Here is an instrumental mix I've made of "In The Lap Of The Gods". It loses all the lead vocals and nearly all of the harmony vocals though 95% of this version is instrumental.
I'm sorry it's an MP3 file and only 192 kpbs but it's the best quality I've got.
Despite being mono sound, it's still very enjoyable to listen to!
You import the file into audacity and then split the song into two separate mono tracks. Then with the bottom track, you select it and then on a menu in the main toolbar click "invert". If there's still vocals on one of the tracks you may need to silence the parts with vocals. Once you've finished tweaking, on a different menu you click mix tracks and render. Then you can export the finished file in the format you want.
After a few requests,
Here is a FLAC version of this edit as I've manged to re-rip the original song to my computer in the highest quality. I've redone the edit and saved it in the highest! This will certainly please some of you!
After a few requests,
Here is a FLAC version of this edit as I've manged to re-rip the original song to my computer in the highest quality. I've redone the edit and saved it in the highest! This will certainly please some of you!
MusicFan15 wrote:
After a few requests,
Here is a FLAC version of this edit as I've manged to re-rip the original song to my computer in the highest quality. I've redone the edit and saved it in the highest! This will certainly please some of you!
MusicFan15 wrote:
Here is a FLAC version of this edit as I've manged to re-rip the original song to my computer in the highest quality. I've redone the edit and saved it in the highest!
So all these "mixes" are not merely mp3, but mp3 of mp3. Oh boy, you have absolutely no clue! Yet your cheap Audacity trick managed to produce a few orgasms among the most gullible fans.
Good luck with ripping the CDs "in the highest quality". It sounds like a challenging task, don't overwork yourself.