm not "Mr knowitall" as much as I'm just knowledgeable about music. Clearly this intimidates you, because you have yet again resorted to name calling and ad hominem attacks instead of answering any of my queries. At other forums I discuss music like an adult with other similarly minded people who are interested in ideas and learning, just like I do here. People like you, on the other hand, are banned from literally every other music forum because you contribute nothing to any discussion about music apart from trolling with a personal agenda. Try joining some other forum - you will last hours at most. |
runner_70 10.01.2020 22:31 |
The Real Wizard wrote:Which forums you talk about asshat?runner_70 wrote: ...says the prick who is trying to come across as Mr knowitall while it is more than obvious he has no clue at all when it comes to rock history whatsoever. Cant you move to another forum and try to be the arrogant dick there? But please avoid anything music related as you have proved more than once that you are utterly clueless. Try a knitting forum and embarrass yourself thereI'm not "Mr knowitall" as much as I'm just knowledgeable about music. Clearly this intimidates you, because you have yet again resorted to name calling and ad hominem attacks instead of answering any of my queries. At other forums I discuss music like an adult with other similarly minded people who are interested in ideas and learning, just like I do here. People like you, on the other hand, are banned from literally every other music forum because you contribute nothing to any discussion about music apart from trolling with a personal agenda. Try joining some other forum - you will last hours at most. |
brENsKi 10.01.2020 22:39 |
runner_70 wrote:Almost, 3,000 posts - and every single one of them = complete and utter crud. Well done. No seriously, well done! - it's a remarkable record to maintain that (exceedingly low) level of consistency - without once scaling the dizzy heights of sub-normal.The Real Wizard wrote:Try joining some other forum - you will last hours at most.Which forums you talk about asshat? There's Paramecium that articulates itself better than you. And dog-dirt less repugnant, When all is said and done, you're little more than dried-up-jizz with a keyboard. |
runner_70 11.01.2020 08:24 |
brENsKi wrote:Crud to those who have no sense of taste and who are stuck in the permed poodles as that they are hardly able to get out.runner_70 wrote:Almost, 3,000 posts - and every single one of them = complete and utter crud. Well done. No seriously, well done! - it's a remarkable record to maintain that (exceedingly low) level of consistency - without once scaling the dizzy heights of sub-normal. There's Paramecium that articulates itself better than you. And dog-dirt less repugnant, When all is said and done, you're little more than dried-up-jizz with a keyboard.The Real Wizard wrote:Try joining some other forum - you will last hours at most.Which forums you talk about asshat? Sad assclown You would be better off to get a life. 8000 plus postings? really? Try and get a job you wackohead |
brENsKi 11.01.2020 09:40 |
runner_70 wrote:Crud to those who have no sense of taste and who are stuck in the permed poodles as that they are hardly able to get out. Sad assclown You would be better off to get a life. 8000 plus postings? really? Try and get a job you wackoheadYou reply, basically using two parts of my post? Thanks for the flattery. Not much of a comeback, is it - turdwit? Not only are you unable to read/write and articulate yourself, you've now displayed a lack of ability to count. I've been here since 2004. 15 years (5,475 days) - 8,500 posts equates to 1-2 posts per day. that's hardly a need to "get a life". I have worked all my life - never being out of work, or claiming benefit. 40 years as of last October! you cheeky little scrotum. What a shambles of an insignificant little turdling you are. ruiner_70 and turdofqueen - the official flotsam and jetsam of Queenzone. |
runner_70 11.01.2020 10:15 |
brENsKi wrote:Flotsam and Jetsam are a great Metal Band. I guess a loser like you never heard of themrunner_70 wrote:Crud to those who have no sense of taste and who are stuck in the permed poodles as that they are hardly able to get out. Sad assclown You would be better off to get a life. 8000 plus postings? really? Try and get a job you wackoheadYou reply, basically using two parts of my post? Thanks for the flattery. Not much of a comeback, is it - turdwit? Not only are you unable to read/write and articulate yourself, you've now displayed a lack of ability to count. I've been here since 2004. 15 years (5,475 days) - 8,500 posts equates to 1-2 posts per day. that's hardly a need to "get a life". I have worked all my life - never being out of work, or claiming benefit. 40 years as of last October! you cheeky little scrotum. What a shambles of an insignificant little turdling you are. ruiner_70 and turdofqueen - the official flotsam and jetsam of Queenzone. |
