Apologies if this has been raised before (I dare say it has!)
Regarding the instrumental of Spread Your Wings in the NOTW box set...
Does this mean the multitrack HAS now been found and they did a new (instrumental) mix from this multitrack, or did they find an existing 2 track master of this instrumental instead?
Thanks in advance!!
We already did have the instrumental from the Greatest Karaoke Hits DVD which was released in 2004 or so.
Or you mean the new one is somehow different?
I have asked this before. The instrumental version on the Karaoke CD's contains parts that are not on the NOTW version. Makes you think they went right back to the master tape for it. Makes you wonder what else there is...
The multitracks haven't been found. From memory, the instrumental version found on all releases since 1998 is a mix from 1977 with a slightly different backing track and slightly different guitar overdubs.
Wilki, I'm 100% sure that this SYW instrumental mix is from 1996, not from 1977 mixing session.
The sound of snare drum reveals it without a doubt. It sounds processed and the same as almost all 1996 mixes from this Karaoke set. Also the volume of tape noise tells its the modern digital mix.
As a lot of Karaoke Hits mixes features instrumental segments taken from album mix. The same lazy thing happened with this track. Final one-minute instrumental segment taken from the album mix. That's why we can hear 'Fly with me' from Freddie after the break.
In the linear notes we have something like this:
All mixes made by Neil Amor and JSS in 1996 except tracks from The Miracle, Innuendo and Made In Heaven which were made during the original mixing sessions.
It means they have multitracks for this particular song but not exactly the same recordings as the album versions. Something like 'Coming Soon' situation.
"The multitracks haven't been found. From memory, the instrumental version found on all releases since 1998 is a mix from 1977 with a slightly different backing track and slightly different guitar overdubs."
Thanks for this - it's what I presumed.
So still no chance of a 5.1 remix from the multitrack... because they still haven't been found then...
Well... how could they lose the multitrack ?
I know there is a still a lot time till Freddie's Birthday Party... but if there will be Q&A like last year's could we prepare excellent questions considering fact that the time for asking those is short and last year's questions were dumb ? (The bit about SnowProducciones killed me, nearly literally)