Diehardqueenie 30.10.2019 23:13 |
Hi everyone, I’m going to see Queen + Adam Lambert in Amsterdam on the 29th of May. Does anyone know if they have a list of songs that they play on the every tour or is it different everytime? If anyone knows which songs they are going to play, please comment it below. |
Day dop 31.10.2019 03:06 |
It's too early to know atm. |
Day dop 31.10.2019 03:06 |
Nathan H 31.10.2019 08:12 |
This setlist was the last one they in the tour and seems most likely: https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/queen-adam-lambert/2019/spectrum-center-charlotte-nc-439f2b5b.html |
anadamfan 31.10.2019 09:23 |
It will be almost the same show that they played during the US tour. You can already watch it all on YouTube. You will get to hear all the songs, that were featured in the movie, hence the title „Rhapsody Tour“. Plus a few of the later songs (like I want it all) and a couple of other songs, they might throw in (Dragon Attack?, Machines?....). I hope, I will get to hear the Intro with Innuendo! |
anadamfan 31.10.2019 12:33 |
X |
anadamfan 31.10.2019 13:48 |
Xx |
SweetCarolina 31.10.2019 15:36 |
Bohemian Rhapsody We Will Rock You We Are The Champions God Save The Queen Radio Ga Ga Hammer To Fall TIe Your Mother Down Brighton Rock solo Last Horizon Another One Bites The Dust Crazy Little Thing Called Love Love Of My Life Fat Bottomed Girls I Want It All Who Wants To Live Forever The Show MUst Go On Thats it |
SweetCaroline 31.10.2019 16:03 |
This is the great set list from the North American Rhapsody Tour I attended in Columbus, Ohio on August 13, 2019: link |
MrFunster 31.10.2019 20:09 |
I think they play the greatest hits setlist like they always do, and if you are lucky they play bohemian rhapsody ;-) |
Iron Butterfly 31.10.2019 22:13 |
I don't expect major changes, if any changes at all. |
Nathan H 01.11.2019 08:09 |
Iron Butterfly wrote: I don't expect major changes, if any changes at all.You can't improve on perfection :) MrFunster wrote: I think they play the greatest hits setlist like they always do, and if you are lucky they play bohemian rhapsody ;-)If Freddie and John were playing with Queen today they would play a Greatest Hits set, in fact most major artists today play their best-known songs. |
MrFunster 01.11.2019 15:21 |
Check billy joel or toto, always major different setlists |
Nathan H 01.11.2019 19:31 |
MrFunster wrote: Check billy joel or toto, always major different setlistsThat's why I used the word "most". Queen were already playing greatest hits inspired setlists by the start of the eighties. |
Diehardqueenie 03.11.2019 09:27 |
21st Century Music Fan, thanks for the setlist. I do hope that they’re going to play Innuendo. It’s such a powerful song, especially as the opener for the show. I will be a bit dissapointed if they’re going to leave such a masterpiece out. |
anadamfan 03.11.2019 10:21 |
About Innuendo: it’s an instrumental intro coming from a tape, not the whole song. It looks and sounds impressive though. Brian and Roger had recorded it with a whole orchestra before the North American Tour this year. |
Diehardqueenie 03.11.2019 10:33 |
Yes I know, but it’s just such an amazing opener and it indeed sounds so impressive. But Now I’m Here is also an amazing opener so :) |
Diehardqueenie 03.11.2019 10:40 |
By the way, does anyone know if you can go to the bathroom and then go back in line and just get your own spot back? I heard something about writing a number on your hand and something with someone in front or behind you. Also, I’m to the concert with my sister. I’m going to be there at 10:00 am, but she’s going to be there a few hours later. Is it possible for here to just stand with me or does she have to stand in the back? And is 10:00 am a good time if I want to stand as close to the stage as possible? Sorry for the many questions, but this is my first concert and I really want to be prepared for this cause I’ve been waiting for such a long time. |
anadamfan 03.11.2019 11:35 |