brENsKi 11.01.2020 10:26 |
runner_70 wrote:Flotsam and Jetsam are a great Metal Band. I guess a loser like you never heard of themYet again, your basic level reading skills and piss-poor ability to comprehend, stand you in foul stead. I didn't capitalise flotsam and jetsam, hence not being used as a proper noun. Therefore, I was not referring to some thrash metal band. I was referring to flotsam and jetsam (common nouns) - the detritus that you and your "comrade in qualms" (turdofqueen] are known for being. |
runner_70 11.01.2020 10:36 |
still you had to google to see that they are a thrash metal band. Bellend of the highest order. |
brENsKi 11.01.2020 10:48 |
runner_70 wrote:still you had to google to see that they are a thrash metal band. Bellend of the highest order.I didn't need to google anything. you'd already said who they were - fool. I use flotsam and jetsam in the correct (original) meaning. |
runner_70 11.01.2020 10:53 |
brENsKi wrote:I did not say thrash metal you bellendrunner_70 wrote:still you had to google to see that they are a thrash metal band. Bellend of the highest order.I didn't need to google anything. you'd already said who they were - fool. I use flotsam and jetsam in the correct (original) meaning. |
brENsKi 11.01.2020 11:07 |
runner_70 wrote:I am completely unaware of the band, and I was (correctly) guessing them to be thrash metalbrENsKi wrote:I did not say thrash metal you bellendrunner_70 wrote:still you had to google to see that they are a thrash metal band. Bellend of the highest order.I didn't need to google anything. you'd already said who they were - fool. I use flotsam and jetsam in the correct (original) meaning. I couldn't see how a band whose name is "rubbish" being any other genre - punk maybe? - but YOU already said "metal". I still haven't looked them up...can't be bothered. Let's face facts - if YOU say they are a "great metal" band, then they're more likely to be dogshit. |
brENsKi 12.01.2020 14:09 |
runner_70 wrote:There is a fine line between "Borrowing" and being influenced.As I've found more, I thought I'd update this for you: See What A fool I've Been = almost conjoined twin of Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust = almost identical twin of Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) = bastard lovechild of Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart Keep Passing The Open Windows = almost identical twin of Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out Rain Must Fall = sibling of Candi Staton - Young hearts run free Invisible Man = sibling of Ray Parker Junior - Ghostbusters & M - Pop Music Don't Try Suicide = 2nd cousin of Police - Walking On The Moon Headlong = almost identical twin of Heart - Barracuda Bohemian Rhpasody = testtube baby concept of 10cc Une Nuit a Paris |
runner_70 12.01.2020 14:53 |
brENsKi wrote:So you basically say Queen are a copycat band without any originality. Why you are even here then you bellend? HEadlong like Barracuda??? CHeck your hearing aid bellendrunner_70 wrote:There is a fine line between "Borrowing" and being influenced.As I've found more, I thought I'd update this for you: See What A fool I've Been = almost conjoined twin of Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust = almost identical twin of Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) = bastard lovechild of Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart Keep Passing The Open Windows = almost identical twin of Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out Rain Must Fall = sibling of Candi Staton - Young hearts run free Invisible Man = sibling of Ray Parker Junior - Ghostbusters & M - Pop Music Don't Try Suicide = 2nd cousin of Police - Walking On The Moon Headlong = almost identical twin of Heart - Barracuda Bohemian Rhpasody = testtube baby concept of 10cc Une Nuit a Paris |
brENsKi 12.01.2020 16:04 |
