Hello all,
First post so let me know if I do something wrong. Now, Im not trying to gossip because I know that its not what this forum is about but this is quite interesting.
I was watching some sort of queen video on youtube and one of the comments said this (THIS IS A QUOTE, NOT MY WORDS):
''For the people that say that Freddie was 1000% gay and would never touch a woman after getting dumped by Mary in the 70s... I look at the striking resemblance to Freddie that Mikki Richardson (Barbara Valentin's daughter) has and I think that in itself begs to differ. She has Freddies eyes, nose, big teeth.. I can tell she dies her hair orange but I bet its naturally dark brown. I wish Mikki would get a DNA test with someone like Freddie's sister Kash so we would know for sure once and for all.''
Again, this is a quote of a comment I saw, some of the things in it are irrelevant. I dont even know if Mikki exists as I couldnt find a photo online but im sure someone on here knows something of this.
So yeah, this is just a quote for your discussion, quite interesting I think.
I think the world would know if Freddie Mercury had a child! But here's a serious answer to this silly question (just because it keeps coming up in Queen fandom circles): Barbara's daughter was a teenager when they met and was probably born in the late 60s. Pretty sure Freddie didn't sire a child when he was still in college. Her daughter is Minki Reichardt and she has large teeth simply because her mother does.
I've seen a similar comment on a video by a fan with serious delusional issues. The YouTube corner of the Queen fandom is largely a festering hive of nutters, so I'd take what commenters say with a pinch of salt. Anyone who believes this 'Freddie had a secret kid' shit is insane and I wish people would drop this bizarre obsession with him banging Barbara when his friends dispute it.
Villiers wrote:
I think the world would know if Freddie Mercury had a child! But here's a serious answer to this silly question (just because it keeps coming up in Queen fandom circles): Barbara's daughter was a teenager when they met and was probably born in the late 60s. Pretty sure Freddie didn't sire a child when he was still in college. Her daughter is Minki Reichardt and she has large teeth simply because her mother does.
I've seen a similar comment on a video by a fan with serious delusional issues. The YouTube corner of the Queen fandom is largely a festering hive of nutters, so I'd take what commenters say with a pinch of salt. Anyone who believes this 'Freddie had a secret kid' shit is insane and I wish people would drop this bizarre obsession with him banging Barbara when his friends dispute it.
well said ... Bravo I'll drink to that and by the way Mary never dumped Freddie ..crazy lunatics in the world stirring the pot!
I also read similar comments on You Tube.
She was in some documentary(Freddie's loves I think) and as far as I saw she doesn't look like him at all and she doesn't seem to be born in the '80s.
No one knows for sure what exactly happened between Barbara and Freddie when they were alone with each other.
But I think that Barbara pushed the story that she was in love with him to attract attention to herself.
This story that they had a child doesn't make any sense. Why would they cover that?But people have all kinds of ideas.
Does it really matter if Freddie did father a child? It's got nothing to do with Freddie or Queen's music, which is why we like the band. It would be just another fixation on somebody else outside of the band.
Oh right, didnt know when the daughter was born to be honest, her being born in the 60s removes any chance of Freddie being her father for sure haha.
Thanks for the info!
Invisible woman ,
"No one knows for sure what exactly happened between Barbara and Freddie when they were alone with each other. "
Some memories from David Wigg here at 17.19 min : link
( he was invited to join them, but " prefered a cup of tea" ) :)
That clip is always posted as evidence, but Wigg doesn't actually specify who he saw with Freddie though so that doesn't confirm anything. He walked in on a threesome, no names mentioned. It could be a case of the producers simply editing Wigg's words into the Barbara scene to make it as salacious and crazy as possible. And so many people often 'listen with their eyes' instead of their ears.
I hate these sensationalised tabloidesque shows with a passion. And David Wigg loves sensationalising Freddie. Remember, even the self-proclaimed 'Freddie's most trusted journalist' is still just that...a journalist who needs to make money from his stories. I find it hard to believe a supposedly private and guarded person like Freddie would allow a Daily Mail journalist to walk in whilst he's having sex.
As a side note, David Wigg once interviewed Freddie who said 'Mary was my last woman, Barbara is just my busty bitch friend' - not quite verbatim, but something like that. Well for some reason Wigg has conveniently removed that part from the 'unedited' tapes, so he can carry on making money off tales of Freddie's sordid life. I am quite cynical about the whole thing to be honest and I hate that I've allowed myself to be drawn into this whole Barbara Valentin debate! She's unimportant in the grand scheme of things and she didn't add anything noteworthy to Freddie's life story. Like Invisible Woman said, she just wanted to create a more significant role for herself in his story and thanks to Lesley Ann Jones' unstructured train wreck of a biography, it has unfortunately worked for she rears her ugly head in so many discussions about Freddie.
What the f*ck is your problem "MisterCosmicc"? Don't you have a life of some kind? Hobbies? All you do is post pointless idiocy that not even the most degenerated underage drunk could construe as humorous. Is there really nothing you can think of that would be a better use of your time? Nothing at all?