You should be able to a bathroom. When you’re waiting in line, you get to know the people around you. And we all have the same needs. ;) Inside the venue, I wouldn’t leave my spot. You will most probably not get it back. 10 am should be fine. The numbers thing is a thing of the glamberts I think. They are usually the first at the venue and some like to write a number on the back of your hand, so that the order at the time of entrance is secured. Thing is, this doesn’t work at most venues, because those open many doors at once. That system also relies on the acceptance of the other fans, because the venues don’t care about any numbers. If you’re at the door, they let you in. If your sister comes later, it shouldn’t be a problem, that she waits with you. But of course that depends on the other fans around you. But usually that’s ok. My friends had waited since early morning last time and I only joined them in the afternoon after work. |
AngelR 03.11.2019 12:43 |
The numbers thing is a common practice for many GA venues. I go often to O2 London for different bands and it's often the case when fans start queueing up early! Come for 10am only if you're after the spot by the barriers, about 3 - 4 pm for the second row. It's going to be tough as the interest to see Queen + AL is all time high at present. I'd advise you to join Queen/AL fan clubs on Facebook and twitter for more uptodate information. |
Diehardqueenie 03.11.2019 14:00 |
Okay, thank you for your advice AngelR and anadamfan. Only one question: what kind of number do you have to write on your hand? |
anadamfan 03.11.2019 16:43 |
I didn’t write it on my hand. The glamberts, who had been there first wrote numbers on our hands. The number shows the order of arrival at the venue. After some time, they stopped (number 100?). At a concert with a different artist the venue itself gave out numbers on paper. If that happens, you can be sure, that they will make sure to let fans in order of those numbers. But it doesn’t happen everywhere. At my Queen concerts the numbers didn’t matter. |
AlexRocks 06.12.2019 18:30 |
They are doing what Black Sabbath did for years and years basically are playing the same twelve songs all of the time. Sigh. |
AlexRocks 06.12.2019 18:31 |
I take that back. That's not true. Why can I not delete or edit a post?! |
jeffuk49 09.12.2019 11:45 |
well they play more than 12 songs usually27-30 |
PrimeJiveUSA 10.12.2019 04:45 |
Are any of the Australian/New Zealand/Korea/Japan shows even close to being full/sold out? |
Sealion 11.12.2019 20:25 |
PrimeJiveUSA wrote: Are any of the Australian/New Zealand/Korea/Japan shows even close to being full/sold out?You know, you can look that up on the respective ticket sites, right? You can find the links on Queen Online and look for yourself. |
Nathan H 27.12.2019 19:20 |
Here's a very positive article: httpp://www.digitaljournal.com/entertainment/music/op-ed-adam-lambert-and-queen-put-on-the-best-rock-concert-of-2019/article/564242?noredir=1 |
Nathan H 27.12.2019 19:20 |
Here's a very positive article: httpp://www.digitaljournal.com/entertainment/music/op-ed-adam-lambert-and-queen-put-on-the-best-rock-concert-of-2019/article/564242?noredir=1 |
SweetCaroline 27.12.2019 20:13 |
link |
Saint Jiub 27.12.2019 21:02 |
A profession music critic listed the best 10 chicago concerts of 2019 ... and QAL is nowhere to be found. link |
AngelR 27.12.2019 21:19 |
Maybe he didn't attend the Queen + AL show? I can't read the article, it's not available in Europe. |
SweetCaroline 27.12.2019 22:16 |
Who is Ric Wilson, Idles and Jsmila Woods? P |
Saint Jiub 27.12.2019 22:40 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Who is Ric Wilson, Idles and Jsmila Woods? PI recall you mentioning the importance of a music professional's opinion (your in-law relative?). Therefore, you must concede that these 10 concerts are better than a QAL concert, because this year end review was written by an experienced music professional. It does not matter if you never heard of these artists as you are not a music professional. P I believe Greg Kot is a pretentious music critic, but my opinion is irrelevent as I am not a music professional. |
AngelR 27.12.2019 22:54 |
Saint Jiub, Why would you like a music critic to review a show he'd never attended? How would it be professional? |
Saint Jiub 28.12.2019 00:51 |
AngelR wrote: Saint Jiub, Why would you like a music critic to review a show he'd never attended? How would it be professional?I cannot have a legitimate opinion of what would be fair, as I am not a professional music critic I'm fairly sure he did not review the concert or any QAL concert, as it probably was not his cup of tea. He was very critical of the cheesiness of the Bo Rhap movie however: 'Bohemian Rhapsody' finds 2 redeeming moments amid cliches (and factual errors)" There are a couple of entertaining scenes in “Bohemian Rhapsody,” the new Queen biopic. Unfortunately, you have to wade through more than two hours of slow-moving, cliche-packed melodrama to get to them." link Greg Kot also reviewed provided a brief slightly positive overview of Queen's career in 1992: link |
