There is quite a lot of video transfers of this show and the excel file have quite few video links too but i didnt know which one is the best one in terms of quality since most of the videos i saw have differently bad quality. I want to ask what is the best one we have so far? thank you for anything.
I think the best version we would have right now, would be your raw transfer with Kurgans QTV, untouched audio, that hasn’t been noise reduced. :)
Thanks chopin for the link. I agree with chin about the raw mix version. So far i like the kurgan video transfer the most, did he make his transfer available somewhere?
Yeah, can Kurgan upload his version? Via mega or torrent, no matter.
This concert is a great gem, with Freddie doing a lot of his classical vocal patterns.
not roaring ones which he did since 82
Few days ago i ask him on youtube if his transferr is available somewhere and he replied that is isn't. It doesn't look like he going to make his transferr public unless we give him reason to relleased it :/