I wanna testify 07.10.2017 09:26 |
I cannot find when searched for but which is shared in flac fully.is it possible somebody could upload in announce hammersmith 1975 fm radio? |
moonie 09.10.2017 18:09 |
It was broadcast again in 1986 as part of the In Concert series on Radio . I remember taping it. But not on FM. It was on medium wave. At the time, Radio 1 was only on MW throughout the UK, with the odd switch to FM for the top 40 on Sunday or the occasional simulcast with BBC 1 or 2. |
I wanna testify 10.10.2017 07:44 |
Thanks for that.it now say was broadcasted on december 27 ,89 in notes so is stero fm.and is also a ilnk to radio guide link |
Chinwonder2 10.10.2017 10:48 |
This should be what you're looking for: link -Chin :) |
I wanna testify 10.10.2017 11:26 |
This is the one thankyou for link and also other file.Are you having upgraded vancouver 1977 also by chance as not in announce? |
Chinwonder2 10.10.2017 14:45 |
I wanna testify wrote: This is the one thankyou for link and also other file.Are you having upgraded vancouver 1977 also by chance as not in announce?This is that: link Also, Kurgan's thread on TTD seems to be removed: link -Chin |
I wanna testify 10.10.2017 15:07 |
Thanks for these links,, is there any more lost ones>? |
Chinwonder2 10.10.2017 16:25 |
I wanna testify wrote: Thanks for these links,, is there any more lost ones>?Not that I'm aware of, is there any in particular you would like that ou don't currently have or missed?:) -Chin |
I wanna testify 10.10.2017 16:39 |
Chinwonder2 wrote:Manchester 79I wanna testify wrote: Thanks for these links,, is there any more lost ones>?Not that I'm aware of, is there any in particular you would like that ou don't currently have or missed?:) -Chin |
Chinwonder2 10.10.2017 17:39 |
Haha, sorry don't have that. Wish I did... :( -Chin |
Barry Durex 13.10.2017 18:51 |
A tape of Manchester 26.11.79 exists, some people on this very site have a transfer. |
Chopin1995 14.10.2017 10:19 |
Barry Durex wrote: A tape of Manchester 26.11.79 exists, some people on this very site have a transfer.That's very good to know! |
Gregsynth 17.10.2017 15:28 |
Hi Barry. Can you give some more info (if able) about Manchester 1979? Which users have a transfer? This is the first time I've heard about that show on Queenzone - any new info is welcome. |
Barry Durex 17.10.2017 15:37 |
Gregsynth wrote: Hi Barry. Can you give some more info (if able) about Manchester 1979? Which users have a transfer? This is the first time I've heard about that show on Queenzone - any new info is welcome.If the users who have a transfer want to share it, then they surely will wont they? It has been mentioned before on Queenzone by the way link |
Gregsynth 17.10.2017 15:41 |
Thanks! |
The Real Wizard 17.10.2017 15:41 |
Barry Durex wrote:Nice post editing. Your original version had just the link, and then you added your new story because the post wasn't specific enough.Gregsynth wrote: Hi Barry. Can you give some more info (if able) about Manchester 1979? Which users have a transfer? This is the first time I've heard about that show on Queenzone - any new info is welcome.If the users who have a transfer want to share it, then they surely will. It has been mentioned before on Queenzone by the way link If the Name names, or stop trolling. We've had enough wind up merchants here lately. Be useful for once. |
Barry Durex 17.10.2017 16:14 |
The Real Wizard wrote: Nice post editing. Your original version had just the link, and then you added your new story because the post wasn't specific enough. Name names, or stop trolling. We've had enough wind up merchants here lately. Be useful for once.1. I was still editing the post during your reply, which was only four minutes later. You seem to edit your posts, am I not allowed to? 2. I'm not naming names, like I said if they want to share that's up to them. 3. YOU seem to be trolling ME, please refrain. ---Update--- 4. I just checked your website, you also confirm a tape exists, so perhaps YOU want to name the names? 5. There is also some info supplied in the highly accurate Queen Live book which tells us the Royal Family recorded the gig. 6. Now I think of it, this is all starting to sound vaguely familiar. |
The Real Wizard 18.10.2017 04:02 |
Barry Durex wrote: 4. I just checked your website, you also confirm a tape exists, so perhaps YOU want to name the names?Jim Jenkins once wrote a fan club magazine article saying he taped the show. Instead of relying on others (and cryptically speaking for them), why not try to contact the taper and get a copy out yourself instead of trolling people who actually do this kind of thing? But of course you won't actually do that, because it's easier to be a troll, right Barry? |
Barry Durex 18.10.2017 05:48 |
The Real Wizard wrote:Bit cryptic all that and it went a little over my head. Am I to take it you did all this already then and are naming yourself as one of the users on here who has a transfer?Barry Durex wrote: 4. I just checked your website, you also confirm a tape exists, so perhaps YOU want to name the names?Jim Jenkins once wrote a fan club magazine article saying he taped the show. Instead of relying on others (and cryptically speaking for them), why not try to contact the taper and get a copy out yourself instead of trolling people who actually do this kind of thing? But of course you won't actually do that, because it's easier to be a troll, right Barry? |
mysterious 18.10.2017 19:41 |