SweetCaroline 28.12.2019 03:34 |
What are Greg Kot’s credentials? Is he a musician himself? I don’t feel like looking him up. He liked only 2 scenes in the biopic? Did he see Freddie in person? |
SweetCaroline 28.12.2019 03:41 |
Well, I looked him up anyway. He is a journalist, not a musician, so I don’t know what makes him an expert regarding music: link |
SweetCaroline 28.12.2019 03:43 |
Well, I looked him up anyway. He is a journalist, not a musician, so I don’t know what makes him an expert regarding music: link |
Holly2003 28.12.2019 12:34 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Well, I looked him up anyway. He is a journalist, not a musician, so I don’t know what makes him an expert regarding music: linkWhat an idiotic comment. |
SweetCaroline 28.12.2019 13:13 |
What is idiotic? He is not a music expert. He is just writing his own opinion. I could do that, too, but I am not a journalist. |
Holly2003 28.12.2019 14:37 |
SweetCaroline wrote: What is idiotic? He is not a music expert. He is just writing his own opinion. I could do that, too, but I am not a journalist.You copy and past 100s (1000s?) of opinions from non-music experts as long as they are saying something positive about Lambert. But when one person posts something that doesn't praise Lambert you start demanding credentials. Are you that demented that you can't see your own hypocrisy? More likely the cold calculation of a disturbed cult member ... |
Holly2003 28.12.2019 15:19 |
And btw he's a music journalist and probably has forgotten more about music than you'll ever learn. |
SweetCaroline 28.12.2019 16:41 |
Sorry to disappoint you but I am neither demented nor disturbed! Being a fan of Queen + Adam Lambert is hardly being in a cult! |
Holly2003 28.12.2019 18:19 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Sorry to disappoint you but I am neither demented nor disturbed!You don't get to decide that. SweetCaroline wrote: Being a fan of Queen + Adam Lambert is hardly being in a cult!Your behaviour here dictates how you're viewed. |
SweetCaroline 28.12.2019 20:05 |
My “behavior?” |
Iron Butterfly 28.12.2019 20:33 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Sorry to disappoint you but I am neither demented nor disturbed! Being a fan of Queen + Adam Lambert is hardly being in a cult!You are...something. it's not normal behavior that you do. |
Iron Butterfly 28.12.2019 20:34 |
Holly2003 wrote:Bingo.SweetCaroline wrote: What is idiotic? He is not a music expert. He is just writing his own opinion. I could do that, too, but I am not a journalist.You copy and past 100s (1000s?) of opinions from non-music experts as long as they are saying something positive about Lambert. But when one person posts something that doesn't praise Lambert you start demanding credentials. Are you that demented that you can't see your own hypocrisy? More likely the cold calculation of a disturbed cult member ... I guess a journalist has and must to heap praise about AL and Q+AL to be taken seriously or even noticed by a certain Glambert here. |
Saint Jiub 28.12.2019 23:23 |
SweetCaroline wrote: My “behavior?”Your clueless behavior. |
Iron Butterfly 28.12.2019 23:34 |
Saint Jiub wrote:Thoughtless, heartless, brainless...SweetCaroline wrote: My “behavior?”Your clueless behavior. |
SweetCaroline 29.12.2019 14:07 |
Icy, I prayed for you on Christmas Eve but I guess it didn’t work. Re: Greg Kot, he didn’t say one way or the other if he had seen the QAL Rhapsody Show so we don’t know if he would have liked it, I’m not a music journalist but I have been to enough live concerts and musicals to have a valid opinion when something is phenomenal or not! |
Iron Butterfly 29.12.2019 18:08 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Icy, I prayed for you on Christmas Eve but I guess it didn’t work. Re: Greg Kot, he didn’t say one way or the other if he had seen the QAL Rhapsody Show so we don’t know if he would have liked it, I’m not a music journalist but I have been to enough live concerts and musicals to have a valid opinion when something is phenomenal or not!You prayed for me even though you have said that you hate me. What did you pray for about me? I don't want or need your prayers, because you aren't genuine at all, and I know full well what you think of me. Again, you prove your hypocrisy. You have said you don't like certain other artists without ever having seen them live. Your logic has no logic. Your opinion don't hold much water, if any. Some of us here know you think AL is perfect, no matter what. Sorry, no one is perfect, not even the guy you promote and big up. |