runner_70 wrote:That's 9 songs out of 200+, you fool. It's possible to be a fan and still accept that your band was flawed (sometimes).brENsKi wrote:So you basically say Queen are a copycat band without any originality. Why you are even here then you bellend? HEadlong like Barracuda??? CHeck your hearing aid bellendrunner_70 wrote:There is a fine line between "Borrowing" and being influenced.As I've found more, I thought I'd update this for you: See What A fool I've Been = almost conjoined twin of Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust = almost identical twin of Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) = bastard lovechild of Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart Keep Passing The Open Windows = almost identical twin of Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out Rain Must Fall = sibling of Candi Staton - Young hearts run free Invisible Man = sibling of Ray Parker Junior - Ghostbusters & M - Pop Music Don't Try Suicide = 2nd cousin of Police - Walking On The Moon Headlong = almost identical twin of Heart - Barracuda Bohemian Rhpasody = testtube baby concept of 10cc Une Nuit a Paris and if you can't hear similarities between those songs - then it's YOU who's deaf. Also, Queen's "borrowing" was discussed 9 years ago and 15 years ago on Qzone, and there were no real dissenters then, and only really YOU now. |
runner_70 12.01.2020 16:57 |
brENsKi wrote:Only idiots like you do not know that Elvis hardly ever wrote a song himself. Same with Mystery train. This is the same like you would say "Knocking on heaven's door" is from Guns N Roses. See how stupid you are? No need to thank me for another lesson in music you fucking loserrunner_70 wrote:That's 9 songs out of 200+, you fool. It's possible to be a fan and still accept that your band was flawed (sometimes). and if you can't hear similarities between those songs - then it's YOU who's deaf. Also, Queen's "borrowing" was discussed 9 years ago and 15 years ago on Qzone, and there were no real dissenters then, and only really YOU now.brENsKi wrote:So you basically say Queen are a copycat band without any originality. Why you are even here then you bellend? HEadlong like Barracuda??? CHeck your hearing aid bellendrunner_70 wrote:There is a fine line between "Borrowing" and being influenced.As I've found more, I thought I'd update this for you: See What A fool I've Been = almost conjoined twin of Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust = almost identical twin of Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) = bastard lovechild of Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart Keep Passing The Open Windows = almost identical twin of Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out Rain Must Fall = sibling of Candi Staton - Young hearts run free Invisible Man = sibling of Ray Parker Junior - Ghostbusters & M - Pop Music Don't Try Suicide = 2nd cousin of Police - Walking On The Moon Headlong = almost identical twin of Heart - Barracuda Bohemian Rhpasody = testtube baby concept of 10cc Une Nuit a Paris |
brENsKi 12.01.2020 17:33 |
runner_70 wrote:What ARE you talking about you complete and utter moron?brENsKi wrote: See What A fool I've Been = almost conjoined twin of Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust = almost identical twin of Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) = bastard lovechild of Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart Keep Passing The Open Windows = almost identical twin of Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out Rain Must Fall = sibling of Candi Staton - Young hearts run free Invisible Man = sibling of Ray Parker Junior - Ghostbusters & M - Pop Music Don't Try Suicide = 2nd cousin of Police - Walking On The Moon Headlong = almost identical twin of Heart - Barracuda Bohemian Rhpasody = testtube baby concept of 10cc Une Nuit a ParisOnly idiots like you do not know that Elvis hardly ever wrote a song himself. Same with Mystery train. This is the same like you would say "Knocking on heaven's door" is from Guns N Roses. See how stupid you are? No need to thank me for another lesson in music you fucking loser Look at my list, idiot - I've named artists - not writers. The point being the "original song that a Queen song sounded like". If I'd been referring to writers I'd have said: Barracuda - Wilson/Wilson/Fisher/deRosier Walking On The Moon - Gordon Sumner Une Nuit a Paris - Godley/Creme etc... you fucking unrelenting retarded imbecile. |
runner_70 12.01.2020 17:59 |
I see some stupid idiot is back pedalling like crazy. Comedy gold you insane wankface |
Gregsynth 12.01.2020 18:02 |
Runner_70. Instead of being so angry on this forum - just listen to some Queen music! All that energy put into all these angry posts can be spent on listening to Queen and Freddie's amazing voice! You'll feel better! |
brENsKi 12.01.2020 18:09 |
runner_70 wrote:I see some stupid idiot is back pedalling like crazy. Comedy gold you insane wankfaceNo Back-pedaling, fool. My posts are unchanged. It's YOU that's unable to read, cretin. Gregsynth wrote:Runner_70.Instead of being so angry on this forum - just listen to some Queen music! All that energy put into all these angry posts can be spent on listening to Queen and Freddie's amazing voice! You'll feel better!you're asking for it, lol. |
The Real Wizard 12.01.2020 19:54 |
