Is this your youtube channel?
Where did this come from?
Who is the taper?
If you're going to post something new, it may be helpful to actually say something about it.
And it's 2019 - we're in the digital age.
As evidenced by the lack of responses here, nobody cares about the carrot dangling anymore. If you're going to post things on the internet, do it properly or not at all.
Officer Clawhauser, re:
>If you're going to post things on the internet, do it properly or not at all.
The ire of the Queenzone's policewoman has been tickled again. When will she ever learn? Has Brian sent your congratulatory rabbbit's foot on reaching that 21k post mark; what do you get for 22k?
dudeofqueen wrote:
Officer Clawhauser, re:
>If you're going to post things on the internet, do it properly or not at all.
The ire of the Queenzone's policewoman has been tickled again. When will she ever learn? Has Brian sent your congratulatory rabbbit's foot on reaching that 21k post mark; what do you get for 22k?
And what exactly have you done to get tapes like this out?
Keep on trolling.
Officer Clawhauser, re:
>And what exactly have you done to get tapes like this out?
In the last 10 years? Fuck all.
Prior to that........lots and lots and lots.
dudeofqueen wrote:
Officer Clawhauser, re:
>And what exactly have you done to get tapes like this out?
In the last 10 years? Fuck all.
Prior to that........lots and lots and lots.
So instead of stepping aside with grace you've become an old curmudgeon internet bully to those who still care.
Real clever with the juvenile name calling too. Looks like you got out of collecting because nobody wanted to deal with you.
Slow hand clap.
The Kurgan wrote:
Trading still goes on and always will
Obviously. But carrot dangling doesn't have to.
The rest of your post is utter nonsense. I do not troll decent people who are trying to help make the Queen community a better place, full stop.
I didn't mention trolling actually, but to claim you have never been guilty of name calling or bullying would indeed be utter nonsense.
You really don't seem to understand why you get called out either, but it always makes fun reading when you are, so do carry on.