Same stuff.
Dragon attack (for some reason they like to play that even with Adam sounding ridiculous)
Save me
FBG dropped at some gigs in favor of STC/LIAR bridge to HTF
and. ....something British?
^it actually wasn't bad. But seeing as he's not really a musician and probably not fond of abstract craziness or the original led zeppelin song; he doesn't intersperse anything significant into the middle
maths15 wrote:
Dear god, I cringe at the thought of Lambert singing Get Down. He’ll ham it up to fuck and become a Kenneth Williams impersonator.
It was ok on the NA tour, I found it very competent. Would have preferred it's Late, but at least it was an album track from NOTW.
All the 'hamming up to fuck' of which you speak was done during Bicycle Race and Killer Queen.
I'd like to see :
I can't live with you.
Sail Away Sweet Sister
It's a hard life
Sleeping on the sidewalk
Put out the fire / Life is real
I'd love for James Hetfield to come on in the encore and do Headlong with them.
But what we're get is one of SYW, IL, GDML or Dragon Attack.
badboybez wrote:
40th Anniversary of NOTW - GDWL / WWRY / WATC
That’s your lot for Prague last night
Well that's a surprise.
Queen have officially pissed me off big time now.
The fucking Americans get to hear stuff that, by the time the band get to Europe, they've stopped playing and we get the same old shit again..
That's now TWO tours in a row that "new" songs have been added to the US playlist and then dropped by the time they leave.
I'm also sick to death of Teo Torriate only ever being played in Japan as well.
Brian mentioned on his Insta this morning it was a risky new set.... not sure what his definition of Risky is but I don't think it's the same as mine...
brains wig, seems you're blaming the "fucking Americans" and not the band. They dropped the songs in the American tour pretty quick. It's a greatest hits tour, as always...........
Ah the o'l greatest hits tours, Brian and Roger are so out of touch with their fans, it's like they half ignore their last two albums to play the same old shit every time.
They could spice things up here and there I.e Princes of the Universe, I Can't Live With You, Scandal etc and so on it's as if they are afraid to try anything new/different. All the press for the news of the World box set and they play hardly anything worth while from it.
I do agree that, while its looking unlikely that Queen will ever return to the album tracks of the 70's, they could play more of a choice of the singles from the last three albums. There's nothing from Made In Heaven unless your in Japan, I Want It All has been played to death and all we've ever had from Inuendo is TATDOOL . Even the Freddie Mercury tribute got part Innuendo!
Even hearing some of the singles off these albums in favouy of some of the over played setlist would make a huge difference to the way the show feels. Also having tried IL and SYW on the American leg ( dropped either because the audience reaction wasn't good or the band didn't enjoy playing them) maybe while playing Europe they should re introduce at least one of them, or maybe another song from NOTW. It certainly doesn't sit comfortably that the production is geared towards the album, the box set is being released mid tour, a new video of a song from the box set is available yet the live setlist more or less shuns anything that isn't a pre 1986 single!
Just rewatched this version of SOTS. This song works great on stage. Why they didn't try to play it at least once this year? Brian looks so happy and very self-confident here (or confident? I don't know which one should I use). Now it seems he is terrified to play anything but GH material.