runner_70 wrote:Someone pointed out nine songs out of 200, and you jump to such an extreme conclusion without any nuance or attempt to speak to the new ideas presented to you.brENsKi wrote:So you basically say Queen are a copycat band without any originality. Why you are even here then you bellend? HEadlong like Barracuda??? CHeck your hearing aid bellendrunner_70 wrote:There is a fine line between "Borrowing" and being influenced.As I've found more, I thought I'd update this for you: See What A fool I've Been = almost conjoined twin of Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust = almost identical twin of Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) = bastard lovechild of Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart Keep Passing The Open Windows = almost identical twin of Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out Rain Must Fall = sibling of Candi Staton - Young hearts run free Invisible Man = sibling of Ray Parker Junior - Ghostbusters & M - Pop Music Don't Try Suicide = 2nd cousin of Police - Walking On The Moon Headlong = almost identical twin of Heart - Barracuda Bohemian Rhpasody = testtube baby concept of 10cc Une Nuit a Paris You're just so intellectually unqualified to do any of this. And you don't even know how to proofread, using the same insult twice. If only you possessed basic self-realization and could see how stupid you and your shoe-sized IQ look to people who are smarter than you. |
The Real Wizard 12.01.2020 19:57 |
runner_70 wrote:He did not claim Elvis was the writer. You are putting words in his mouth.brENsKi wrote:Only idiots like you do not know that Elvis hardly ever wrote a song himself. Same with Mystery train. This is the same like you would say "Knocking on heaven's door" is from Guns N Roses. See how stupid you are? No need to thank me for another lesson in music you fucking loserrunner_70 wrote:That's 9 songs out of 200+, you fool. It's possible to be a fan and still accept that your band was flawed (sometimes). and if you can't hear similarities between those songs - then it's YOU who's deaf. Also, Queen's "borrowing" was discussed 9 years ago and 15 years ago on Qzone, and there were no real dissenters then, and only really YOU now.brENsKi wrote:So you basically say Queen are a copycat band without any originality. Why you are even here then you bellend? HEadlong like Barracuda??? CHeck your hearing aid bellendrunner_70 wrote:There is a fine line between "Borrowing" and being influenced.As I've found more, I thought I'd update this for you: See What A fool I've Been = almost conjoined twin of Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - That's How I feel and Elvis' Mystery Train Another One Bites The Dust = almost identical twin of Chic's Good Times Let Me Live (original) = bastard lovechild of Janis Joplin - Piece of My Heart Keep Passing The Open Windows = almost identical twin of Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out Rain Must Fall = sibling of Candi Staton - Young hearts run free Invisible Man = sibling of Ray Parker Junior - Ghostbusters & M - Pop Music Don't Try Suicide = 2nd cousin of Police - Walking On The Moon Headlong = almost identical twin of Heart - Barracuda Bohemian Rhpasody = testtube baby concept of 10cc Une Nuit a Paris Just stop, you pathetic waste of sperm. |
mooghead 12.01.2020 20:48 |
Wow.. tune into this thread after a week or two and it is just morons having an argument...... again. And it is Queenonline that has disappeared?! They are a glorific beacon of light compared to this fucking shit hole. |
brENsKi 12.01.2020 21:25 |
mooghead wrote:Wow.. tune into this thread after a week or two and it is just morons having an argument...... again. And it is Queenonline that has disappeared?! They are a glorific beacon of light compared to this fucking shit hole.Gerry's fanclub ^ is alive and well then? I hope you're up-to-date on your membership fees. If not, he'll start on you next. |
fras444 15.01.2020 02:05 |
What did Roger, Freddie and John think..... Roger: Get some head Fredde: Give some head John: Anything head related is a headache now that I am married. My wife owns take half of everything if I fuck up... So.... I better ring my wife and tell her that I am half way through the gig and will call her and the kids in one hours time |
stevelondon20 15.01.2020 23:00 |
Moog is right! |
Anton3283 16.01.2020 12:17 |
No need to pay attention on guy who doesn’t know nothing about thread. I sure if ask him pass the IQ test he’ll fall with a bang |
runner_70 16.01.2020 12:40 |
You mean shit stick with his 132 IQ?? |
Anton3283 16.01.2020 13:19 |
runner_70 wrote: You mean shit stick with his 132 IQ??Well all about you. Stop trolling here. |
runner_70 16.01.2020 17:43 |