runner_70 29.12.2019 21:30 |
She prayed for you becoming a Glambert addict. It obviously only works for deranged grannies who have given up on life |
SweetCaroline 29.12.2019 21:49 |
I was at the beautiful Christmas Eve service and prayed that icy and her family would be at peace during their difficult holiday season. And, no, I don’t want anyone to become a Glambert or Adam addict and, no, Adam is not perfect because no one is! |
Iron Butterfly 29.12.2019 22:03 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I was at the beautiful Christmas Eve service and prayed that icy and her family would be at peace during their difficult holiday season. And, no, I don’t want anyone to become a Glambert or Adam addict and, no, Adam is not perfect because no one is!See, thing is, I know what you think about me, and have for years. You hate me and say I'm like Hitler and the Gestapo, unless you take that back ( because I know you will never say sorry ), I don't think your prayers are genuine at least for me. When I needed understanding and or compassion, you had none. Even Runner was kind enough to give it. You weren't. So forgive me that I don't think your prayers were in any way genuine...it said alot when my father was dying and after he passed away, you had not a shred of compassion, heck, weeks ago you said I'm a disgusting person, hateful bitch and you had no empathy for me, so I doubt you have changed your tune about me. Glad that you seemed to have had a lovely Christmas. And that turbulent plane trip ended up ok. If you don't want anyone to become an AL addict or a Glambert, then why do you do the things you do on Queen boards? Do tell. And yes, you have said AL is perfect, no matter what he does. |
SweetCaroline 30.12.2019 06:00 |
“Concert Year In Review: Queen Reigned” link |
runner_70 31.12.2019 07:46 |
SweetCaroline wrote: “Concert Year In Review: Queen Reigned” linkIs this an article from 1986 (I surely won't click it) as this is the last time Queen was on tour |
SweetCaroline 31.12.2019 22:41 |
Here’s another one — top 10 concerts of 2019 in Atlanta: link |
Brancelli 01.01.2020 07:36 |
Happy New Year, Happy New Decade! Hope all is well with you and yours. Let’s make it good next few trips around the sun, folks. Hope it’s a good year/decade for Adam as well. Pulling for the guy. Got too good of a voice for bad music. Roarin’ 20s again, my friends. |
runner_70 02.01.2020 06:56 |
Brancelli wrote: Happy New Year, Happy New Decade! Hope all is well with you and yours. Let’s make it good next few trips around the sun, folks. Hope it’s a good year/decade for Adam as well. Pulling for the guy. Got too good of a voice for bad music. Roarin’ 20s again, my friends.The only good decade for Lamebert would be if he stayed away from a mic and a Cover song |
Nathan H 08.01.2020 22:53 |
Q+AL are tipped to play at a benefit concert for the Australian bushfires on 16th February. They are playing at the same venue the night before. Read more here: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/entertainment/queen-plus-adam-lambert-tipped-to-play-australia-bushfires-benefit-concert/vi-BBYIeEl |
Nathan H 08.01.2020 22:54 |
Q+AL are tipped to play at a benefit concert for the Australian bushfires on 16th February. They are playing at the same venue the night before. Read more here: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/entertainment/queen-plus-adam-lambert-tipped-to-play-australia-bushfires-benefit-concert/vi-BBYIeEl |
Holly2003 09.01.2020 11:45 |
21st Century Music Fan wrote: Q+AL are tipped to play at a benefit concert for the Australian bushfires on 16th February. They are playing at the same venue the night before. Read more here: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/entertainment/queen-plus-adam-lambert-tipped-to-play-australia-bushfires-benefit-concert/vi-BBYIeElMaybe they'll play 'Put Out The Fire'... |
Iron Butterfly 10.01.2020 01:05 |