I don't believe anyone on here has the recording of Manchester '79. However, due to this thing about hoarding Liverpool '79 (it's a fact that it HAS been hoarded!) I'm not 100% sure that nobody on here has is. What I know is that Liverpool has being hoarded in order to try to appear be more trustworthy to make the tape owner feel more willing to release more recordings of shows (if they do have more of them). Maybe the same thing is happening with the Manchester show right now - who knows? Barry, if you're really 100% sure that you know the person who has the recording, can you tell us who it is, please? |
Barry Durex 18.10.2017 20:08 |
---post before this was deleted--- Where would it get you? |
Barry Durex 18.10.2017 20:11 |
---post before this was deleted--- As a new user you will appreciate your comments will probably be cast aside, but that doesn't mean they're not valid of course. |
mysterious 18.10.2017 20:13 |
I can't force you not to be suspicious about me but just because I'm a new user on here doesn't mean that can't know things that are going on behind the scenes. |
Barry Durex 18.10.2017 20:25 |
---post before this was deleted--- I accept that, but others might not. At the end of the day it's just another audience recording of an old show. Nothing of any real value other than to the die hard fans. Forget all this bullshit about the heroic endeavours of the liberator, the taper should be the one who wants to unleash it and claim the glory. He might as well. |
mysterious 18.10.2017 21:03 |
I totally agree with that - if only other people agreed as well... |
Barry Durex 18.10.2017 23:02 |
---post before and after this was deleted--- I wouldn't be surprised if it was shared by a third party on dime or the like at some point though. That's the usual course of events under these sort of circumstances. It's been mentioned it's on some old trade lists, so that would lend some credence to a source if it was. Similar story to Liverpool. |
mysterious 19.10.2017 21:28 |
Yeah, maybe that's what happenes behind the scenes. |
The Real Wizard 20.10.2017 03:44 |
Barry Durex wrote: At the end of the day it's just another audience recording of an old show. Nothing of any real value other than to the die hard fans.If it's so inconsequential, then why is it so hard for you to help get it out there? |
Barry Durex 20.10.2017 12:30 |
What sort of reply did you get when you asked for a copy of the tape? You did ask right? |
mysterious 20.10.2017 21:01 |
Gregsynth wrote: Hi Barry. Can you give some more info (if able) about Manchester 1979? Which users have a transfer? This is the first time I've heard about that show on Queenzone - any new info is welcome.Maybe you yourself can give us some info about the show, can't you? |
Gregsynth 20.10.2017 21:41 |
Manchester would be a great show (going off the reviews I've read about the Crazy Tour) to hear! |
mysterious 20.10.2017 22:27 |
Well, I guess I have to trust you on that... |
mysterious 20.10.2017 23:53 |
Yes it would |
Barry Durex 21.10.2017 00:11 |
Why did you edit your post Gregsynth to something completely different and why are the posts by mysterious deleted? Now my replies don't make sense. Can anyone pm me about what was said in the deleted posts. Thanks. |
Gregsynth 21.10.2017 08:22 |
Barry Durex wrote: Why did you edit your post Gregsynth to something completely different and why are the posts by mysterious deleted? Now my replies don't make sense. Can anyone pm me about what was said in the deleted posts. Thanks.Because the mysterious user was deleted and the comment I originally wrote for that user didn't make sense after that user was deleted. It was basically responding to a comment if I knew anything about Manchester 1979 and I said that I didn't know anything except for the date and city! |
Barry Durex 21.10.2017 11:13 |
All this deleting of users, posts and even an entire thread of yours is rather suspicious isn't it? |
Gregsynth 21.10.2017 13:42 |
I don't think so. Before this "mysterious" user vanished, they sent me a PM asking me if I knew anything about Manchester 1979. All I said was that I didn't have the show and if I had it personally - I would've shared it or let people listen to it. I don't know what happened with the user, but I can show you the PM I sent to that user (it's in the attachment). As far as my own thread getting deleted - I didn't cause it to deleted. I can only go off of what was posted in that gigantic circus thread (that Long Beach 1977 thing), but somebody was being harassed or something and it caused the thread to be deleted. I was planning on re-starting that thread, but Pittrek fixed up the old copy of Liverpool 1979 and made his own thread - no sense in a double thread if the new one is better! I've got nothing to hide! |
Barry Durex 21.10.2017 14:56 |
So there's nothing suspicious going on, can the moderator who removed the user and posts on this thread then please give an explanation as to why? |
The Real Wizard 21.10.2017 21:18 |
Barry - you need to get back on your meds. If anyone has a transfer of this show, they certainly wouldn't tell you about it because you're of no use to anyone. If you want that to change, then contact the taper and ask him if he's willing to help out. Stop trolling and do something useful for once. I, nor anyone else here, owe you and your sense of entitlement a goddamned thing. |
Barry Durex 21.10.2017 21:19 |
What sort of reply did you get when you asked for a copy of the tape? You did ask right? |
mystery_m 21.10.2017 23:31 |
why did you delete me off the site Barry. i was on your side. |
The Real Wizard 22.10.2017 02:32 |
Barry Durex wrote: What sort of reply did you get when you asked for a copy of the tape? You did ask right?Why are you so obsessed with how I spend my spare time? If you want a new Queen tape, go find one. I owe you nothing, Barry. Nada. Zilch. Why is this so difficult for you to understand? Good luck with that. |