Anton3283 wrote: No need to pay attention on guy who doesn’t know nothing about thread. I sure if ask him pass the IQ test he’ll fall with a bangWhat is this supposed to mean? |
SpaceGrey 16.01.2020 19:13 |
runner_70 wrote:do not you still understand?Anton3283 wrote: No need to pay attention on guy who doesn’t know nothing about thread. I sure if ask him pass the IQ test he’ll fall with a bangWhat is this supposed to mean? |
runner_70 16.01.2020 22:20 |
SpaceGrey wrote:Not at all try againrunner_70 wrote:do not you still understand?Anton3283 wrote: No need to pay attention on guy who doesn’t know nothing about thread. I sure if ask him pass the IQ test he’ll fall with a bangWhat is this supposed to mean? |
Queenman!! 17.01.2020 07:57 |
stevelondon20 wrote:==============runner_70 wrote:Of course I don't. A lot of the film was put together as fiction. I know that and so does everyone else. You are a troll. All you know is trolling. The only idiot here is you. Please, let's all club together to get this clown banned.stevelondon20 wrote:Just the truth you moron. You Believe in your Bohemian Crapsody movie storyline dont ya? Stupid idiotrunner_70 wrote: Freddie and Brian never were friends. Just working partners. And Brain annoyed the hell out of Freddie from time to time. Thats why May takes revenge now with QAL, the movie, Bigging QAL up instead of Freddie. Poor taste bust hey Its May.You are talking complete bollocks as usual. To be fair.. Runner has a point but it’s not that black /white as he tells. In the end they had respect for each other but there were huge differences and arguments. Freddie did get along very good with Brian when it came to the ‘creative ‘ aspect/part of makin and creating music. But, when it came to the little dots and after mixing etc Brian and Freddie really worked on each nerves. Freddie was a fast worker and knew exactly what he want, Brian used to take painstaking time and make a lot of changes during their work which was very frustrating and delayed lot of projects. For example the Made in Heaven album. Roger and John started the project by laying a basic skeleton of the album. They came to a point where they needed help of Brian. Brian came in and took it all over. Instead of working on that basic skeleton, he changed everything to his own hand. Yes and the movie Brhap. Sorry .. it was brave , feel good Disney story..Happy after all. |
Holly2003 01.04.2020 13:09 |
Queenman!! wrote: In the end they had respect for each other but there were huge differences and arguments. Freddie did get along very good with Brian when it came to the ‘creative ‘ aspect/part of makin and creating music. But, when it came to the little dots and after mixing etc Brian and Freddie really worked on each nerves. Freddie was a fast worker and knew exactly what he want, Brian used to take painstaking time and make a lot of changes during their work which was very frustrating and delayed lot of projects.This is an excellent point. It adds a degree of nuance to what we know about their musical working relationship. Both of their approaches worked -- one isn't necessarily better than the other. Some songs needed the care and attention Brian provided (like Good Company) and others like CLTCL and DSMN needed to capture the moment and be recorded quickly. Even Brian realised this when talking about KYA's initial demo being the best version, and when he didn't over-embellish Sleeping on the Sidewalk. |
philip storey 18.05.2020 15:58 |
Brian's Brighton Rock solo part was just to give the band a break,let Freddie get his second wind,costume changes ,have a drink and use drugs if they wanted to.It also gave Brian time to show off for ten minutes and the crowd time to take a comfort break and get another Beer and Hot Dog for the second part of the show.Some Bands used to do their shows in two parts and leave the stage completely after a hour ,have ten minutes and then come back on to complete the show.I always thought this was rather odd as you had to get the crowds full attention again,i think Pink Floyd,ELP and Yes,Genesis used to do this quite often. |
philip storey 18.05.2020 15:58 |
Brian's Brighton Rock solo part was just to give the band a break,let Freddie get his second wind,costume changes ,have a drink and use drugs if they wanted to.It also gave Brian time to show off for ten minutes and the crowd time to take a comfort break and get another Beer and Hot Dog for the second part of the show.Some Bands used to do their shows in two parts and leave the stage completely after a hour ,have ten minutes and then come back on to complete the show.I always thought this was rather odd as you had to get the crowds full attention again,i think Pink Floyd,ELP and Yes,Genesis used to do this quite often. |
philip storey 18.05.2020 16:00 |
Sorry for the double posting folks. |