Holly2003 wrote:AL dedicated WWTLF to victims of a mass shooting. Not the best song to dedicate to victims after such a tragedy.21st Century Music Fan wrote: Q+AL are tipped to play at a benefit concert for the Australian bushfires on 16th February. They are playing at the same venue the night before. Read more here: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/entertainment/queen-plus-adam-lambert-tipped-to-play-australia-bushfires-benefit-concert/vi-BBYIeElMaybe they'll play 'Put Out The Fire'... I dread to think what song they could dedicate for this tragedy. Q+PR did it right with Imagine a few years back after the London bombing. |
SweetCaroline 10.01.2020 03:58 |
More about the special concert in Australia: link |
Iron Butterfly 10.01.2020 04:26 |
SweetCaroline wrote: More about the special concert in Australia: linkLive Aid style? Nothing could ever top Live Aid for many reasons. |
Nathan H 10.01.2020 08:09 |
Iron Butterfly for crying out loud it's for charity - it's going to good causes. All you can say is that they don't do meaningful deadications which they clearly do (the mass shooting one was widely reported in the news and I heard no criticism about it). They are using a Live Aid style because they know it clearly works as a way for raising money to charity. We all bloody know it's not going to be as a big as Live Aid but it's better than nothing. You should be praising people for doing this as it's a great thing for raising money. But yet as bloody always, you're nitpicking for the slightest bit of something you don't like and turn in it to criticism. |
Iron Butterfly 10.01.2020 08:42 |
Gen Z Music Fan wrote: Iron Butterfly for crying out loud it's for charity - it's going to good causes. All you can say is that they don't do meaningful deadications which they clearly do (the mass shooting one was widely reported in the news and I heard no criticism about it). They are using a Live Aid style because they know it clearly works as a way for raising money to charity. We all bloody know it's not going to be as a big as Live Aid but it's better than nothing. You should be praising people for doing this as it's a great thing for raising money. But yet as bloody always, you're nitpicking for the slightest bit of something you don't like and turn in it to criticism.Read what I actually posted. WWTLF is hardly a good song choice after a mass shooting, IMO. Or any other crime for that matter. That's my view on AL dedicating that particular song to the victims of a mass shooting. I'm wary of what song/s could be dedicated to the people affected by these fires after the WWTLF dedication. Have I I interacted with you before? Don't think so, so how would you know what I always do? Oh you changed your username, ok then. I still haven't interacted with you much, or you with me. Nothing going could ever top Live Aid, that would be impossible to do so. All these years later, nothing can top it. That's a fact. I have online friends who live in Australia, it's really heartbreaking to know how these fires are affecting so many. I have some idea to a lesser extent there was a massive fire in Northern Alberta a couple years back, which caused alot of damage. I donated then, as I did the other day to hopefully help at least one person during these fires. Just so you know that before you judge me about what you think I do. You know who I really praise during this, the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to fight these fires and the ones who are saving lives, if it be humans or animals. That praise good enough for you? |
Nathan H 10.01.2020 11:38 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:Yes, thanks for that clarification. My family have friends over there too it's absolutely horrible. I'm pleased their doing stuff.Gen Z Music Fan wrote: Iron Butterfly for crying out loud it's for charity - it's going to good causes. All you can say is that they don't do meaningful deadications which they clearly do (the mass shooting one was widely reported in the news and I heard no criticism about it). They are using a Live Aid style because they know it clearly works as a way for raising money to charity. We all bloody know it's not going to be as a big as Live Aid but it's better than nothing. You should be praising people for doing this as it's a great thing for raising money. But yet as bloody always, you're nitpicking for the slightest bit of something you don't like and turn in it to criticism.Read what I actually posted. WWTLF is hardly a good song choice after a mass shooting, IMO. Or any other crime for that matter. That's my view on AL dedicating that particular song to the victims of a mass shooting. I'm wary of what song/s could be dedicated to the people affected by these fires after the WWTLF dedication. Have I I interacted with you before? Don't think so, so how would you know what I always do? Oh you changed your username, ok then. I still haven't interacted with you much, or you with me. Nothing going could ever top Live Aid, that would be impossible to do so. All these years later, nothing can top it. That's a fact. I have online friends who live in Australia, it's really heartbreaking to know how these fires are affecting so many. I have some idea to a lesser extent there was a massive fire in Northern Alberta a couple years back, which caused alot of damage. I donated then, as I did the other day to hopefully help at least one person during these fires. Just so you know that before you judge me about what you think I do. You know who I really praise during this, the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to fight these fires and the ones who are saving lives, if it be humans or animals. That praise good enough for you? |
SweetCaroline 10.01.2020 18:51 |
Whatever they do doesn’t have to TOP or try to top Live Aid. Everyone knows that would be impossible. |
runner_70 10.01.2020 22:16 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Whatever they do doesn’t have to TOP or try to top Live Aid. Everyone knows that would be impossible.We all know your personal highlight of Live Aid as you have said it often enough: Freddie wearing the cape and crown. That was bloody awesome! |
Iron Butterfly 10.01.2020 22:21 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Whatever they do doesn’t have to TOP or try to top Live Aid. Everyone knows that would be impossible.Do you read the articles that you link to? Brian said in that article it will be a "bit like Live Aid". |
Iron Butterfly 10.01.2020 22:22 |
Gen Z Music Fan wrote:I hope your friends will be safe.Iron Butterfly wrote:Yes, thanks for that clarification. My family have friends over there too it's absolutely horrible. I'm pleased their doing stuff.Gen Z Music Fan wrote: Iron Butterfly for crying out loud it's for charity - it's going to good causes. All you can say is that they don't do meaningful deadications which they clearly do (the mass shooting one was widely reported in the news and I heard no criticism about it). They are using a Live Aid style because they know it clearly works as a way for raising money to charity. We all bloody know it's not going to be as a big as Live Aid but it's better than nothing. You should be praising people for doing this as it's a great thing for raising money. But yet as bloody always, you're nitpicking for the slightest bit of something you don't like and turn in it to criticism.Read what I actually posted. WWTLF is hardly a good song choice after a mass shooting, IMO. Or any other crime for that matter. That's my view on AL dedicating that particular song to the victims of a mass shooting. I'm wary of what song/s could be dedicated to the people affected by these fires after the WWTLF dedication. Have I I interacted with you before? Don't think so, so how would you know what I always do? Oh you changed your username, ok then. I still haven't interacted with you much, or you with me. Nothing going could ever top Live Aid, that would be impossible to do so. All these years later, nothing can top it. That's a fact. I have online friends who live in Australia, it's really heartbreaking to know how these fires are affecting so many. I have some idea to a lesser extent there was a massive fire in Northern Alberta a couple years back, which caused alot of damage. I donated then, as I did the other day to hopefully help at least one person during these fires. Just so you know that before you judge me about what you think I do. You know who I really praise during this, the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to fight these fires and the ones who are saving lives, if it be humans or animals. That praise good enough for you? |
SweetCaroline 10.01.2020 22:28 |
A bit like Iive aid is not the same thing as “topping” it! |
Iron Butterfly 10.01.2020 23:49 |
SweetCaroline wrote: A bit like Iive aid is not the same thing as “topping” it!It would be hardly in the same league as Live Aid or even the Freddie Tribute for many reasons, I don't think you can understand that. Maybe AL will wear his crown and cape at the benefit concert if Q+AL will perform. That will truly be a dream come true for you. Many people's lives have been destroyed by these fires, and all you can think of is Q+AL performing. You do prove you have no empathy. You may have missed or choose to ignore a post above where a fellow poster's family has friends from Australia, once again you can't even give support about that to hope they will be safe. You'd rather go off on me again. |
SweetCaroline 11.01.2020 04:39 |
I am not responding to your utter stupidity that I don’t have empathy for the people in Australia being affected by the horrible fires. Who the hell do you think you are to accuse me of such a nasty thing? Just stop your nasty accusations and take care of your own life and leave mine alone. That’s what I mean about being a dictator and telling me and others what they should and should not do. Just stop it already because it is totally crazy! |
SweetCaroline 11.01.2020 04:39 |
I am not responding to your utter stupidity that I don’t have empathy for the people in Australia being affected by the horrible fires. Who the hell do you think you are to accuse me of such a nasty thing? Just stop your nasty accusations and take care of your own life and leave mine alone. That’s what I mean about being a dictator and telling me and others what they should and should not do. Just stop it already because it is totally crazy! |
Saint Jiub 11.01.2020 05:18 |
You are more unhinged than Trump. |
Iron Butterfly 11.01.2020 06:22 |
SweetCaroline wrote: I am not responding to your utter stupidity that I don’t have empathy for the people in Australia being affected by the horrible fires. Who the hell do you think you are to accuse me of such a nasty thing? Just stop your nasty accusations and take care of your own life and leave mine alone. That’s what I mean about being a dictator and telling me and others what they should and should not do. Just stop it already because it is totally crazy!But here you are, replying to me. Read above if you can. A poster above has family friends that very well could be affected by these fires. I have online friends who are affected. This doesn't just affect Australia, it's affecting so much, and it will for years from now, and you have no idea. Did you not read what Gen X and I posted above, or did you read it and once again show no support or even a word of acknowledgement of what others are going through? So, it seems you have no empathy whatsoever, once again you prove it. I don't think you can understand what others are going through, because once again, your spamming is far more important for you to do here, as well as your outrage about me, that's all you are, also you are totally crazy. It's rich that you call others deaf, blind and stupid. I doubt you can ever take notice of anything else unless it's related to your almighty AL. It's also ironic you call me heartless, disgusting, whatever else you can think of when you never offer an ounce of genuine empathy about what others go through. You are that selfish and self absorbed and that much into your obsessions. Have you donated money to help people in Australia? Not a peep from you about that. So much help is needed now and in the future. Get a clue or some empathy. You lack it on both counts . Who the hell are to call me what you say about me? Do you think it helps you to look better by saying I'm a hateful bitch, heartless, selfish, like Trump, Hitler and the Gestapo and anything else you can think of? It makes you look look batshit crazy. The way you go off on your political rants and conspiracies is insane at this point. You go as far as to compare me to Trump, Hitler and the Gestapo for pity sake sake. Fact is, things matter SweetCaroline, and you are just uncaring, absorbed in your own AL bubble to ever realise it. I doubt you'd be even discussing these fires unless you thought AL or Q+AL would somehow be involved with it. That's the only reason you are bringing the fires up, not because of any empathy or compassion that you have. You could have least acknowledged that at least two people here know people who know people who are affected Ted and could be affected by the fires. The fact you don't acknowledgement it, says everything actually, that's why I say you have no empathy. |
runner_70 11.01.2020 08:17 |
SC is bored with Lamebird - so now she is turning every thread into a political lecture....... |